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Everything posted by Juneberry

  1. Ooooh that's a tough one.... I'd love the cash because of my dad's and my health, but on the other hand... I don't think I can easily give up on video games... They help my mental health a lot...
  2. I have a number of apps that help me be productive... Well, sometimes. I'm really bad at not procrastinating. -.- 1. WeNote - a note taking app that lets you color code and organize your notes. 2. Poet Assistant - A great multi-tool including dictionary/thesaurus, text to speech, etc. 3. Some bank apps 4. Weather app 5. Level Up Life - A method of making various tasks as a game. You can make your own tasks or choose premade ones, and it's fun.
  3. My first thought is Car Battler Joe, but it wasn't really that well known even when it was a new game to play, from what I'm aware. It's sad, because it was a really good game... And me saying that about a game about racing and battling is pretty rare.
  4. I was horrible at some games and great at others even as a kid. My dad used to have me sit on his lap and play Total Annihilation online against my uncle. He'd let me make choices and things knowing full well I wasn't good at them, to help me improve. I'm still only average today at strategy games, but I'm better than I was. As for in general when I became good at games... Some were just inherently good for me, and others were just frustrating.
  5. For me, violence is a spectrum. My biggest issue with it is blood, really. The bloodier the game, the less I like it. I like cartoon violence that's more squash and stretch, or at the very least doesn't show blood. My Time at Portia is a good example: in the game, you can fight creatures, who disappear in a puff of smoke rather than a pool of blood. You can also fight the townsfolk in spars, which are very simple fights but still somehow help me. 🙂
  6. There's a few things that turn me off when it comes to looking into a game I think I might enjoy. 1. POV - I'm 99% of the time not going to enjoy a game if it is in first person. The only game I particularly like that way is Minecraft. Others tend to bug me. 2. The amount of blood - I can't handle blood or extremely violent games, so when I either see it in a trailer or read about it, I generally avoid the game if it feels I won't handle it. 3. No plot - I love a plotline in games. If I read the description and see no plot at all, I'm more wary of it. Even most of my simulation games have a plot! Those are the main things I can think of... I'm sure there's more though.
  7. I'm not big on notably violent video games, honestly, but when I do play them... I like them because they let me blow off some steam. That's honestly the only reason I like them at all.
  8. I've never actually spent an extended amount of time playing from start to finish. I'm more of a casual gamer who plays lackadaisically. I think the longest I've sat playing a game is somewhere around three hours.
  9. I have a LOT of games I play on mobile. Pokemon GO, World Neverland: Elnea Kingdom, and Stardew Valley are the three I play the most. I also have an eclectic amount of games from the company Kairosoft and other games I barely play at this point. I should really clear that up.
  10. Has anyone else heard of this game? It's part of a series that, before this version, was only ever in Japanese. I don't know much about its predecessors, but this version is a life simulation of sorts. You can farm (sorta), fish, go gathering, fight in dungeons and then some. I'm curious if there's anyone else besides me that plays it here. It's free on android and iPhone, though it now has versions on other platforms from what I've read.
  11. I actually still play it a lot. My father and I play it together regularly- it helps make us take walks, and gives us something to do if we feel like paying for incense at home. My dad's more obsessed than I am, but he's always been that way with Pokemon games in general. I know a lot of people stopped playing it over time, but I've met plenty of people who still play regularly. You can easily find them by asking for friends on Twitter xD
  12. Thank you both for the kind words. 🙂
  13. I went to check Steam to see which game I played the most, and I was unsurprised to find the answer was 100% Orange Juice, with My Time at Portia closing in at second. I've played the first over 400 hours, and the later just shy of 400 hours. I wonder when I'll surpass OJ and RNG with my obsession with My Time at Portia?
  14. I recently bought a game on steam that's in Alpha called Alchemy Garden. I was super excited for it, but for an alpha you have to pay to take part in, there's some pretty big bugs. If we're talking about games that aren't still in the production process, I think I'd have to say... Rune Factory: Frontier. It's not a bad game overall, it just didn't really fit my expectations when thinking of the first three that I loved to bits.
  15. While action in a game is great, I'm far more story-driven than action-driven, whether it comes to games or anything else for that matter. The reason I love Portia is it has an interesting story with all sorts of twists and in depth characters. :3
  16. I think that may be the case of QP Dangerous Shooting, because that bullet hell I can't even get through the first level... no matter how hard I try, and I've tried a fair amount.
  17. I primarily play games on my PC at this point. In terms of other systems, I mostly liked the PS3 and Wii.
  18. For me, it'd probably be Tetrocrate. It's akin to tetris, and puzzles have always been soothing for me. I also love word games.
  19. I was referred here by DC via Forum Promotion.
  20. I figured these are always fun, so why not join the ride? Ask me stuff! :3
  21. In terms of general games I'm bad at, that would include bullet hell games and shooters in general. If we're talking a specific game... Evolution Worlds on GameCube will never let me win.
  22. Played some Pokemon GO for a while with my dad.
  23. Hihi! How's it going, guys? Juneberry here, just wanted to say hello. I hope to get along well with everyone here. :3
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