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Family sedan

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    Family sedan reacted to Head_Hunter in ATTACK ON TITAN 2 Full Game   
    Yes I mean op, I don't think it's an open game world, maybe he played some kind of ping pong games, lol, that made him completing the levels easily. I am with you, when I'm playing I take my time to enjoy the game take derivative for it. And not just for racking up levels without satisfaction. 
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Video Game Rage   
    I bet this was @Family sedan in 2004 🤣
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to JackO in What is one game you absolutely detest?   
    Personally I don't hate any games but due to my passion about sports and racing games, I don't like to play other games specially RPG games as it's difficult for me to learn how to play those games and I easily bored to play those games.:D
  4. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in What is one game you absolutely detest?   
    Any and all games, that have no solo play option. I can't be bothered to play with random weirdos from around the world (no offence) I want the game world to be all mine, with nobody breaking my immersion at every corner.
  5. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Stuck in a game   
    Seriously - what thrills me so much was the game play age of 73. It's incredible because you hardly get to see so many old folks still find gaming fun to even get online in gaming communities to seek for help. I hope I have my gaming interest still at its peak when I hit 70 years plus. 
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in Got any gaming memorabilia?   
    I remember bought some goodies and playing cars which were inspired from NFS most wanted. I was crazy about that game at that time, and had ordered that from Amazon. I still have those toy cars in my store room. 😊
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in To those that go specifically for first person games   
    Personally, I'm not sure if I have any issues with playing in both first person and third person. For, as long as I get exactly what I'm looking for in the gameplay, I'm all good. 
  8. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Video Game Rage   
    Take a break! Talk a walk! Enjoy the myriad other things you can be doing with your life. And if games are making you rage, maybe game Less. Radical idea I know, but man... I barely rage at games anymore since: my daughter was born, and I started going for walks. Life is so much better now.
  9. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Withywarlock in Video Game Rage   
    I used to have a really bad temper when it came to video games before. I'm autistic, and let's say I once lent credence to the whole "autistic screeching" derogatory meme, as I would howl like a banshee and smack my controller against my chair, and do all sorts of things in a fit of impotent rage. I think I finally stopped when I once smacked my dad's laptop screen.... whilst wearing a ring. The colour bleeding as the laptop slowly but surely died out scared the daylights out of me, and thankfully my dad forgave the incident because it was an old laptop and he wasn't using it anyway.
    Since then I've been a lot more mindful of my outbursts, and today I'm completely uncaring about game rage. I have my partner to thank for my zen state, as she's the person who I save my energy for, harnessing any frustration I might have over a game to turn into creative ideas for entertaining her.
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Do you find it hard to start playing a new game for the first time?   
    My playing of a new game immediately is completely dependent on how my schedule was immediately after getting it. If it's free, I'm getting into the game ASAP. 
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in MTG, YGO, or Pokemon?   
    That's incredible, we're almost fans to it almost at the same time. You don't get to see NASCAR fans easily lately. 
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Last Game Played   
    Seriously - I'm really having a great time with playing it already. 
  13. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Heatman in MTG, YGO, or Pokemon?   
    Since 1987 when I was three.  I still remember seeing Buddy Baker's Crisco Olds at age three.
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Last Game Played   
    Forza Horizon 4 is definitely a good one to play. 
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Syntax in How long do you run your console in the heat before giving it a break?   
    I normally will keep playing until I want to get off. I remember leaving my PS3 running Gran Turmiso since some races were 24-72 hours long straight (I would switch to their B-spec mode to let my AI drive when I was sleeping or doing other things). I’ve never had any issues at all with overheating a console, or any damage. 
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to skyfire in IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?   
    Mobile game can be fun to play but the thing is that using ipad like expensive device and then using it for hours and wearing it out has a cost. 
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?   
    A couple you might try are Mahluk and Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast. I have them both, and they're pretty fun. The best one about the second game is that you get to listen to Iron Maiden through the game.
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?   
    iPhone and iPad are the only thing Apple makes that anyone wants. Their computer attempts are pure shit, and the iPod was a joke. Still, I prefer an iPhone over android. I had nothing but problems with the android I had, and it wasn't even able to be personalized. And it was one of the newer ones. So after having it for 2 weeks I went back to the store and got another iPhone.
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to skyfire in IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?   
    Best part is the chinese companies who make stuff for apple must be feeling cheated. I mean you buy from us for 10 dollars and sell it for 1000 dollars? even by outsourcing standard that is a loot. 😄
    To be honst if it were not to be about their OS on macbook, nobody would want to buy their hardware. I am sure same is the case with iphone. 
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in IPads for Gaming: Is it something you would use?   
    For the most part, I agree with you. It’s all overpriced junk. But my disagreement all boils down individual preference. I’ve had both androids and iPhone’s. The only productive use I’ve found for android would be target practice. I think it was last spring that my iPhone 5 finally quit. So I went in for a new phone and got a brand new iPhone 6s for about $200. The iPhone X was the new one at the time, but was more than $1200, and that’s for the cheaper ones. The 6s does everything the X does, minus a pointless few things. Such as multiple camera lenses.
    But since it does everything I want it to, I saw no valid point in paying the extortionist price for the “latest and greatest” overpriced piece of shit. I swear, these days Apple could sandwich a turd between a plastic back and screen, and people would still go nuts for it. But the same goes for android as well.
  21. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Most Relaxing Game Format?   
    Haha, they must be one hell of annoying people for you to have such pictures thoughts crossing your mind with them as target 🎯. 
  22. Thanks
    Family sedan got a reaction from Heatman in MTG, YGO, or Pokemon?   
    Heatman, you really ought to collect the top Buick Regal race cars of 1981 and '82.  I'm normally a Chevy guy, but Buick is GM too and these cars won a lot of races in the hands of drivers like Darrell Waltrip, Bobby Allison, Richard Petty and Cale Yarborough.  They had nice styling line too.
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in What are all the games you have beat at the hardest difficulty?   
    Dark Souls 1 & 2 Deus Ex Human Revolution/Mankind Divided DMC 5 RE 7 and Village MGS 1-5 Honestly, I always play games on the hardest difficulty if it's available from the get-go. Otherwise, I'll complete it in the second playthrough - I love the thrill and excitement of a difficult session. It forces me to improve drastically and become the best at whatever I play.
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in How much would someone have to pay you to do crunch time on games?   
    I already worked through at least a dozen crunch times, some longer, some shorter, albeit not on games. We rarely got paid anything above standard OT pay. Sometimes not even that. There were bad bosses, who would go home and phone us up at 10pm from the comfort of their home to ask for status updates. And there were those who stayed with us through the thick of it. And even those who would bring food to the office for free.
    You see it all depends on mutual respect, not just money. If employers respect you you are much easier convinced to put in extra work. 
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Gaming with hand/wrist strain or swelling   
    I haven't really encountered any issues like this before but the most sensible thing is to limit your gaming session time, take more breaks and also to go see a medical expert for assistance in fixing the issue.
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