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Family sedan

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  1. Sad
    Family sedan got a reaction from Boblee in Is there anything in games you have become desensitized to?   
    Just a couple of days ago, I hit 50,000 miles raced just at Rome in GT6.  I would have reached the mark sooner, but my first PS3 lost the file after 99% game completion. 
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in How many games have you completed this year?   
    That's a welcomed advice, since then I never played again. I rested completely today from video games. But I didn't rest completely from chatting here. My illness isn't bad like before, gradually I'm regaining. 
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in How many games have you completed this year?   
    Most of the games I've been playing since the year started for me around gaming are mostly racing games, some of it's missions are endless, just like we have in soccer. 
  4. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Kane99 in Games you hope that no one will ever remake?   
    Agree to disagree. I don't see it the same way. I think if done right, with the right touch and respect to the original, it wouldn't be a disservice. If they added microtransactions, changed the story or whatever else, I'd understand. But we have remakes of other Zelda games, other classics, and they from what I see, are faithful remakes with prettier graphics. 
    As well, no one is telling you that you have to play a remake if one is made. And you have every right to be against that. I'm sure many other fans would oppose it as well. The gaming community is a divided one. 
  5. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Games you hope that no one will ever remake?   
    I brought out one of my SEGA cartridge for my 4 year old cousin yesterday and he was like Uncle what's that? They are very far from what we played in the past and it's only few of them the ask questions towards it. 
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in Games you hope that no one will ever remake?   
    I'm not saying that remakes should never be done. I have no problem with a remake. But there are some games that to remake them would just be obscene. The original Zelda is one of them. I would be really interested in a remaster/remake of Zelda II, or A Link To The Past. But not the original. One of my all time favorite games is Blaster Master on the NES. I would be really curious to see how a remaster/remake of that one would turn out, as long as it was the same game.
    There are just some games that are, (for lack of a better term) sacred. In my eyes, it would be like trying to remake the Mona Lisa. As such, they are games that are not to be messed with. Played in the original setting, but not screwed with. You just need to know where the line is and remember not to cross it. Besides, I don't think anyone wants another FF7 occurrence. Or worse.
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in Is there anything in games you have become desensitized to?   
    We are heading in same direction buddy, I really enjoy racing games alot especially on MGP, that's my favorite. 
  8. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from DC in Thank You   
    Thanks for the offer, but my newest consoles are PS3s and my friends live far away from me.
  9. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Techno in Do you think games are too woke?   
    It really depends, I don't mind when it's new characters. But when they change a characters appearance or preferences, it's really disingenuous, it's like saying: "We don't have faith that new characters can sell well, that's why we should make blank gay, or blank black".
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    Yes, and at the meantime I don't want such love dying, because I am passionate enjoying my youthful life through gaming. 
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    Exactly - I'm not sure if I would be able to play games that I never have any kind of affection towards especially looking at putting my money into it. 
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    That is true - our love for videogames is what keeps us playing them.
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    Their is no doubt,passion leads us playing the games more. Without passion we wouldn't have been playing the games often today and driving up to this moment to hang around discussing moment at the gaming communities. 
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    What I can't do is forfeiting my sleep simply accomplishing tasks for a client just because I want money. I can't be in such kind of negotiations cos my health comes first. 
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    Yeah, I do get that very well because I have been in that kind of situation in the past and it's not something that feels good at all. 
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    Very good, and I happen to be one of those gamers that enjoys the autosave progress than the manual save, due to how power can fail me surprisingly. 
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    I love playing and putting the autosave ON. I simply don't want to use the progress of my game, that's why I keep the autosave ON to stop any issue if regret of losing my game progress. 
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    Seriously, it would really be a big mess if you have auto saves happening in an active race 🏎. 
  19. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Heatman in Ultimate Nintendo Guides by Pat Contri   
    I didn't know the price before I spoke, sorry.
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    Seriously, auto saves is a pain in the ass big time because it keeps messing up with gameplay saves when you don't need it. 
  21. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Heatman in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    I don't like that at the end of NASCAR Dirt to Daytona career mode, all that you get is a still shot of two Ford Tauruses crashing into each other.  I won 1,084 races for that?  Seriously, I expect more.  Give me a music video like at the end of Test Drive 5.  Give me a congratulatory message from two racing commentators.  Or even give me a race or two in a special mode like at the end of GT1, just give me more than an illustration of two Tauruses crashing.
  22. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in How do you feel about Gamestop?   
    Everything gets to its end one way or another.. Although some gets their own speeded up as a result of poor choices with their mode of operation. 
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in How do you feel about Gamestop?   
    I just hope in 2022 they reduce their exobitant demands to favour the average gamers. It wouldn't make sense that gaming climbs above the reach of an average gamer. 
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Kane99 in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    Another thing that bugs me in video games, is when games don't have a manual save option. Or a save option that you can only get in certain areas. Give me a manual save for all of my games, so that I can save anywhere I want. I've had too many problems in the past with auto saves not working, so I've gotten into the habit of manually saving each time I think it's needed. Because you can never 100% trust the auto save features these days. 
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Techno in Things that more than enrage you in games   
    You ever been glued to a game, spending hours of your time playing it? I did, I played a game for seven hours straight, I was going to beat it and the ending was trash, it wasn't even finished if you'd ask me. I still don't trust most games after that.
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