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Everything posted by Shole

  1. It was kinda fun, I wonder what happened to those scholarship things, did the players get it in the end?
  2. NIce, I got a 14 seems like I need to level up my gaming knowledge XD
  3. Minecraft, any racing game, any co-op adventure(Satisfactory is fun). You can do many things depending on the age of the kid, even strategies are good.
  4. I mean you should've lawyered up, it's dumb that big companies can just abuse a lot of things easily just because they have a ton of money laying around.
  5. You have to understed, in China and asia in general 99% of the people use their phone for everything from paying to literary anything, they are mostly on their phone, like throughout the day. Which is terrible for kids as it will damage their eyesight really bad, plus the games in China are made with so many pay for options that it is dangerous for parents to leave the kids with the phone. Also due to social interaction being as it is in China, people commit suicide because of games so to prevent such an addiction I think it's okay to limit the kids game time, but just so you know most kids bypass that limit with some app's or just enter their mother or father's number in, so it's as most laws in china vaguely followed.
  6. They don't care to pay people for security, they just want as much money as they can, it's mostly like with a lot of offline companies at least in my country. It's sometimes like wow you have such a low end website...I know my school got hacked recently by a 5th grade student...so you can imagine.
  7. Well they are milking it as much as they can. The storage update should've been done better, if phones can have 200+ gb then the switch should too, but it might be the cooling that's the problem with getting a bigger storage, dunno not an expert. The look is underwhelming, from the video, but well it's just like a mini update, not worth the buy.
  8. Yeah Polygon and ING are just trash lately, you are better off with youtubers showing new videos or announcing new games and what they think.
  9. Turning off discord because it somehow messes up my nba2k online experience, I dunno why. Also not being able to play minecraft windows version due to windows update being bugged. Had to reinstall windows to play it....It's so stupid that it's so connected.
  10. As soon as someone mentioned Heavy metal in video games I thought of Brutal Legend, but then again Twisted Metal has some brutal tracks as well.
  11. A lot of people don't understand that there is a lot of locked things. Like China has it's own firewall, USA bans some stuff for Europe, Europe bans some USA things (rarely mostly it's China bans them XD) but still a lot of people don't understand that the Internet is slowly closing down :S
  12. Shole


    Ah the painful game of blocks, I hate it, and I will always hate it. This does not kill time when you are bored this kills you.
  13. Def that B Fresh rapper from NBA2k , she was the most annoying person in every cutscene she appeared.
  14. Shole

    Dr. Mario

    I never played it, and it seems people say it's like opposite of tetris in this thread? I mean is it fun to play it now or is it just meh?
  15. Little Nightmares is looking so good, I love the whole idea of it. I mean I dislike them not hate them, I still play like Rimworld and Prison Architect, it all depends if it just catches my attention.
  16. Oh then I agree fully with you. You can't have a fire mage just randomly cast poison magic for no reason. In the game reality, the rules should apply without being like confused what or why things happen randomly.
  17. It seems to be exactly what I would describe a good switch game for me lol. I hope I get a switch one day tho, it seems like the best travel thing right now.
  18. I think we will have more and more those kind of hacks as people try to make games on new stuff. Like having everything online gives it's own risks, even tho for example in NBA2k21 it can prevent you from cheating but then again if you are offline you can't access your mycareere player 😞
  19. If it makes money why not 😄 , i think that's the concept lately, if it's too much of a demand we keep it open for another year or two.
  20. It's the least fun when you know you can be doxxed or traced from a games dumb mistake. I will def not even get close to playing it. A lot of people can have their lives kinda destroyed by it.
  21. Shole

    Cozy Grove

    Is this like somewhat of a Stardust Valley copy or Animals Crossing? Cuz it kinda reminds me of a hybrid of those two.
  22. They will def milk that whole series. I bet it's gonna be so bad they gonna have Snake die and be replaced by his something(apprentice, or daughter or something like that) who is naturally born for that role lol.
  23. That's why PC has so many indie games that the console market losses out on, but then again so many bad indie games is not that good for the market.
  24. Well the popularity has really really grown, and people got mad about it so for sure they had to increase their production.
  25. I meant more of like getting people with certain budget limits. For example, my pc costs 1800 euros, let s say 2k $, that's 3-10 salaries in Serbia sometimes, so it is quite expensive. But well you are right that it might not be so influential when it comes to money.
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