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Knight Plug

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Everything posted by Knight Plug

  1. Seeing as how they were already outsourcing the games after they split up Team Silent, I don't know why they've left the series alone for this long. My guess is that the bad blood between Konami and Hideo Kojima had to fizzle down first, which has taken quite a few years. But with how Capcom has handled the RE series, and the recognition they're getting nowadays, I thought Konami would have tried to do something to rebound. You know? Capitalize on what's happening in this genre. Yet I've never really considered Capcom and Konami to be rivals, nor do I get the frequent comparisons online. They're both a survival horror series, but they are drastically different. Some people say the genre is stale and has a limited fanbase. But I disagree. Horror games, if done right, can be fantastic with a 2021 take on it. However, I want two things to be ignored. That being remakes and first person. It's just that I like neither. A "soft reboot" is okay, because you can make something new without fully ignoring the legacy of that particular franchise. But doing remakes and whatnot, just feels lazy. It's like if there's already a story they can use, it's like they can sort of cheat their way through the development stages. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, this summer should be a hot one indeed!
  2. Well, RE4 is set in a village too, yet that game really doesn't have bugger all to do with the story established in any of the previous games. Other than the fact Leon returned, of course. But he was so different in terms of his general personality. To me, Leon in RE4 was nothing like how Leon was in RE2. Vampire type enemies don't really belong in the series, if I have to be honest. This is why some people think this game is going to be incredibly obscure. Not to mention, RE4 is receiving a remake. A remake! It's not just another port, like they have been doing for years upon years by this point. RE4 doesn't need a remake. And the original RE4 is a long game. They will probably remove stuff from the original RE4 to save time and money, or to half-bake everything. RE4 from 2005 is considered to be a large game, so Capcom has to pull their weight to make that remake turn out reasonably good. If they cut a lot of content or alter the plot too much, as they're known to do, then nobody will be happy. And me personally, I don't particularly care about seeing any further remakes at all. It just shows that they are stuck on ideas, and so they just choose to rehash their previous titles, as it's easier to recreate something by switching up a few things.
  3. Yes, Capcom. I'm sure even a kid knows you have to shoot those red barrels to make them explode! ๐Ÿคญ
  4. The new merchant ("The Duke") looks incredibly silly. That type of thing doesn't really belong in a franchise, that we all know is meant to involve disasters revolving around science. Right? What does this game have to do with the general lore, established up to this point in time? Likely, not a great deal. ๐Ÿค‘
  5. I don't think Konami could really remaster the first game, giving how old it is. But I don't really care about remakes either. They reimagined the first game's story before, with this game called Shattered Memories. It did not feel like a proper entry, by any means. You had to run away from the monsters, yet they easily caught you. If a reboot were to occur, nobody would particularly notice, and it would feel like a sequel. Nearly every game in the series had its own story anyway. So I think that's better. Remakes to me are not necessary.
  6. Since the Game Awards is set to happen tomorrow, and Capcom said there's supposed to be an update about Resident Evil Village this winter, I hope the release date gets formally revealed soon. That hack indicated that it's April. Well, that makes sense, giving the fact that the awful RE3 remake was out in April this year. Anyway, there's also a slim chance that the Silent Hill reboot will be getting revealed as well, since there's been rumours about it up the ass all year round. Then recently, they started talking about how Hideo Kojima is apparently working on Silent Hills again, even though he fell out with Konami years ago. Isn't that just absurd, or what?
  7. If we aren't getting spoiler heavy trailers up the butt, we have another problem where hackers are revealing important plot aspects, months before games are due to launch. Which is worse? Will there ever be an end to this madness? We just want great games to play. No frills. ๐Ÿ˜ช
  8. Does anybody here think that Revelations 2 completely copied the game called The Last of Us by Naughty Dog? OK. Allow me to explain... - There's an immune girl who throws bricks. - Barry resembles Joel. - Barry is like a surrogate father to Natalia Korda. - The crafting system is similar. - Enemies and boss fights look identical. - You can see enemies through walls. - There's a similar winter portion of the game, where you hunt rabbits. To me, RE8 is probably a glorified filler game so they can cut and paste assets into the trashy RE4 remake. Let's be honest. Capcom loves to cut corners. That game doesn't need a remake. It's already available pretty much everywhere. You can even play RE4 on mobile devices. So what's the point in doing a remake? They'd just end up cutting out tons of enemies, plus a lot more. RE4 is a long game, so they likely will leave out a lot. Sorry, but I just cannot see it being anything other than a total waste of good resources. After that, they're likely going to do a CVX remake as a cash grab as well, which is what they should have been doing anyway. CV was released in 2000, after all. But I guess it's because CVX is not as popular as RE4 is. However, CV is the real sequel to RE2, so Capcom, this doesn't make any sense whatsoever. They just did RE3 on the PlayStation due to Capcom being contracted to make three Sony RE titles, not including Survivor, which is a side story game. That doesn't count.
  9. Like, I wouldn't say it's not possible, but zombies are pretty much just the base threat. Zombies on the other hand, basically peaked when they transformed into Crimson Heads. Surprisingly, they were only adapted as 'super enemies' in the first remake, and as famous and scary as they are considered as today, I am amazed at how Capcom seems to have all but overlooked them since 2002. But it's also probably just a case that they keep on changing the enemy types in each sequel anyway. Capcom usually prefers to add in stronger variations of something we've faced before, as opposed to offering up new enemies. Kind of like when they had those Hunters in Revelations that you could hardly see. They were just like any other Hunter, really, except these ones were not easily noticeable, especially in a snowy region for example. However, that was an interesting twist. They also did the same thing with the Molded where we got a slightly harder variation to face as Chris, but I still say they were the more lazily designed of Capcom's current additions to the franchise. Well, I mean, they all just for the most part at least, look identical.
  10. There's now a live action series in the works too, which may in fact be linked to the plot of the first game. Capcom certainly enjoys padding out the story. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  11. Just the same, I can predict Chris getting a DLC side story that explains why he is acting how he is. After all, he's the most popular character, in a sense. But he is also getting old. He will probably die or retire at some point in the series. However, his story with Jill kind of seems unfinished to me.
  12. When they put in the trailer, "His story is coming to a close", do you think they meant Ethan or Chris?
  13. I'd love to know where the upcoming CGI series falls in terms of the timeline, because Claire looked like she was wearing her Revelations 2 attire. Although I cannot imagine it's set before RE6. The last movie must have been set in 2013 (even if it was never confirmed). Vendetta, that is. I think RE8 having a merchant indicates this will be a more action heavy entry than 7 was. But if the enemies are tougher, that may compensate for this. RE4 and 5 and also 6 were heavily criticised for being too heavy on the action. They were like cheesy Hollywood blockbusters. But RE4 did have tense moments. Remember the coal carts in the mines?
  14. Capcom intends to release another CGI movie next year, with Leon and Claire. ๐Ÿค‘ ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™€๏ธ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ For some reason, videos aren't embedding on here, unless I edit my posts and re-paste the links. Well, I did point that out already. ๐Ÿคจ
  15. The Tim Burton like parts seem kind of odd. I wonder if any of those parts are playable too. The next update isn't coming until the winter. Better snuggle up, but remember to wear a mask.
  16. Just in case anyone missed it, here is the Tokyo Game Show special presentation from Capcom concerning how far the game is coming along. We get to see some of the castle's interior too, and they hinted that the current generation consoles may also be receiving the game. If so, then wow. I don't know why this video didn't embed the first time I tried to post it, but anyway...
  17. If you play the DLC for 7: Biohazard, it is confirmed that Chris is working with the newly established Umbrella Corporation. Their logo is just like their old one, apart from it being blue. In the Not a Hero scenario, Chris is looking for Lucas Baker in these mines beneath the Dulvey plantation, and his captured soldiers get killed. During the medley, Chris is talking to a woman via radio, and he's quite unsure of their actual motives, so he brushes her off with sarcasm whenever she replies. This suggests that in Resident Evil Village, he realises he was just being used. But I don't know. There's no way of knowing for sure as to why is Chris is acting like a villain now, until Capcom reveals something. We ought to find out more about the game's progress tomorrow regardless.
  18. I do like the "Blue Umbella" sub-plot, though. At least Capcom knows how to get everybody talking. ๐Ÿฅด
  19. I'm sure that, like 7: Biohazard is, it will generally be a challenging and impressive horror game. Although it resembles nothing of a Resident Evil game of old. If you've followed the series closely for years like I have, then you'll know what I mean. For example, why have all of these iconic characters doing nothing any more, and so why not use them as the main characters? Now we have just a guy's hands and voice in place of a real classic character. Who are the Winters, really? Yeah, Chris is also in the game, but they are probably just using him as a selling point. Nobody really buys the game for somebody like Ethan Winters, right?
  20. So here we are some 5 months later... and as predicted, no true RE fan even gives a flying frog's butt about this pitiful "remake" anymore. ๐Ÿ˜œ I thought the RE2 remake was actually a pile of trash as well. People generally say that RE3 sucks, but RE2 isn't really any better. It does not deserve a free pass whatsoever, but people are inclined to think it's some brilliant masterpiece. It truly isn't deserving of the praise it receives online. For I mean, you run like a jackass around like one bloody street at the beginning to get to the building, and there you go. You're at the police station already. That's just dumb. Not to mention, all of the locations and creatures that Capcom shoddily removed from the game. Sorry, but that's nothing more than a disservice to the fans as a whole. How is it that you could code crows and spiders in a 1996 game, but not in 2019? Come on, Capcom. That's just stupid and sheer laziness on your behalf! In the original RE2, you start at the fire in the streets and either run inside the police station, or you have to go the longer route if you're playing the A scenario. You basically go in the gun shop, see the owner (Robert Kendo) being devoured by zombies, and you traverse alleyways and a basketball court, as well as heading through a bus. NONE of that made it into the half-baked 2019 version. At least, not in that particular order. Yes, you do visit the gun shop, but that occurs much later on. Kendo isn't killed by zombies either, because they make out he has a sick daughter. In the RE3 remake especially, the original game's locations were more so just serving as backdrops. Also, they did away with Ada's iconic red dress. I guess that's what Capcom sees as being 'fan service' to a community that begged them years ago to do a remake, similar to Shinji Mikami's remake in 2002 that was on the Nintendo GameCube. The rest of the game just felt so cheesy and rushed, quite frankly. When you're in the tram, heading down to the lab, there's no tension inside of you at all. And yes, Capcom. We wanted an actual remake. You provided something so inferior. I don't care what anybody says about RE4 and most of the action oriented games that followed. RE4 practically killed the series. It's a dumb action adventure game that is pretending to be a horror title, where you shoot anything that moves and you pick up coins, and look for treasure. You can do kicks and wrestling moves on enemies. Hell, just about everything you slay drops something. That's just idiotic. That isn't to say RE4 is by any means absolutely crap, or unplayable. But as a RE game in line with the older games, I don't like that it disregarded the plot established in the other games. It sort of rendered all of that build-up relatively pointless. Everybody was eager to take on Umbrella someday, but Capcom just axed all of that. Unless of course, you want to play an awful on-rails shooting game like The Umbrella Chronicles. That game is dog poop, but at least it sort of concluded that arc with Umbrella, and playing as Wesker in first person is kind of cool. To be honest, I think a lot of people are predicting that "Village" is going to be a filler game, so that Capcom can basically save money and insert assets from that game into the eventual RE4 remake. Again, what's really the point in remaking RE4 anyway? It's the primary reason we've ended up with so many trashy third person shooter horror titles in any case. Hitting that reset button just feels pointless. About as pointless as all of these bland tie-in games that Capcom has been licensing, because they are money grabbers. You name it. Umbrella Corps, Operation Raccoon City, that Android nonsense, and Project Resistance. These games spit in the face of the real RE fans. Although I must say, the animated movies are done with a lot of passion. 2020 has sucked. We're going through a pandemic... and where the heck is the great games, eh? We don't know much, if anything yet, about how much the PS5 will cost upon its release. ๐Ÿคจ
  21. Well, I'll be watching Michael Does Life when he goes live.
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