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Family sedan

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Everything posted by Family sedan

  1. The two Chevys I've owned were a '94 Caprice Classic and an '03 Impala. I had the Caprice from '03-'06 and the Impala from '06-'17. Caprice was the more durable car. The Impala needed an engine rebuild at about 57,000 miles, pure Wagner era dark ages technology compared to Caprice, but Impala offered more fuel mileage and better handling, so there is that. Right now I have no car and am saving to move out on my own. You're talking about Transport Montana, right?
  2. Blackangel, what Chevy do you have?
  3. Yeah, all I've ever owned have been Chevy sedans, but maybe I'll have Corvette or Camaro someday.
  4. I'm a Celtics and Chevy fan. My preferred consoles are Playstations.
  5. Lately when playing the ten season dynasty mode in Live '03 a glitch occurs after a number of saved games. The glitch turns multiple players into Theo Ratliff. I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this.
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