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Family sedan

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Everything posted by Family sedan

  1. If you complete Test Drive 5 you get a Fear Factory track. I always liked the Test Drive 5 soundtrack, it was far superior to Test Drive 4 in my opinion.
  2. I know this is off topic, but isn't it cool when you put an old Playstation disc in an old boom box and it plays the game's soundtrack. I think its great that Star Wars Masters of Terra Kasi will do that.
  3. I bought NBA Live '03 for like 75 cents at McKay used books once, but this was in 2015 or so.
  4. I used to have a Sonic action figure, but I gave to a child of my cousin.
  5. The most I spent on a game was for NASCAR Racing 2 for the PC. I had a cheap wheel and pedal setup, but I ended up switching to the Gravis Blackhawk joystick. I spent six years playing NR2 and I got a top 10 in NASCAR points and a few wins before I ground up my joystick.
  6. I view controllers as an appliance. I'm not going to get a fancy one unless the stock version is just awful.
  7. I hate my HP computer, so I'm not going to be bullish in favor of PCs or any computer right now. My computer is five years old. I also have a twelve year old Dell that I got for Christmas '08, but that is used for playing Hoyle games while listening to old Metal CDs.
  8. I could own a new console right now, but I'm saving up to move.
  9. The Blues were tough last finals, but my B's took them 7 games.
  10. Either PS3 or PS2. I'll pick PS3 because I can then play my two all time favorite games. They are PS3's Gran Turismo 6 and PS1's NBA Live '03.
  11. I'm sorry you were the town scapegoat. I try to treat everyone with respect.
  12. How can I prevent them from becoming a sociopath?
  13. Well, I guess that does top Asperger's, not that we're trying to.
  14. I don't have a gun because I have Asperger's.
  15. My vote goes to Live '03 for the same reason I mentioned it last time I did; some players faces being badly misshapen. Other than that there's not much else I would change about it.
  16. They won't let you be different. Or they'll rip on you or threaten you for being different. Fuck Virginia and D.C.
  17. Blackangel, don't move near D.C. You won't be treated well with the hobbies you have. I'm saving up to move eventually.
  18. I couldn't tell you if these games are popular or not, but maybe people need an escape from the modern world. I mean, I'm sick of hearing that its wrong to like Chevy and Heavy Metal.
  19. I wish some of the player faces would look better in NBA Live '03.
  20. I used to play a lot of Chips Challenge back around '96 or so.
  21. If you have PS1 I would like to see you play Car and Driver Grand Tour Racing '98.
  22. Yeah, I had a few. I had a Peter Pan one where you couldn't tell if you winning the sword fight with Captain Hook. I had one called Speed Boat, I had one called Super Speedway Auto Racing. I had the Tyco Stix motocross game. I threw them all out eventually after years of owning them to make sure they didn't get saved instead of my NASCAR die cast. I achieved full completion on the motocross one.
  23. I'm more likely to talk too much about auto racing or Metal.
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