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Everything posted by DC

  1. We've been a little slower than usual the past 36 hours due to high traffic volumes on our homepage. @The Blackangel would you say its been slow the past 36 hours or has it been an ongoing issue? Thanks
  2. @kingpotato What fictional place would you most like to go?
  3. DC

    Ask Alyxx

    @Alyxx Would you rather be able to control animals (but not humans) with your mind or control electronics with your mind?
  4. @The Blackangel When did you last push the boundaries of your comfort zone?
  5. @Executor Akamia Are you ready for Xmas? What are your holiday plans?
  6. DC

    Community Chat #1

    What's everybody got going on this weekend?
  7. Well I am having a lot of trouble. Maybe provide the answer and move onto a new riddle? @The Blackangel
  8. DC

    Last Game Played

    Currently playing PUBG Mobile
  9. Understood @Crazycrab but I'd still rather those discussions take place on the forum as opposed to Discord. I appreciate your input, thanks for joining VGR.😀I'll continue to leave this topic open.
  10. Points awarded to all, offer now closed.
  11. Congrats @The Blackangel, points awarded.
  12. I've deleted the most recent post in this thread. Please debate without personal attacks (both of you) or move onto another threads. Thanks in advance.👍
  13. Ends in 24 hours, get your bids in if you haven't already.
  14. Points awarded to all. This is now closed.
  15. I got all these responses and will update the points tonight.
  16. I got all these responses and will update the points tonight.
  17. Voting closes December 5th at 10pm EST.
  18. There is nothing in the riddle about food or eating. 8 = ate? I think I need another hint. I don't think he was eaten lol.
  19. I need a hint...Is that your hint? Lol
  20. I am having trouble with this. Can you offer some sort of hint @The Blackangel? i assume the "8,8,8,8...." is a code for something but I can't decipher.
  21. @kingpotato @The Blackangel @Executor Akamia - points awarded, see you tomorrow.
  22. @kingpotato @The Blackangel @Executor Akamia - points awarded, see you tomorrow.
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