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Everything posted by DC

  1. Moderators can participate. @The Blackangel won last month therefore cannot participate this month.
  2. @Kane99 @Heatman @Boblee @Withywarlock @Darth @kingpotato @StaceyPowers Please cast your vote in the poll above for this month's Member of the Month. The winner will receive $5 USD delivered via Paypal or Amazon digital giftcard. Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community. Voting closes February 5th at 10pm EST. You may vote for yourself and you are encouraged to ask your friends to sign-up to VGR and vote for you!
  3. DC

    Community Chat #1

    Happy Saturday! How is everyone?
  4. Definitely let me know if you refer anyone and they are banned. It could be a system error.
  5. Welcome back, nice to see you.
  6. This is the official Member of the Month - January 2022 Nominations Thread. The winner will receive $5 USD delivered via Paypal or Amazon digital giftcard. Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community. You only nominate 1 member and you cannot nominate yourself. @The Blackangel won December's MOTM and thus is not eligible for this month. Nominations end January 30 at 10pm EST then a new thread will be created for voting.
  7. DC

    Thank You

    One final bump for those interested...
  8. Passive people don't get anything in life nor do they deserve anything.
  9. Happy Birthday. Hope you make the most of it @The Blackangel!
  10. I encountered two very bizarre and comical situations this morning. I would like the community's input on which is more outrageous. 1. I went to Walgreens (pharmacy/convenience store chain in the US) and the woman in front of me was checking out two items: retinol cream and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes'. 2. I then went to my favorite hiking spot. As I got out my car to walk to the trailhead, I saw a man (who had obviously just finished the hike) light up a cigarette. I wonder if these two are married. Anyways, I found both scenarios equally funny and outrageous. Vote!
  11. Congrats @The Blackangel - please PM me to let me know if you prefer Paypal payment or digital Amazon giftcard and also provide your relevant email address.
  12. I am going to close this thread but I appreciate the suggestion @Techno, keep them coming. 🙂
  13. Easily 15+ years for me as well. Pretty nostalgic .
  14. Agree Agree But will leave this thread open for a little bit for further discussion.
  15. I love this show and agree 100%. I would LOVE to see this converted to a video game. I'd like to play Starlight or A-Train personally.
  16. DC

    Thank You

    You're welcome! I have copies of Battlefield 2042 available if you're interested, no use to me just sitting around.
  17. DC

    Thank You

    Just awarded @kingpotato a digital copy of Battlefield 2042 for Playstation. Therefore, still remaining - 2 digital copies of Battlefield 2042 for Playstation, and 2 digital copies of Battlefield 2042 for Xbox. Any interest @Family sedan or @Withywarlock
  18. In my opinion, the best companies to invest in for the MetaVerse are probably Facebook, NVDA, and Roblox.
  19. Voting closes January 5th at 10pm EST
  20. DC

    Thank You

    Any interest @kingpotato @killamch89 @DylanC?
  21. Voting closes January 5th at 10pm EST
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