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Family sedan

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Everything posted by Family sedan

  1. I must plead ignorance to Pewdiepie. The one guy Ill watch gameplay of is Kamakazegames. I relate to him as a gear head and metal head from the states.
  2. Thanks for the advice guys. Actually, there's a store I forgot about two towns away. I could look for it there. This game is already a couple of years old, so I could buy it on EBay perhaps. It's no tragedy if I don't find it real soon because I still love WRC 8.
  3. I tried to buy WRC 9 used at my local Game Stop. I couldn't find a single copy. Any ideas why? My idea is that rally just isn't that big here in the states.
  4. I love WRC 8 so much that now I'm considering getting WRC 9. I know 10 is out, but I've heard that it's not a big enough step forward in quality and it may actually even be worse than 9. I've also heard that WRC 9 has better handling and more historic rally cars than 8. I'm all psyched up to get 9 and then I'll probably play them inter-changably.
  5. Back on topic, I feel bad when I hit pedestrians in Twisted Metal games.
  6. It's hard for the drivers. I mean they want rally to have hard core fans ready to travel to the ends of the Earth for their series, but they also want everyone to return home to their loved ones at the end of the rally. The problem is how do you build grandstands and not wreck the look of the scenery.
  7. Well in real life rally fans stand close to the racing surface. The game is realistic in that regard. I think that fans should stand at least ten or twenty feet back. Its not like cars always handle perfectly.
  8. Have you read Rush in the '70's? It's such an awesome read. It talks about the members of Rush and their triumphs and tragedies on the way to stardom. I really like Rush, so I think it's a great read.
  9. I honestly don't know. If car photos magically fell off the face of the Earth that would be a tragedy and would make we want to draw cars again to preserve history. Sometimes I feel unaccomplished and I want to draw a car, but I still don't do it. Some times I get the urge to draw a car and I will do it. In that case it will usually either be a sports car I came up with myself or an old GM car. If I'm at my desk and the inspiration comes I'll draw.
  10. I'd probably read more and maybe even draw cars again.
  11. Some of my luckier experiences have been winning GT races with a really under powered car.
  12. I feel bad if I hit fans standing by the side of the road in WRC 8.
  13. NBA Live '05. Like I've said in other topics the game is hard in any mode other than easy. In easy you can have my basketball IQ and still win regularly. In any mode harder than that, you had better have the basketball IQ of Phil Jackson, then man who coached Jordan and later Kobe.
  14. I play games either to challenge myself or for comfort food. WRC 8 is a challenge. I've had it for almost four months now and my best finishes are a few 3rd place finishes in the Rally Sweden. GT6 is more comfort food, I've had it for years, it has a ton of Chevys and I enjoy it and am very good at it. Twisted 2 is comfort food and a challenge all wrapped into one game. Then there are games that are mindless fun like Taxi Cab Pinball for the PS1.
  15. I regret uninstalling Encarta '03 from my '08 Dell computer. I know it's not a game but still. I won't uninstall my Hoyle games suite. Without that games suite that computer would be useless by now.
  16. I'm normally into tattooed black women, but Grasshopper is awesome.
  17. I feel bad when I kill Grasshopper in Twisted Metal 2. I can't stand when great looking women get killed.
  18. I think mine still works, but I haven't used it in a while.
  19. WRC 8. This season I'll be racing the Bauhaus VW Polo. It's a great looking car that I've always wanted to try out. I believe the real drivers name was Ole Christian Velby.
  20. I'll say this, I find GT games a lot easier to play than WRC games or British rally games. In GT you can buy mods for your car. Rally games are about cutting down on the amount of errors you'll make.
  21. I miss owning cars. I need to get my next job first. The latest GT game I've played is 6, I'm into WRC 8 for now.
  22. I live on the American East Coast here in Virginia. I used to have two Chevys, but not at the same time. Jobs are scarce in Virginia, at least the doable ones are. Either that or I'm always being held to a higher standard than others. That's why I have no car right now.
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