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Everything posted by Shole

  1. It depends in what game, for example Kenshi, Rust, and similar games based on survival I love it, it is fitting and helps a lot. But for other games that are not survival based it can be annoying.
  2. Guess they want to make more money, but I don't think they will enforce it hard. After all it will make some developers go to other platforms, and we know that some games can blow up like Among Us and make them a lot of money.
  3. Well they try to tap into that market, if they can make money off of it why not? It is not really surprising, as now most companies are going to do silly stuff just for the money. It seems like a trend in a lot of companies, and it seems it worked for some, but I don't think in the long run it will be sustainable, I think we will see a console fall sometime soon.
  4. I will finally have enough money to buy Crusader Kings 3 and I will probably get nba2k21. TFT and maybe lol mobile will be played a lot as well.
  5. Shole


    I don't own a TV anymore, I use my monitor to play games on the console. But I am thinking of buying a smart TV at some point 😄
  6. Yes and no. In my opinion they should stay there to give the devs some income so they fix it. If it isn't fixed in a month they should remove the game. That's my opinion, if you make a game, and release it as a full game you have 1 month for it to get to a great playable level, not just playable.
  7. Star Trek was really the thing I couldn't get into both the TV series and the Movie....I just couldn't it repulsed me and I started watching it by being forced by my ex and just hated it more.
  8. Well I think when the game isn't going in the same direction as it was, No mans sky did a great job although I am not sure if they changed their staff that much.
  9. Skyrim def, that and Oblivion. Other than that I guess Rust? If it is an open world tho I am not sure. I love exploring skyrim and finding new places hence I replayed it more than a few times.
  10. I wouldn't say the improved anything drastically but still the graphics are better and I think the PS5 is a bit more silent than the ps4 (one fried told me that not sure tho, they sound the same to me).
  11. Normal mic connection. I know that in the PS4 you needed a special mic, so I'd like to see that being changed into any mic, as I wanted to stream, but can't do it without the special mic 😞 Not sure if they changed it for ps5
  12. It is crazy to think that Americans will now experience something they didn't for a long time, most of the countries I lived in experienced some kind of revolt, my home country even multiple ones. So in a way it might change the mentality, and I hope that it will be better after this all finishes, and maybe I move to the USA one day 😄
  13. Both are fun if you find the right people. I prefer with friends since we have inside jokes and everything, so yeah as long as you find good people you will have fun.
  14. OBS worked the best so far so I will keep using that for any screen recording and game recording, also it is free and can connect to Twitch easily.
  15. Yes and No, I've been attacked by others through chat and voice, but it's not like I think of it as anything but funny. Most people online tho(97% of them) were really nice to me so I can't say I experienced much cyber bulling.
  16. Depends how much money you have. If you are famous you will get it fast XD I wont wait since I am a PC mostly gamer, but if I had to, 3 months max.
  17. Like people hate other hobbies, there are two options: A) They never found something they like. B) They just don't enjoy it. So basically either they didn't find a game they like and enjoy(which with some guidance can be fixed) or they just don't like it, like I don't like watching soccer, and some people love to watch it.
  18. Oh there isn't a feature for that? I mean I thought they would add it..well don Microsoft...well done.
  19. Not really, I got the ps3 and do nothing with it...it just collects dust, but if you want to be a collector go ahead 😄
  20. Best for me is def Arthas and Anduin in Warcraft universe(Warcraft III and World of Warcraft), while the worst...hmm can't really think of any worst one.
  21. God that sounds like a horrible bug. But sometimes it is funny you are just standing there waiting for it to get over and something just comes out and kills you while the npc is talking normally XD
  22. Not really, I just do the fun ones but this is also depending on what game I play. If I play World of Warcraft I am doing everything, other games nah. I can't be bothered.
  23. I am not sure if a raspberry would be any worth, I mean they are small and all of that but what about the cooling and the battery life? If the borders were open I'd suggest you'd got to china and buy some things, but since they aren't you might get lucky ordering online :S As for suggestions, look into the cooling system and battery possibilites first.
  24. Well you do have some like Crusader Kings II and III that limit your wife's in certain religions, but other than that...I dunno I have never thought about it really.
  25. Seeing Arthas go from the future prince and savior of humanity to the Lich King with frostmourne 😞
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