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Everything posted by Shole

  1. Kenshi probably. I wish Kenshi had a sequel, it might happen but you never know.
  2. I like a mix, a bit of commentary is good but being to quirky and too loud just makes me go watch another video.
  3. Warcraft 4, Command and Conquer Generals needs to get another one as well, as they were really nice, and maybe an open world Warhammer multiplayer game.
  4. Didn't see anything that would make go "I WANT!" this year nor the last, I have no such delusions when I have a low salary xD
  5. For most games yes, it's a bond that sometimes goes beyond that. I mean books and tv are the same, anime as well, games are just a different form of creating something or feeling something about someone from the fantasy realm.
  6. Hmmm never had one, the only one is if it's boring give it another shot, and if it's boring again delete uninstall goodbye. But generally I don't have rules, as it is just fun to play without rules.
  7. Varyin Wryin or Anduin Wryn would be in my top. Other than that I love Arthas Menthril and Uther The Lightbringer!
  8. Read Dead Redemption inspired me with some videos and songs, and I never played it, ever! But one day maybe I'll have enough money to do it.
  9. I got an Geforce RTX 2060 and i7 processor, I got a laptop tho, the Asus Rog Strix
  10. Hahah yes, I am way to calm to act out like that, I forgot his name as I played it only once!
  11. Pretty much so, although I think we could build a raft but it would be safer to stay for a while unless it's an island without food and water supplies.
  12. Sometimes it means death to all, usually it doesn't but sometimes...
  13. I don't really get annoyed by any character, but there are some that are connected to none-skippable cutscenes. The most annoying for me so far is a dwarf from World of Warcraft the time traveler but I forgot her name, she still pisses me off.
  14. Learning how to make them games, and playing more lol. I wish I learned to make them when I was young, my life might'ev been different :D.
  15. Ill assume it saves money and it saves gamers time, aka it loads faster. But that's just my guess. Money is probably the number one reason tho.
  16. Having free time and my friends having free time so we can all play together, that's the most painful thing ever.
  17. Any Warhammer 40k Warboss lol, they'd just run through anything and make big explosions. Not sure if I'd survive tho.
  18. Um I never learned anything from Dungeon Keeper but I still tried to play it a few times.
  19. I think the opposite of me is the guy in Far Cry who tells you what crazy is, I am not sure what his name was the guy with the Mohawk.
  20. I love watching people play rust, it's fun to see how they raid and build things.
  21. Sometimes I do, but usually i don't need to as the game is fun without my own challenges. NBA is the only one where I go "Ok I need to win this by X points" or "This player needs to score X points" or such.
  22. Oh I found about a Rust feature that slows you down, when you turn your graphics settings to really low then you can jump and people will see you fall down for a long time, I forgot which exact setting but you guys can google it (it was gamam or something).
  23. A Rust player lol or Steve from Mincraft. Those guys can build shelters and find food, that's all I need.
  24. Yes historical games can be used to do so. Especially like strategy games, you can learn a lot from CK2 and CK3 when it comes to dinasties and how the world looked like/was divided before our countries were made.
  25. Def I want the SAO(anime Swords Arts Online) or Log Horizon(anime again) type of games to be available in VR so I can do all crazy MMORPG stuff I ever wanted and never wake up XD
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