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Family sedan

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Everything posted by Family sedan

  1. I find that even if a game has dated graphics, I get used to it pretty quickly.
  2. Yeah, I love cars. The new ones are too complex, so we should try to keep the classics alive.
  3. I only get new cases for things if the original case is really cracked up, like the original case of my copy of Rush Power Windows.
  4. I would never consider myself a gaming impostor, even though the final games I've experienced are PS3 games. I'm in the category of old school/ classic gamer.
  5. This sounds like it could be bad news in racing games, where you could get too much wheel spin coming out of a corner.
  6. If playing GT could make you rich, I would have achieved great wealth long ago.
  7. Another band I'd recommend is 220 V, a metal band from '80's Sweden.
  8. Thanks, my purpose now is to save up and get out of Virginia.
  9. My current neighbors have a '70's VW Beetle convertible. I think it still needs some interior bits though.
  10. I feel like I've beaten my addiction. I was tired of my family viewing me as lazy.
  11. You should also check out Maiden's 1986 album Somewhere in Time. All of its songs are good.
  12. In Twisted Metal games, sometimes I have to run around looking for health. It really is desperation mode at that point.
  13. Grabbing all the weapons and health in Twisted Metal games.
  14. I would have been fine with Rime of the Ancient Mariner if it didn't have that ship oar creaking mid section. It would have been a reasonable length and very compelling song without that.
  15. I was in community college when I drew Thumper's car and I usually paid more attention in that class.
  16. Well like saying, I don't want to go on a nature hike, all I want to do is play video games.
  17. I drew a picture of Thumper's car from Twisted Metal 2 in an old science notebook. It was one dimensional, I don't know how to draw in more than one dimension.
  18. I play Tony Hawk games, not really for skateboard tricks, but to see building and hairstyles and hear cool music.
  19. Or they might have withdrawal symptoms from not playing perhaps.
  20. Twisted Metal 2 and NBA Live '98.
  21. I think Powerslave may be the greatest album in metal history. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is too long of a song, but other than that Powerslave rules.
  22. I think that Piece of Mind or Powerslave are the better albums, but Number of the Beast won't let you down.
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