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Family sedan

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Everything posted by Family sedan

  1. I used to be addicted to gaming. Back in the 2000's I was so addicted to GT games that I honestly don't know how I kept my friends or kept track of NASCAR or my favorite team the Boston Celtics, but somehow I did. I guess I have more mental strength than I think I do. I'm really not that addicted anymore. Today I played two NBA Live '03 games with two minute quarters and decided that was enough.
  2. I don't care if it was Twisted Metal or not, I just think it's cool to get a heads up.
  3. Thanks for the heads up Heatman.
  4. Thanks Heatman. Rip Torn really was a legend.
  5. No, but now that you mention it, I think I will. Thanks Heatman.
  6. Yeah, that's true. On an unrelated note, I'm trying to get my Switch online so I can race in higher paying rally events. Why hasn't Nintendo emailed me a password yet?
  7. Twisted 4 was easier to play. Twisted 2 is how I feel things might be like if I joined the military. By that I mean you could have the greatest drill sergeant of all time train me up and I'll still just be a spaz making bad decisions. I don't know why 4 is so much easier, they must just give you more armor.
  8. What year did he die, 2017 or 2018, I forget.
  9. Do I really have to think to tell that it's him, or is it obvious?
  10. Well the game is from 2019. I don't know if they would still care and I don't have my Switch online yet. Also, I've encountered another glitch. On training days you're not supposed to be able to get damage. I got spoiler damage that gave me more aerodynamic downforce and got a gold that I really didn't earn. It was still fun though.
  11. Maybe I'll buy it someday. It sounds pretty awesome.
  12. It's sad to see him gone. He truly was an American legend. RIP.
  13. I can picture snippets of gameplay in my mind, but not long sequences of events.
  14. Was the game Tourist Trophy any good? It was a motorcycle racing game from the creators of GT. I forget if I've asked about it before, if I have then my bad.
  15. When you create a park in one of the Tony Hawk games you can place Jeep Wranglers around the skate park if you desire. I'm a Chevy fan myself, but that's cool.
  16. This glitch happens many times, so countless thousands of dollars.
  17. I do consider myself to be a hard-core Rip Torn fan, but no I have not played the game. I do watch obscure Torn films like Rolling Kansas though.
  18. There's a game glitch I'd like to report. There's an objective of not spending more than 35 minutes in the car service area. I frequently beat the time, but the game says that I don't. If I could rectify this I'd be so happy. It would be thousands of dollars in my pocket if it could be fixed.
  19. Has Rip Torn ever been a video game voice actor. That would have been cool.
  20. I always go for the most amount of armor in Twisted Metal games and all games and I go for health whenever I can, because I'm frightened of dying.
  21. Wait, I did finish third in Sweden once.
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