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Family sedan

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  1. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Last Game Played   
    That is actually true because the more you get to play a particular game for a very long time you are always going to get more into it than the other games that you don't play for too long.
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Last Game Played   
    If you are that good with playing a particular video game, even if you stay one year off the game, you will still be used to it. 
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Last Game Played   
    I have missed playing Gran Turismo, so I had a little fun with Gran Turismo 6. 
  4. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Displaying your games/game collection   
    @Family sedan is one of the biggest game collectors that I have encountered is this forum cause of his size of collection in the racing video games.
  5. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    Yeah. That's why I said The Evil Within games are much better than this first person crap that Capcom has wanted to put out in recent years, because the second game in that series has the same gameplay style as RE4, 5, etc, but all the atmosphere of games like the RE1 remake, and early survival horror titles in a general sense. And with an optional first person mode, it made the game feel unique, if only for fans of horror games who like games like Outlast, for example. Basically, it feels like how RE was before Capcom had it becoming so... "Hollywood", I guess you could say. LOL! 🤑
    I also think Days Gone is so f*cking underrated. That's one of the best and longest games I've played in like MANY years. It was kind of glitch-o-rama when it initially came out, but I think they've patched it a lot since, making it more tolerable. And while it's supposed to be an action game, some parts are so intense and scary, like when you run into a horde by the highway. Like, I recall that fight at the cabin with the angry bear, kept you on your toes. 
    Honestly, that game and The Last of Us Part II gave me faith in gaming again. Very amazing graphics, engaging gameplay, and stories that kept me entertained until the very end. Whereas these pedestrian RE games today can be finished in about 3 or so hours, for to unlock speed running achievements. And they aren't really that scary either. The only part in RE8 that was creepy I'd say, was when you had to avoid the mutant baby thing, and that section reminded me of P.T. so much. But the rest of it just sucked, because you were basically just living out a shallow copy of RE4. 😏
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    This morning, I happened to look on Rely on Horror, a site that covers survival horror games. Then I seen a video for a new game called "Post Trauma". Sorry, my phone is being ass and I cannot highlight text to make titles show up in italic. Meh.
    But the point is... I see that indie devs still care about the old-school style of horror games. So Capcom, take note now! 
    Maybe give people the option to have fixed, third or first person perspectives from the beginning. Huh? Makes a lot of sense to have choices available to us, right? 
  7. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    Just to clarify, I don't know much about Resident Evil, but I enjoy a good rant, so that's why I gave so many likes.
  8. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    I am getting used to first person, but I will always prefer third person. I don't even mind the fixed camera angles of the oldest games, but I cannot see Capcom going back to that retro style. It's sad too, as many famous horror games began that way, so people feel a connection to them. 
    It wouldn't be so bad if we actually seen what Ethan Winters looks like, even in the cutscenes. They've showed us every other playable character, so it's stupid to "conceal" his face.
  9. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    Yeah. They really need to do better, instead of churning out the same sort of games. And to be honest, I feel as if Capcom could learn a lot from Bethesda with The Evil Within games.
    While the story in that series does not make much sense at first, the games are spot on with the atmospheric tone. When Ruvok is chasing you in that mansion, you genuinely feel scared. The enemies are more of a challenge, and there's a lot of puzzles. Some of the bosses are amazing too, like Laura or the Keeper. There's definitely a lot of Silent Hill vibes, as well as the RE4 style gameplay that most modern gamers seem to prefer, and the second game is more open world, so you can explore places in no particular order. And I actually enjoyed all of the characters, weapons, and so on. You know a game is great when you care about proceeding through it.  
    The second game also has an optional first person mode, which was released via an update. That means you can, if you want to, change from third person to seeing things through the eyes of your character. But with Capcom, it's like it has to be one thing, or nothing at all. 🤫
    I do look forward to seeing the new RE movie... 😁
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    Passion is a funny thing...
    I may not like what Capcom has done to the series, BUT it's that love for the classics that keeps you wanting more. However, I think they're just repeating too much for to gain sales, because they just don't know how to make changes that make sense. So in their eyes, they probably think it's safer to offer up familiarity.
    They even admitted that they get their ideas from Wikipedia. I'm not sure if anyone was aware of that, but somebody I know on Biohaze said that's what they do, business-wise. Because it's obvious that they likely hired a lot of new developers that had nothing to do with creating the older titles, so they go off of concepts they find on the Internet. You know? Written summaries from Wikipedia, which is a site that "anyone can edit" and no doubt, they also inspect art pieces. But you can tell they're failing. Not that new fans will notice. There's a lot of people who claim to be hardcore fans, yet they complain that they cannot comfortably play games like RE0 because of the camera angles and the outdated tank controls. Even though modern RE games are not that dissimilar to the style of the older games anyway, they'll act as if they are  fans, but that's the first thing they use as an excuse. Uh, okay. Maybe 'get good' or something. But hey, I don't know... 
    Speaking of which, Wesker's long term voice actor D.C. Douglas just got into hot water for leaking art of Wesker in the RE4 remake, and for fear of being sued by Capcom, he has since gone and closed his Twitter account. Maybe it will be resolved and he could open it back up before it gets outright erased. 
    Remakes are not new stories, though. What little new stories they do come up with, I feel they are usually quite silly and disappointing. Because everything about RE8 is just stupid, if you're someone who truly remembers completing games like the [first] remake, the original RE2, CVX, and even RE4, which RE8 basically tries to copy. But RE8 is a blemish on all of those games. 
    And to think that RE8 could actually win the 2021 'Game of the Year' award. It's an underwhelming game, to be honest. But I was curious about the DLC that Capcom said was coming for free. They brought it up briefly at E3, back in June. I've heard zip about it since. That could involve Rosemary Winters with super powers and government agents, or some nonsense revolving around the tall vampire lady, who was not really in much of the base game, despite the focus on her in their advertisements...
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    Resident Evil is one of those franchises that I tried getting into numerous times because the games attained such a cult status.
    I felt like I was obliged to like them if I want to call myself a gamer, but each time I was rebuffed. I just did not enjoy them very much.
    The first game I tried was RE2, and the only thing that offered me was tedium.  I remember my friends raving about it, and we always played it when they were over, but I loathed it.
    When the RE2 remake came out I gave it another shot and got much further than I ever did in the original. I was at the point where I thought I finally will get out of the dreaded police station, only for the game to make me go back in through a back door. And the whole tedious wandering around looking for something to do started again. That was the point where I quit the game for good this time.
    I even tried RE3 remake, but it was just more of the same, and somehow even worse. So I didn't waste much time on it. The only thing that kept me going for a while was the ability o mod the character's appearance, that is the reason I bought the game in the first place. I thought if the character looked like someone I identified with better that would be enough to keep me playing the game, but alas the tedium was unbearable especially so soon after playing RE2.
    As for RE4,5,6 I only played one of them, I don't even remember which, maybe the fifth. It was a mediocre action game, so not something that would redeem the franchise in my eyes.
    Recently everyone was raving about how good RE8 Village is, but I was skeptical. I did not want to pay full price for a game that I'd probably end up hating. So I asked around among the fans, how different is RE7 from RE8. They said the two games are very similar conceptually. So I got RE7 to test the waters. I had low expectations, but not low enough. The game blew me away with how awful it was. It is a golden sample of everything I don't want in videogames.
    So without further ado, here is the original short rant I posted after first playing RE7: Biohazard
    This might be the worst "game" I ever had the misfortune of playing. Undercutting Sniper GW3, maybe even outriders.

    Yeah, game in quotes, because this hardly qualifies as a game. It's just a string of scripted events with boring walking in between.
    Occasionally interrupted by tedious cat and mouse games with invulnerable, unkillable enemies.
    Oh and of course the cheapest kind of jump scares, that only make me angry with their predictability.

    I abandoned RE2/RE3 remakes because they were quite tedious, but compared to this, they are master artworks of gaming, as this cranks tedium to over 9000.

    Not to mention the ludicrous, outlandish "story" that no amount of suspension of disbelief can make even remotely immersive.
    The premise of zombies is one thing, as long as the law of physics still applies. But I can't stomach total nonsense like gluing your leg back, or invincible zombies.
    Also the fact that you have to play out the video recordings, is like kryptonite to immersion.

    I'm glad I only paid $5 for this. Man, if Village is anything like RE7, count me the f out.
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Knight Plug in I finally conceded, and have giving up on Resident Evil...   
    Long rant ahead...
    I basically decided to stop caring about the franchise due to online trolls, and overall, Capcom's mismanagement of certain games and characters. And, well, personal issues has made me just not care any longer, since life is short.
    For a number of years, I feel like Capcom hasn't been fully honest with their fans. For instance, they stole art work for the games, and were legally threatened. And by the way, they ripped off a bunch of movies and games, for RE7 especially, which didn't really feel like a RE game anyway. The Molded look so basic, because Capcom just wanted a new creature design that was plain easy to make on the screen. They just wanted to copy Outlast type games as well, and probably due to the fact that Silent Hills was cancelled into the bargain, they wanted to change over to the first person perspective. Yet everybody praised it. Although personally, it was strictly okay to me, but nothing like the classic games. Even RE6 (which I know many fans dislike) is more of a RE game than 7 is, because it had zombies, and many returning characters were featured. Perhaps a critical failure, but more in line with what RE used to provide than with 7, and especially 8. Plus, the C-Virus makes you think of the T and G-Viruses, because of the name. But yep. It could also remind you of COVID-19, so oops.
    RE8 (aka Village) is not necessarily so crap, I would not recommend it. But it's very underwhelming as a RE game. Feels mostly like an action game with Chris at least looking like Chris (instead of that lame new actor they got for the ending scene and DLC in RE7), but now he is making dumb, headstrong decisions and concealing info from Ethan Winters (the faceless new "face" of RE) just to pad out the story, and the bosses are laughable, even for RE standards. Like, a mutant baby, vampires, a robot, and a living doll are your antagonists this time around. Like, yeah, okay. RE4 had ogres and a pirate midget, and there was also a statue based on the pirate that somehow activates, and you have to run away, and the two games are similar, because of a village, a castle and a merchant being present. 
    Now in my opinion, new RE Games are simply not terrifying. RE entries 1, 2, 3, 0, CV and the early spin offs had atmosphere and a good story. The new games hardly have any music or that same feeling of dread and eeriness. The game practically has a shopping system in it so you can go all Rambo on everything. So that's not even scary. If you have enough cash at hand, it's a breeze to survive, when all you need to do is find the Duke or the Merchant, and flog them treasures. 
    And nostalgia often hurts this series; I honestly don't know how many times Capcom has revisited Raccoon City and the year 1998. Even that upcoming movie is going back to that year, as if Capcom does not have the balls to move to another era. Like, come on. Move things ahead, and stop doing remakes that suck, because you leave out enemies like the spiders and the crows, half bake it, and rush them out. And I cannot say a RE4 remake even interests me, because that game wrecked the survival horror genre to a degree, and if they remake it, people will soon notice all the missing stuff, because I know Capcom will change up the whole game, potentially ruining it. But I'm not really a guy who can proclaim to loving RE4, but it's still an impressive enough game. It's just nothing like the older ones. But Candy Stick has failed to persuade people otherwise...
    Now for the RE2 and 3 remakes, the story should have been identical to the older games, and the 2002 remake was way more faithful. Why leave out Barry, for example? Wasn't he supposed to save Jill and Carlos!? 😞
    Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is a noted rip off of The Last of Us, because of the first Bloater fight. You even leave via a window after it ends. Except that huge hulking thing is called a Vulcanblubber, that launches fire rather than fungal spores. But it's just the same boss battle, really. And they also copied the father-daughter theme, and there's a winter section where you shoot rabbits. So um, yeah. Nobody can deny that Capcom did not copy Naughty Dog's ideas. That's just stupid, and suggests they lack any originality anymore. However, this kind of rant normally falls on deaf eyes on places like GameFAQs, and they'll come at people all guns blazing if you say s*** about games they appreciate. 
    My mouse is wonky. 
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Do you prefer games where health, etc. regenerates, or not?   
    If they are make available without your working for it, it's definitely going to be something you wouldn't appreciate. 
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to PGen98 in Could games make one an introvert?   
    I can understand that, the NPC quests can be a bit silly at times!  I don't want to do hand-holding quests or tracking down toys, either.  Idiotic.
    I believe those that "become" introverts are actually ambiverts already, they have introverted tendencies and extrovert tendencies, and when they find an introverted activity that captivates them, the introvert tendencies kick in. 
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to kingpotato in Could games make one an introvert?   
    if you dont want to socialize anymore that pretty much makes you an introvert. It can happen both ways, people who are introvert will always choose an activity that doesnt require to socialize aka playing videogames. And people can also become introverts if they get hooked on videogames. Videogames can become an addiction at least a pshycological one. So yeah my opinion is that yes games can make you an introvert.
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Could games make one an introvert?   
    That's totally agreeable to some extent. But looking at it on the other hand, when someone who isn't an introvert get hooked too much on games that he or she doesn't want to socialize anymore, what then? 
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to StormyFire in Could games make one an introvert?   
    I don't really think that video games can cause people to become introverted. It seems more likely that people who are introverted would choose to play games rather than do other things that might involve more socializing.
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Could games make one an introvert?   
    I tend to do the opposite. I'm too afraid of talking to NPCs resulting in a side quest that I have zero desire to complete. Fuck your teddy bear that you lost on the other side of the island that you, for some reason, can't live without in an apocalypse.
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to leventliler in Do you prefer games where health, etc. regenerates, or not?   
    I thınk in action games it should be passively regenerate. In that way you don't stay outside the action.
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Justin11 in Do you prefer games where health, etc. regenerates, or not?   
    I love it they way, when my health, stamina regenerates passively. GTA series games are like that, soccer games are like that. Where you have to relax at a point and refill your strength, or simply moving over to the next event or level to regenerates. 
  21. Like
    Family sedan reacted to PGen98 in Do you make use of game's tutorials?   
    Very true, don't need to force tutorials on those that don't want them, but also handy to have for those that do.  Plenty of room for that middle ground option where needed.
  22. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Boblee in Do you make use of game's tutorials?   
    Seriously, no one likes anything forced in the video game that they play, so the same thing is applicable to the game's tutorials. 
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Do you make use of game's tutorials?   
    I think optional tutorials are a fantastic idea, maybe even necessary.
    Everyone learns in different ways. Many of us do it through pure experimentation, but some prefer to be told how everything works in advance. Regardless of which side you're on personally, it's unfair to act like the other end of the spectrum doesn't exist.
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to PGen98 in Do you make use of game's tutorials?   
    I have to agree with some of the sentiments above, it really depends on the game itself.  Some games need them, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Do you make use of game's tutorials?   
    Exactly, there is no doubt it's definitely going to be a good fit for games that are too complex and complicated to figure out on your own. 
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