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Knight Plug

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Everything posted by Knight Plug

  1. Well, Capcom are done with RE3 now, so there's no "Clock Tower DLC" coming soon, or any of that speculated nonsense. They even said so. So anything Stephanie is working on cannot be RE3, but it could be something to do with that God awful spin off that came with RE3 (Resistance). I hope not.
  2. OK. The PS5 reveal has been put off, which truly sucks. I wouldn't believe what this "Nemesis" guy says, because he was okay years ago, until he started wanting to get in bed with Capcom, and the voice cast for these horrible remakes. His rumours sound wild, although they probably didn't come from him directly. https://twitter.com/Nemesisx25/status/1267512759824064512
  3. So I was looking forward to some news, at long last. But today, I just found out that Sony has cancelled the PS5 reveal for 4 June, over a recent racist incident. While I can understand that there's a lot going on right now, there's no denying that this is disappointing. 2020 has sucked so far. 😞
  4. I have no idea. It appears that Capcom is hiring other companies to develop the games, where they simply do very little. That's kind of why the series sucks now. No real passion went into these recent games. They felt like something you would find discounted at $10 in a bargain bin, and the dialogue is just so, so bad. No way is RE3 worth sixty bucks. I just hope RE8 isn't a colossal screw up as well. 🙄
  5. We could be getting an announcement on 10 June. Rumours have began doing the rounds again. Some people speculate it could be to do with their Ambassador scheme, as indicated by a translated Twitter post, and nothing more. But I mean, Dusk Golem did say RE8 was going to be revealed soon, so it would make sense to reveal the game when E3 had originally been going to be held. But who knows? I do think that big reveal is due relatively soon.
  6. Yeah, dude. I actually know the feeling... I've seen so many people saying the story in these games sucks, which I'll admit, it does feel like that these days. That isn't to say "it has always sucked", as some ignorant radge pots on other forums often claim. In fact, I got banned from a Silent Hill forum last year, because some guy had a go at me for what he viewed as me taken the story in RE7 too seriously, or however he worded his rant. So after I was outed, he got promoted as a moderator. It's just incredibly sad how a lot of years of my time on that website didn't amount to squat in the long run. I've wanted to quit forums for years, but I guess being lonely and bored is what drives me back to them. The thing is, I think the remake and prequel not being commercial hits was what caused Shinji Mikami to take the direction he did with RE4 being this action oriented, weird experience. Whatever people think of that game, it's still the primary reason RE has been in this terrible slump for well going over a decade. And yes, I know people say RE7 was a return to familiar territory, but I honestly don't regard that as being anything special. I've never truly liked first person shooters either. And there's a reason why I don't regard it as being overly amazing. All Capcom really did there was throw in a bunch of things from famous horror movies, and somehow got themselves another free pass. I'm also of the belief that Capcom wanted to copy P.T. because Konami got all that buzz with it, and then the much lauded Silent Hills was axed. But I mean, if you really think about it, the only monsters you have to kill besides the mutated family, are these generic black humanoids. Otherwise, you just contend with the Baker family. That's it. When put against the other games, that's nothing all that memorable. In the other games, you had a whole range of enemies blocking your path, including zombies, dogs, crows, spiders, Hunters and Lickers, and a whole slew of other notable creatures. RE4 having druids and whatnot, was why it didn't feel like RE anymore. Yet apparently, the remake of RE4 will link to Nemesis from RE3. RE7 was a good game in general. Don't discredit it entirely. But as the years go by, RE as a whole just doesn't feel like RE all that much any longer. For the most part, they resemble Call of Duty and Gears of War. That's just not what RE is supposed to represent. But it's also because standard survival horror games are seen as being kind of "boring" in the eyes of the casual, Fortnite player. Hell, I'll go out on a limb and say The Evil Within games captured the concept of 'action horror' almost perfectly. The games are about the closest you get to a modern day Silent Hill feel with the RE4 like feeling the genre is now known for mostly, yet no-one really praises Bethesda for any of their hard work. The same with The Last of Us, or even underrated games such as Days Gone. They have often gotten a pretty underwhelming response, being dismissed by their critics as being movie games. It's so sad, because Days Gone is a long game and very, very detailed. Yet people wanna praise Capcom's half-baked garbage like it's nobody's business. Well, I guess they don't mind bad quality gaming then. Anyway, that's the end of my spewing for now. You can agree or not. These are just my own opinions...
  7. Well, the series has been underwhelming for years now, thanks to Capcom switching over to action, and today the games are chock-a-block with Michael Bay like explosions. The plot is also absurd, because they went from the Umbrella Corporation being the focal point, to whatever one note trashy villains they have these days. And now Umbrella are good, with a blue logo in place of the old red one. Sorry, but that's just stupid. About as stupid as Chris Redfield working alongside of them, with his awful current look. Hell, the guy in RE7 doesn't even remotely resemble Chris in the earlier RE efforts at all. You could be forgiven for thinking he isn't even the same person. Apparently, RE8: "Village" will convert Ethan Winters into this Ash Williams type of hero, where he kills werewolves with a chainsaw. I mean, seriously! The guy also happens to have a wife named Mia. He loses a hand. Hello! What movie series is all of this being taken from? RE4 is overrated tripe. It's generally not a bad game in its own right, but as a RE sequel, it kind of sucks. The merchant for example is one dumb "character" because of how unrealistic he is. Yes, other games have merchant people that sell you stuff. Guess what, though? Do you see them teleporting their stock everywhere like it's nobody's business? Not to mention the druids, ogres, and other enemies in the game don't really seem like RE creatures either. But that isn't to say the game is overall terrible. The same with 5 and 6. They have some quality to them. The thing is though, Capcom can do nothing but rip off other games and movies nowadays, plus market them as survival horror, when they clearly are more like action horror. Even RE: Revelations 2 practically copied Naughty Dog's game, yet I feel like that goes unnoticed by a lot of fanboys. Or maybe they know about it, but they just don't care. I'm sorry, but these games just don't make much if any sense anymore. I feel like tuning out altogether now, quite frankly.
  8. "Dusk Golem" on Twitter has claimed that Capcom may not formally announce the RE4 remake until next year, due to the promotion they are planning for RE8: Village.
  9. It probably won't stay faithful at all. Capcom fumbled the ball with RE3, since they just did this... -Cut enemies, such as the spiders, crows, and the Grave Digger (as in, that giant worm thing). -Radically removed the number of areas. -Nemesis appearing was not random attacks, but more so triggered to be that way. -Barry didn't save Jill and Carlos at the end, which is absolutely supposed to be canonical. -Locations such as the dead factory and the clock tower were omitted. You only see the clock tower as you fight Nemesis in a courtyard. -The game isn't scary at all, and there's no real replay value to it. If anything, it feels like another action game, akin to RE5 and RE6. The list goes on. I'd personally rather they take the series forward, but they love to go back to what is familiar, as they are money grabbers.
  10. I don't see the point in a RE4 remake. What's the point other than to make yet another large heap of cash? RE4 is already available on practically everything. It's only 15 years old, and so many fans like it just as it is. I also consider RE4 to be the death of real survival horror gaming, due to its blatant move towards linear action sequences. Not only that, where is the CVX remake? That would make way more sense. CVX is the real sequel to RE2. That should get remade before RE4. But it's way too soon to remake RE4, and they will probably omit a lot of areas, enemies, and so much more. It seems obvious to me that Capcom are just money hungry, and they don't generally work on these lazy remakes anyway. They outsourced RE3, which has received tons of unfavorable reviews. And I don't know about RE2 getting outsourced, but they are now one of the worst companies in gaming when it comes to milking their top franchises. Also, I just want to point out that I think the whole point of RE8 coming before RE4, is so they can reuse assets of that game without having to design the levels one by one.
  11. I don't know, but I have heard a RE4 remake is in development. It is being outsourced to M-Two, who were behind the RE3 remake.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cloiiAhVZc So the new rumours going around, is that RE8 started life as a side story game, specifically Revelations 3, and that Chris and Ethan are to reunite to fight a witch type enemy, on an island.
  13. My friend Michael Does Life reviewed the game earlier on. Do note that this stream contains spoilers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OlTac0ximE
  14. Quite a number of fans want to see RE4 remade. That game isn't even that old. Plus, it's the game that started the third person RE games anyway. I think Capcom needs to focus on sequels now, going forward with things.
  15. I've been a fan of the RE franchise since I was 13. RE2 (the original) was the game that brought me to the dance. I became obsessed with survival horror after experiencing that game, to the point where I went and played Silent Hill and other famous franchises, all revolving around a high level of the creepiness factor. The thing is, all was going well, until RE4 arrived. I prefer to just count CVX as the real RE4, and kind of ignore RE4 and garbage like the two 'Chronicles' games and whatnot, as even being a part of the series these days. In fact, I'm also tired of Capcom going back to 1998 over and over again in general. It's seriously just lame that they cannot move forward, without trying to move backwards concurrently. RE4 is not a bad game, per se. But it ain't really a proper RE game in my eyes. Shinji Mikami leaving Capcom and Team Silent leaving Konami I feel is what killed the two biggest horror series. Now RE has been a cash cow for over a decade, with incredibly lame spin offs and now two hollow remakes, that to me feel more like a parody of their respective originals. If fans liked them, it's okay to do so. I'd never blatantly flame anybody for speaking up about how they feel. But RE4 feels kind of dumb in many ways, like with having the enemies drop stuff, and that merchant who is moving around places like he's got magical abilities or something, and the endless amount of enemy gauntlets you blast your way through, and that cheesy (in a bad way) voice acting, and the most 'not RE enemies' enemies you face up to. Revelations 2 feels like a cut and paste of The Last of Us. I seriously doubt RE will be restored to its past glory due to how crappy the games are becoming, with Capcom focusing on stealing ideas from movies or keeping up with the latest trends. And it's sad. I saw RE3 footage online, and every time Jill speaks, I swear, you don't care about her like you did with the 1999 version. At all! The other characters also feel one-dimensional. You cared about the original characters, as they had soul. Here, I don't know. It feels like a bland third person shooter that just wants to be RE, but it feels so empty.
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