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Everything posted by DC

  1. Wow this is a great question and super subjective. I'd put Super Mario Bros and Minecraft at the top of my list. You could probably make a strong argument for GTA III and Modern Warfare 3 as well, right?
  2. DC

    Pepsi or Coke?

    Neither! I use to drink Dr. Pepper but have since given up all soda. It's so bad for you.
  3. DC

    Ask DC

    Steak Going to Washington DC when I was very young. I enjoyed all the arts, history, and monuments. Toured the Capitol and Supreme Court. Awesome experience.
  4. DC

    Ask Alyxx

    @Alyxx When did something start out badly for you but in the end, it was great?
  5. @Katri Marcell What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?
  6. @StaceyPowers What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?
  7. DC

    Ask Dylan

    @Dylan If you could switch two movie characters, what switch would lead to the most inappropriate movies?
  8. @Jerlene When you are old, what do you think children will ask you to tell stories about?
  9. @xXInfectedXx, we're not able to replicate this issue on our end. Has it happened since? Can you provide any additional information?
  10. Hey @Katri Marcell, this is a neat idea! This is something you could create a topic for in General Gaming. 🙂
  11. DC

    PS3 worth.

    It's probably worth $50-$75. It's old and out of date and technology depreciates quickly. I sold my Xbox 360 for $60, was just happy to get it out of my house and free up the space. Otherwise, I would have donated it.
  12. What was something you've done that made you feel extreme happiness?
  13. Usually relaxing watching TV or cleaning/organizing. I like movies too. If you could win an Olympic medal for any sport, real or fake, what would it be?
  14. DC

    Black Friday

    I didn't participate. I'm not really looking to purchase much of anything and if I do I'll just buy from online over the next 30-45 days.
  15. DC

    Chicago Fire

    Chicago Fire is one of my favorite shows. I hope it'll continue to evolve and last many more seasons.
  16. DC

    Ask Alyxx

    I agree, that is pretty silly. What skill would you like to master?
  17. DC

    Community Chat #1

    How was everyone's Thanksgiving?
  18. Not really understanding. Did you get a pop-up or redirect? Did it happen on our forum or homepage?
  19. What's the best way to spend a rainy afternoon?
  20. DC

    Ask Alyxx

    What's the silliest reason you've ever gotten into a fight with someone?
  21. Just voted. My favorite games from this list (in no particular order) are RDR2, BO4, BF5, GOW, and Spider-Man.
  22. What fact amazes you every time you think of it?
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