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Family sedan

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  1. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Withywarlock in Fixes that make no sense, but still fixed your game   
    I had an absolute ballache getting Mad Max to run. If I knew it was that easy, I would've done that instead! That made me laugh, thanks Patrik!
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shole in What would society be like if the world embraced gaming?   
    It can go two ways, those who rage will get wilder, those who are calm and enjoy games will become calmer. The thing that would change the most is kinda too late for it now, and that is the opinion of our parents and grandparents. Today gaming is considered normal, it used to be bad, Satanist, it is still shunned upon but not as much as it used to be. So I guess the only thing that would change is that more people would play games.
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in What are the most important things in a game?   
    The most important thing to me is to be able to identify with the protagonist. No, having the same skin color / gender / orientation as me has nothing to do with it.  I mean that they must be likeable, relatable, and most importantly have goals that I think are worth pursuing, the rest is superficial.  Setting
    No matter how good or relatable the hero is, if the game is set in an uninteresting, or restrictive environment it won't work. Realism
    It is important that the game follows basic laws of physics in all departments. Eg: having a motorcycle engine powered minigun is no bueno (yes I'm referring to far cry 6) Also weapons should have the expected stopping power, so no bullet sponge nonsense. I want limbs flying and minced meat after an explosion, not enemies emerging from the blast unscathed or getting up after two magazines were emptied into them. Let alone surviving headshots.
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    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in Which of your own video game stats have blown your mind?   
    It's the acronym used in reference to Player Unkown's Battlegronds.
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    Family sedan reacted to Empire in What game do you like watching (not playing) the most?   
    There is a far amount mof numbers of games that I do watch on twitch that I do not own myself that I always find that I like watching rather then owning the game and or playing it. I'm like, why pay for a game to play when you can seat back on twitch and watch someone play it for you 😛 and you save $50 for that game 😛 then see them fail or whatnot and you are just happy 😛
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in What are some things that are more fun in video games than real life?   
    Immorality. 😊
    No matter how many times you die, you get reincarnated every time. I wish I could do that in real life too, so that I can pause myself before dying and then restart from where I had left. It would be fun really.😆
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shole in What do you miss most about your early days of gaming?   
    Having free time and my friends having free time so we can all play together, that's the most painful thing ever.
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    Family sedan reacted to Steerminator in What do you miss most about your early days of gaming?   
    I miss every game coming with instruction manuals.  Whenever I get a new game I like to read through the instruction manual and look at the pictures and any background info on the characters/story that's in there.  A lot of games still have them, but a lot of games also don't 😞
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    Family sedan reacted to chevvy in What do you miss most about your early days of gaming?   
    Actually good and fun mmorpgs that aren't focused on squeezing money out of players. 
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Steerminator in Comparing ethical choices in games   
    Not necessarily.  I'm a really big fan of roleplaying in games, so If a game has many different paths that you can take depending on your choices, and also depending on the complexity of the system, I will often play through a game multiple times trying to roleplay as a different kind of person.  Like, once be a pure hero, another time be a pure villain, other times be more neutral, and variations of those.
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shole in What is one personal rule you never break when gaming?   
    Hmmm never had one, the only one is if it's boring give it another shot, and if it's boring again delete uninstall goodbye.
    But generally I don't have rules, as it is just fun to play without rules.
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shole in Do you prefer gameplay videos with or without commentary?   
    I like a mix, a bit of commentary is good but being to quirky and too loud just makes me go watch another video.
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shole in What are the most important things in a game?   
    To play smooth if it's an multiplayer game, if it is a single player game to not be boring. Other than that graphics can be bad, but the game still can be fun, sound can be bad but the game still can be great, but if it's lagging or too boring it's gonna be trash.
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in What are the most important things in a game?   
    The most important thing is player engagement. How can you engage the player? how can you keep them engaged? how can you make sure your game can catch a players attention and make them want to keep playing and get their friends to play too?
    If the game can manage to engage and entertain the player it will be successful for a long time. There are many ways to engage the player like interesting and high quality art, unique and diverse sound effects, or original and creative game-play mechanics.
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Can games be used to teach about different realistic cultures in the world?   
    That's a valid concern because the media tends to like distorting aspects of the truth to portray a particular culture as "evil" or "radical" when in reality, their own people are behind some of the most radical events in history.
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    Family sedan got a reaction from killamch89 in Can games be used to teach about different realistic cultures in the world?   
    My concern would be getting each aspect of the community being depicted to be authentic enough.
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in I got a PS5   
    Sure the disc could get scratched, but you have the option to go disc. You don't have to use it. You can still buy your games all digitally. But having the option is a much better choice in my mind, whether you use it or not.
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in I got a PS5   
    Assuming I get one at all, I don't plan on it happening for another 2-3 years. I'm perfectly content with my PS4, and don't feel the need to "upgrade" just because something new is out. Hell I still use an iPhone 6S. I would be using an iPhone 5, but my phone completely crapped out on me which is what caused me to get the 6S.
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in Are game developers architects?   
    As someone who works in an engineering field, my short answer to the question "Are game developers architects?" is no.
    I think what's closer to the truth is that video game designers are good at drawing influence from real life. Most buildings and structures you see games are based on and/or inspired by something real that likely hasn't fallen over or broken itself. So the fact that buildings, structures and machines in games generally appear sound in concept from a real-life engineering perspective is less to do with a game designers understanding of engineering, more thier ability to mimic it.
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in What are the most important things in a game?   
    An emotional connection to the character you play as, if we're talking about current gen games. If I feel no emotional connection to my character, I get bored quickly. It's part of the reason Skyrim and Witcher 3 never got their hooks into me. No emotional connection.
    If we're talking about classic games (my bread and butter) then there's not going to be an emotional connection. So story and plot are paramount. It has to have an engaging story. But that's true for any game regardless of when it was made. You have to be drawn into the game. To lose yourself in that world. Otherwise, it's pointless for one to be playing it.
  21. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in What are the most important things in a game?   
    First and foremost, welcome to VGR.
    The most important thing for me is what I call the empowerment factor. Video games need to transport you to a place where you are more than what you are. There are many ways a game can do this. Through the character you play as, story, environment building and exploration, but the basic gameplay is what matters most. That's the players connection to the game, to the otherwise unattainable power that the game is supposed to offer you. If the game controls like shit or the user interface isn't up to snuff, all else is irrelevant really.
  22. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in What games do you wish had a direct sequel?   
    I would say Max Payne 2.
    Rockstar games has created the game with an amazing story line. if they would make the same game with the same story but with enhanced graphics, I would love to play it.
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in What is one personal rule you never break when gaming?   
    No personal rule really.
    Come on! it's a game and you should do what you can't do in real life. 😆
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in What games influenced you as a gamer that you never actually played?   
    I had played this game almost ten years back, it makes me nostalgic when I remember the days I played the game. 😊
    Now I have PS4, but the excitement of playing that in PSX was something else.
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Razor1911 in What do you regret missing out on when you were younger in gaming?   
    I miss the times when it was exciting to play games on PS1. The enthusiasm for playing those new games, is missing now a days.
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