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Family sedan

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  1. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Do you feel confident gaming?   
    A certain amount of not giving a shit is healthy; much of the game is out of your hands anyway. Regarding what you can control, try not to care about being good right now and performing well in this game, and focus more on being good and getting better in general. Play the long game and you'll be less inclined to beat yourself up right now. A certain amount of faith helps too. If you try, you'll improve sooner or later. If you improve, your rank will improve, sooner or later. There will be ups and downs, but they don't matter in the long run.
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Most Revolutionary Games?   
    You definitely have the reason to take the game GT very seriously. Personally, I would do the same thing too in that situation. 
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Describe your dream MMO   
    Unlimited character customization No lootboxes/microtransaction Lively open world filled with random events No bugs/glitches freedom to mix and match abilities from several classes No kids (Kids always tend to ruin the fun with their constant whining).
  4. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Reality vs Adventure in How much meaning has gaming added to your life?   
    Entertainment was entertainment up until I started gaming. To be so engaged in adventures and being a part of drama, emotions, that a 2 hour movie or any other form of entertainment is just hard to compare because I’ve got over 400 hours in my favorite game and hundreds more totaled in the thousands that I’m still playing and… breather
    I’m trying to say that in my experience in gaming, which is awesome, it’s it’s…
    I’m attached to so many aspects of gaming. I’m touched by art, by experiences, by culture (even though just a game), by escapism, by whatever emotion including ‘stupid happy.’ What I mean by that is letting your inner child out. 
    I didn’t pick the name reality vs adventure for nothing. That says it all for me because it is intertwined. They say our hearts weight will be measured. I say reality and adventure will be measured. I struggle with the two on a daily basis. The harsh world, the escapism; the graphics, life’s blur. Reality even has its beautiful moments. And adventure is a part of it. 
  5. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in How much meaning has gaming added to your life?   
    It allows me a chance to race cars, something I couldn't do in real life.
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Patrik in What game from the present do you wish you could have played as a kid?   
    I'm unfortunately not impressed by any modern game, i'm just into older stuff (games that are released before than 2013), also as a kid, i didn't speak english, so i couldn't enjoy the games like i did now xD
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in Most Revolutionary Games?   
    I only remember Grand Turismo and Tokyo extreme racer. I guess the latter one is what you are talking about. 
    I hadn't purchased TER, but I had played on my friend's console, and it had most of the Japanese vintage cars. 😊
  8. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in What is the first game you became good at?   
    I could imagine the situation to steer a car with the help of mouse.  😆
    That's why I think in the next generation of such racing games, developers have disabled the option to steer the car with the mouse. 😊
  9. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Have You Ever Witnessed Someone Get Really Mad At Losing In A Video Game? How Did They React?   
    Getting angry at anything that doesn't actually have an impact on one's life is childish. come on, Anyone that truly loves a game would find enjoyment in analyzing their mistakes and figuring out how they need to improve. As you stated, professional players are good at keeping calm and this only helps them get better. It's a big reason why they've made it as far as they have. Often enought we always see it in big title games, even GTA online where kids just rage over there mic when they get killed over and over again and hear so many bad words from there end.
    The games that I do, it's relaxed and never have this. apart from yourself 😛 
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in What is the first game you became good at?   
    I kind of agree with you on this because I believe we all start out learning how to master each game we take on and get better at it. 
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in What is the first game you became good at?   
    All games that you start off with aren't any good and you get better as time goes by. I have to choose over the first Halo game series, did complete it over and over again. 
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Demon_skeith in Playing kids games as an adult   
    As long as the game is fun/enjoyable, I don't care if its for adults or kids. I've played a few movie games that were for kids as a teenager that was very fun. 
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Reality vs Adventure in If you could remove ONE thing from gaming, what would it be?   
    I would remove exclusives. All that does is set us up to have different games for each system and paves the way to subscription only as they entice all the streaming companies, who jump at the chance to spread their exclusive only services. We already have exclusives from publishers who also make consoles, and that competition itself welcomes exclusivity. Streaming companies are having a wet dream to get their grabs in the gaming market. When that becomes mainstream, we will have to depend on the internet if you wanted to buy any game. Hard discs will become obsolete. And when everything is subscribe only, internet required, then gaming will also fall in line and become a gaming environment where every game requires internet. And when that happens, we will see advertising popping up all the time. I've seen the future. I was sent to this present age to stop this from happening. The world will cease if this happens. Machines will take over. There will be an apocalypse due to exclusivity. And when the internet goes down...only those with the hard disk can play. People will flock to you home to play. Protect yourselves!!! The end. 
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in If you could remove ONE thing from gaming, what would it be?   
    The working conditions of employees is a problem of corporate culture, not specifically that of gaming. The gaming industry is the same as any other competitive cutthroat for profit industry. The nasty practices like not giving low level workers employee benefits or paying them scraps exists all over the spectrum not just specifically in gaming. Crunch as they like to call it is not unique to games either.  Any discrepancy is in the reporting. So it's not fair to say that this is a gaming problem.  I have experienced first and second hand what is reported in the gaming industry. If you think mid management who gets off on humiliating employees is unique to the gaming industry then I have a bridge to sell you.
    What is actually a gaming industry problem, is deliberately making the products flawed, to later sell the fixes for it. No other industry does this that I know of. Sell you a deliberately broken product then sell you a fix for it. Or as we commonly know them as "time savers" and "xp boosts" Yes these aer a type of microtransactions too, and all of those are bad, but not equally bad. By far these are the most heinous.
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in How would VR need to change for you to get into it?   
    I'm gonna agree with @m76 here, that requirement to have a Facebook account to use Oculus Rift is ridiculous and should not be necessary. I'd also suggest it should become a little cheaper as well, but I don't see that happening as the industry seems more interested in advancing the tech rather than making it more affordable.
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in How would VR need to change for you to get into it?   
    I'm pretty open minded when it comes to accepting people's gaming preferences, even if it's something that I don't fancy, I will definitely find a way to understand why they are into it. 
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Has gaming shaped how you relate to others?   
    Not that I can think of - Honestly, gaming hasn't been that big of an influence on my life in terms of philosophy or how I socialize. In video games, you get to be who or what you want to be for the most part but we all know this won't last and we'll have to return to our regular lives once we turn off that console/PC.
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in Playing kids games as an adult   
    Yeah, actually that's what really matters. If I am satisfied playing with it, then third person's comments should not alter my own preferences.
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Playing kids games as an adult   
    Exactly, it's actually what matters most which is the happiness and gaming satisfaction of the gamer and not the opinions of others. 
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in Playing kids games as an adult   
    Mario and Contra force were actually favourite games of 90s kids. Many people laugh at me to play such kids game being an adult, but frankly I don't care .
    As you said, as long as the games gives pleasure and entertainment, what else do we need. That's what we are looking while we play, isn't it?
  21. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Heatman in Playing kids games as an adult   
    Seriously, when it comes to gaming, the most important thing is that you enjoy the game and it doesn't matter what particular game you actually played. 
  22. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in Playing kids games as an adult   
    I too agree with you. As long as the game is enjoyable, we should not have any problem playing it. Just like I still play Mario. From the childhood I love the character, specially the music is really a nostalgic one.
    Sometime I play Contra force also. these are my favourite childhood games that I still play whenever I get chance.
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Playing kids games as an adult   
    In my opinion, what's abnormal is to be stressed about feeling good and worrying what others think of the games you play. Im 27 and LOVE the legend of zelda and mario. But I also play dark souls. It's about enjoying your free time and if you find happiness in Mario then you keep on enjoying it! We only have so much time in life. Make the best of it 🙂
    Growing old is required, growing up is optional.
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Do You Think That Video Games Should Have Strict Ratings or Have A Strict Rating System   
    They do, don't they, just that they by pass it 😞 Whilst that makes sense, wouldn't it also be more beneficial to dispel the myth about video game violence and actually solve the problem, rather than have publishers "covering up" and having higher than necessary age ratings?
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Most critical item you ever missed or lost in a game?   
    Hmmm. I don't normally miss important stuff or lost them because I normally horde anything that looks remotely important and store everything else somewhere in-game were I can recover it.
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