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Family sedan

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Everything posted by Family sedan

  1. I also wanted the GT1 baseball cap, maybe I'll find it at an antique store someday.
  2. I almost met Terry Labonte once. I won race tickets to that New Hampshire race where Jeff Burton led all 300 laps in September, 2000 and got to listen to Terry Labonte speak in a hospitality tent on race day. I would have gotten to meet him if I asked a question, but I was too scared that my question would be dumb, but I almost met Terry Labonte.
  3. I would like to collect Gran Turismo Die-cast, but I don't know if that much of it exists.
  4. I used to watch my brother play sometimes before he moved to Richmond, VA. Now I mostly watch Kamikazegames and I like when he strays off topic.
  5. I've only ever had one that broke and I threw it away. I used it to watch DVDs and listen to CDs, not for gaming.
  6. Both could be awesome. I guess seeing the future might be more fun unless you end up horrified by what you might find. If you go for the past option, you might have a preconceived notion of what it was like and that can be proven either right or wrong. My idea of the future kind of scares me right now, so I'll go for the past.
  7. I forget what I got in the trade. It was a good will gesture to someone I had only just befriended at the time.
  8. I can only imagine the thrill of time traveling to play an older console.
  9. I had GT5 about 99% complete, then I traded it to a friend for some stuff.
  10. The two GT games I think of as PS2 releases were 3 and 4. If 5 was also a PS2 release then my bad.
  11. I've replayed GT3 (not in its entirety) this year and GT4, but the one I usually play is GT6.
  12. I wasn't born until 1984 though, so for me it would be exploring a world I've never seen.
  13. I like how GT does it. You can buy a historic car as if it were brand new in GT6. In older GT games you had used car lots. Either way the info on a car will be historically accurate other than if there's typos. I'm also fascinated by sports what ifs presented by basketball games and their decade all star teams. These teams could say pair up Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain even though they were never NBA teammates. It really depends on what game as to what my answer will be.
  14. I would go back to '70's Atari. Watching That '70's Show as much as I have makes me despise the modern world and want a Vista Cruiser Olds wagon and an Atari. I'm an import fighter, so I wouldn't want Red Foreman's Corolla.
  15. For racing or sports I prefer a controller. For PC Hoyle Yahtzee I'll use a mouse.
  16. I dream of there being a GT museum. I don't know if there is one though.
  17. I think that if the world still has drive-able (not self-driving) sports cars in 50 years, Gran Turismo could still be a thing. It's original creator will either be gone or 110 years old, but so many people have cared about GT since 1998 and some might end up working for Polyphony Digital, who knows?
  18. My vote would go to sea exploration games. Operation Neptune for the PC would be one. There was also an underwater exploration type game for the PS1 that I had on a demo disc. I forget the title, but it came out around 1998 or so on the same demo disc that had Steel Reign and that CART Champ Car game.
  19. Just to clarify, I don't know much about Resident Evil, but I enjoy a good rant, so that's why I gave so many likes.
  20. I tend to grab up health playing Twisted just for the heck of it sometimes.
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