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Family sedan

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  1. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Altair in What purposes can games serve?   
    Games are a form of escapism for me too. It's a great way to relax and escape into a whole new world. You could to be whatever the character is. 
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Yaramaki in What was the most underrated Gran Turismo game?   
    I'd say gran turismo 6 which came out really late in the ps3 life cycle and a lot of people already moved on to the ps4 and never looked back. Kinda suprising they never ported it over to the ps4 to be honest.
    Gran turismo 4 was the absolute highlight of the series and probably the most beautiful game on the system. GT2 pretty much perfected what the first gran turismo was about, also toning down the difficulty of the different licenses adding rally and even more cars which was unheard off at the time.
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in What historic settings do you want to see recreated in video games?   
    I wouldn't like to see the massacre and carnage that took place in that history all over a again in video games which was a true life story. Please, once is enough. 
  4. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in What historic settings do you want to see recreated in video games?   
    I get exactly what you mean by that because it was a very sad event that hit the world which was even allowed to happen and it's something that I believe that could have been prevented. 
  5. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in What historic settings do you want to see recreated in video games?   
    I have a thing for African culture and history especially when it's something that's politically related. I would like to have the history of The Tutsi and Hutu replayed in video games. 
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Does Anyone Play Play2Earn Games?   
    It's the world of freedom of speech. So, he's entitled to his own opinion but can't force anything on us. 
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in Toxic communities?   
    Yes, that's why I am more engaging here, than any other online community due to how peaceful here is. When I need to converse something meaningful around video games I simply come here, because I feel safer here. 
  8. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    Exactly, just like characters customization, when you take it too far, you might not even recognize the character any more. 
  9. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    If it's done in a way that it doesn't go too far from the reality of what the game really presented, then it's quite a bit good from the way I see it. 
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Kane99 in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    Location redesign is fine in my opinion. And I understand character design in some regards. It's fine to have a redesign to match current graphics, but we shouldn't move too far off from the look of a character. It should still make sense. 
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    It's actually fun when you are allowed the flexibility of twisting your characters in games the way that you see fit. 
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    That's something that gives you the opportunity to build your own perfect character the way that you see fit. 
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    I'm always all in for games that allows you to customize your own characters the way that you want them to be. 
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    If the control of such redesigns of characters and locations in games are given to the game players, then it's all good. 
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    If I'm the one that's doing the redesigning, then I wouldn't be too angry about it since I have the capacity to create exactly what I want. 
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in How do you feel about character and location redesigns?   
    Redesigning characters sends the message that there was something wrong with them. Which is quite hurtful to those who already come to like them and identified with the character as they were. So unless we are talking about a complete reboot of a series redesigns are a big red flag to me.
    As for locations, that's an entirely another thing, with technical advancements locations can be made bigger and more detailed, which necessitates some degree of redesign. The important bit is that the location keeps its atmosphere and general vibe.
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Crazycrab in Worst Game You Have Ever Played?   
    I've played some stinkers that's for sure.  Genji: Days of the Blade, Devil May Cry 2, Ridge Racer 7, X-Blades, Golden Axe Beast Rider, but before I get to my personal puke encrusted turd let me draw your attention to AVGN's review of Resident Evil Survivor:
    Well... What if I told you not only is there a second game in Survivor spin-off franchise, but it's actually WORSE?
    Let me introduce you to the worst game I have personally played, Resident Evil Survivor 2 Code: Veronica:

    This game is absolute bollocks!  It genuinely makes its predecessor look like something that was put together with actual care.  At least the first survivor had voice acting, it's was terrible but it was there, this has text and silence!
    Another thing you might notice is how similar it looks to Code Veronica X except for the but ugly HUD, but it's not similar at all...  IT'S EXACTLY THE SAME!  Literally every single asset is lifted streight from it.  The sounds, character models, weapons, environments, EVERYTHING!  They made this game without actually making a god damn thing.
    Every mission is the same, shoot your way through hoards of brain-dead brain-deads to find a key and reach the door within the time or the boogyman gets ya.  Every... Single.... Mission.
    The controls are awful, even by the standards of the time it was stiff and incredibly dated.  I understand it was originally an arcade shooter and there was even light gun support on the PS2 version as as well, but when the best accolade in the game's Wikipedia page is "In Japan, Game Machine listed Resident Evil Survivor 2 – Code: Veronica on their August 15, 2001 issue as being the most-successful dedicated arcade game of the month." It's probably still fucking shit!
    The pacing of this quick paced first person arcade is constantly stunted and interrupted by those slow RE style door aminations.  Yeah, they work in the HORROR game that takes time to build up atmosphere but here it's just fucking annoying.
    Then for the ultimate kick in the shins if you were unfortunate enough to actually spend you pocket money on this fucking thing, skip to 29:40 in the long-play video I posted anf tell me what you see....
    ....That's right... THE END CREDITS!  The game is less than 30 minutes long!  The rest of this guy's video is just playing the dumb score attack horde mode.  So yeah... 30 minutes!  Maybe that's kind of a blessing though, when I played I didn't have the patience to make it through the first 5 before I decided that just like the Boogyman, I'd rather smash my head with a clock, and eat worms!
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in Xbox Buys Activision. Sony Buys Bungie. Where is Nintendo in this buying craze?   
    Nintendo was founded on September 23, 1889 as a playing card company. That means that they have been around for 133 years. That alone should tell you that whatever they decide to make, they aren't going anywhere. They're always going to be one of the biggest and most major competitors in whatever demographic they decide to enter. Nintendo will always have a loyal following. Mainly from those of us who grew up with it. So to just call it a "toy" is insulting.
    If you check YouTube, you will find an endless amount of "influencers" talking about Nintendo. Go to Cinemassacre and check out James & Mike Mondays. They play and talk about more Nintendo games than any other system. Even as AVGN, the nerd plays more Nintendo games than any other system. Be it Sega, PlayStation, Xbox, or other obscure systems.
    Nintendo is a lot bigger than you're giving it credit for.
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Can you enjoy a game without being crazy about its gameplay?   
    When you get frustrated playing a video game, what's the fun in it again? It's just stressing yourself immensely in a wrong way. 
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in Can you enjoy a game without being crazy about its gameplay?   
    I was crazy about video games in the past, but not at the moment. I've cooled my temper and understand it's simply video games I shouldn't be controlled by my emotions due to frustration that comes from the game. 
  21. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Can you enjoy a game without being crazy about its gameplay?   
    It's all about minding your business and let your gaming emotions be felt by you alone because no one forced you to play, so they shouldn't suffer for whatever outcome that came out of it. 
  22. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Can you enjoy a game without being crazy about its gameplay?   
    Seriously, I'm liking your sense of direction and bluntness with expressing yourself. If it's looked at closely, getting crazy over a game with your emotions isn't that bad if it doesn't make you acting out of line. 
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in Can you enjoy a game without being crazy about its gameplay?   
    I enjoy video games because I love playing it, and not for the sake of running crazy for it. I don't entangled myself with such, cos I'm not longer a child so addicted to play. 
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Can you enjoy a game without being crazy about its gameplay?   
    If you get crazy over a game, it's definitely going to take more than what it's going to offer you in the end by over stressing you. 
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in Can you enjoy a game without being crazy about its gameplay?   
    We shouldn't be too crazy for a video game since its not realistic, its simply virtual games simply to enjoy and satisfy our curiosity. 
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