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Family sedan

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    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in What are some things that are more fun in video games than real life?   
    Committing crimes in video games is pretty fun for the most part but irl, you'll likely end up dead or in jail being someone's bitch. In video games, you can jump from extremely high structures and barely receive a scratch while you'd be a huge stain of blood on the pavement in real life.
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    Family sedan reacted to Reality vs Adventure in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    Wouldn't having a reset button be the same as time travel? It would be cool to go through life and finish it, and just like in games we can go back to whatever chapter we want to play or relive. And if we could reach all achievements in the game or in life, then it will be saved. We can change the stats, story endings, get wealth, whatever. But we have to go through life first to fully experience it whether good or bad. Then go back to change what we want once we reach the afterlife. That way we can know the full experience of things. Cause you never know if a mistake or some tragic moment didn't change your life for the better, or change it in some way where you never would have met your spouse, or become a war hero. Who knows what the outcome would be if we stopped and reset every moment we didn't like. Who knows what people you never would have met, what pets you never would have had, what relationships that never would have happened. So to go through a full life first would be interesting. 
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    Family sedan reacted to m76 in What is one personal rule you never break when gaming?   
    Yeah that's a good rule. I never pay for in-game items with real money either. If it's in the game it should be earned by playing the game. If it can't or takes too much time then the game is bad period. They literally expect you to pay money to make the game less shitty.
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    Family sedan reacted to Patrik in What is one personal rule you never break when gaming?   
    No racism, no bullying, no insults and of course no raging
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    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in Is there a reality in the gaming world you feel resigned to accept?   
    Not to mention that American money is printed on cotton fiber paper and not wood pulp....
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    Family sedan reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Is there a reality in the gaming world you feel resigned to accept?   
    They must have pre-shrinked the bills, cause it stays the same size after washing. Just don't use bleach. Nobody takes white cotton dollars. 
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    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in What is the most recent major change of opinion you’ve had regarding anything gaming-related?   
    I think I also need to take one as I am feeling a bit burnt out myself and plus things are about to get busy again for me.
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    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in What is the most recent major change of opinion you’ve had regarding anything gaming-related?   
    Regardless of what your situation is, take a week or two every now and then and do without gaming. It will keep you from burn out a lot more, and give you a rest as well. For example, I haven't really gamed in over a week. I'm letting myself rest. For a while there, from the moment I woke up I raced to my office and jumped on RDR2. I haven't played for a while now, and I'm enjoying the break. Actually I haven't really played much of anything.
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    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in If you had to work in the video game industry, what job would you want?   
    Yeah, but then you would be the notorious asshole that was letting people go for a game not meet expectations within the company. Just because it doesn't do well with the gamers isn't always the fault of the developers. The game could just not be very popular, and flop for that reason. That's no fault of the developers if they busted their asses to make the game.
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    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Did you ever make a mistake in a game that turned out to work out in your favour?   
    I was once using the alien gun in GTA online and was in a shootout and I accidentally aimed it at the ground which sent me flying. Coincidentally, a fighter jet just started firing their machine guns lighting up everyone on that street. The guy that I was fighting got caught in it while I just happened to get out of the way at the right moment.
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    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in What is one personal rule you never break when gaming?   
    I don't attack my own teammates - at least not intentionally. Sometimes they may just get caught in the crossfire but it's not something I practice to do at all.
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in Is there a reality in the gaming world you feel resigned to accept?   
    That is mostly due to inflation and simple greed. When it came out a new NES was $150. As the American dollar drops in value year by year, the prices will continue to go up. Other countries and economies see it going for more here, and think "If they can get that much, why shouldn't we be able to?" so they in turn charge more. I remember when a soda was 25¢ in vending machines. You'll be lucky to find one that is below $2 now. And there are a lot of countries that don't even take the American dollar anymore, simply due to how worthless it has gotten.
    It was proposed a couple years ago that Canada, US, and Mexico adopt a currency modeled after the Euro. But was eventually decided that it would tank the economy or something. I don't remember the actual reason. Personally, I like the idea. But I don't know jack shit about economics, so I don't know if it's a good one. Or even plausible.
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    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in Photo Mode, A New Form of Artwork?   
    The classic forums of artistic expression are probably the easiest examples to use to explain this with. A painting or a statue has no practical purpose, purely creative. There's just vain, opulent, arbitrary things that don't do anything to help anyone. Inanimate objects that only exist to be admired, and nothing more. As soon as something has a use, it becomes something that isn't art. It's now a tool, a device, something that has a purpose beyond it's own vanity. Yes artwork can be (and some might argue needs to be) provocative. Make you think, make you feel, but that's a reaction created only by the admirer, not the object. It's not telling you to feel that way nor convince you of anything. It may have the complete opposite effect on you that the artist intended, and nobody would be able to argue. So you see, a provocation isn't something the work of art in question actually does, that's something you created yourself. Anything you do, say or even feel after admiring a work of art is still something you do on your own. It's artwork itself is still not doing anything. It has no purpose, no function, outside of it's own vanity. That's what something needs to be to be art.
    That's why I say a video game can't technically be a form of art because it's a challenge, a test of self. Thus, video games have purpose outside of thier own vanity. In that sense, I'd say they're more like a sport. Don't get me wrong though, just because something has a purpose and now can't be art, doesn't mean it can't be built, as least in part, with artistic merit and it can still be admired and be beautiful.
    Take chess, for example. A game of chess is not an art form, it's a game that tests one's strategic thinking. It's design is built not through pure creativity, but on structure, a set of rules to govern the game. That's not art, that's built to a purpose based on rules, not artistic merit. However, does chess need art to exist? Is their artistic merit in it's design? Well, one look at these chess boards and the answer is obvious;



    It terms of that design structure built off the rules and parameters of the game, all these chess boards are exactly the same. A game of chess is technically no different played on any of these boards, or even on a bog basic, plastic piece of shit like this.

    So you see, just because chess is not art, does not diminish how import art is in it's make up. Whilst the game may be technically exactly same no matter what board you play on, the creative element can enhance the experience enormously.
    Video games are no different. They're basic designs are structured on rules, not creativity, but the aesthetics are there, built of the creative imaginings of whoever it was that created them and can add to the experience enormously. Yes, the creative elements are more important in a video game when compared to a board game because the user interface is entirely dependant of visual design, but that's something that's built to a purpose as well as aesthetics, so it's not entirely a creative endeavour. Not to mention visual aesthetics aren't the only creative elements of a game either, there is also writing and music. So a video game is not art, but it is a test of self challenge that needs good art to reach it's full potential.
    I hope that clears up any confusion over my point of view.
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    Family sedan reacted to Patrik in Is there a reality in the gaming world you feel resigned to accept?   
    "companies do what makes them earn more", if you think about how selfish they are, you'll probably stop playing, that's why you gotta accept it and move it
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    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in Game music   
    When I was a girl, every time I played Blaster Master, I always listened to NKOTB. Even today when I play the game, their songs play inside my head.
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    Family sedan reacted to Steerminator in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    Even better would be having a reset button and save points so that we could go back and redo things differently.  Or even redo things the same way just to experience it again and again.
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    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    And it actually works out perfectly and everyone lives happily ever after, I'd rather that. Also, I wish there was a pause button for life just so that I could get time to think about certain things in a situation. Hell, I'd even welcome bullet time.
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    Family sedan reacted to Steerminator in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    I sometimes like to joke about this in real life:  If only life were like a video game, where a ragtag group of heroes could go on an adventure, infiltrate North Korea, overthrow the leadership there and liberate the people, bringing about peace and prosperity.
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    Family sedan reacted to m76 in Games that gave birth to other Games   
    How the heck did driver gave birth to watchdogs? I've never seen that comparison ever made.
    Half Life -> Counter Strike.
    GTA -> Saint's Row
    Dune 2 -> Command & Conquer
    Car & Driver -> The Need for Speed
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    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Your thoughts on ads in game   
    Scummy practice that EA came up with - as usual. Personally, I think it's very scummy - I mean, you pay full price for a title that already has microtransactions in it and now you have ads in it too. Next thing you know they'll have those spammy porn ads in-game as well.
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    Family sedan reacted to Withywarlock in Your thoughts on ads in game   
    In the sense of driving, walking or flying past them in games such as Prototype or Forza, I couldn't give two shakes of a Mann Co. crate. That's personally speaking; in my professional opinion they have zero business in a game I pay for under any circumstances, unless the game couldn't be made without them (for example, racing games requiring license to use real world cars; an energy drink poster has no place in the game unless it causes problems with the cars.... which could just not be featured.)
    When it comes to pop-ups or things appearing in loading screens or whathaveyou, I'm totally against that. That said, if there has to be a choice between ads and microtransactions, let there be a choice. That if is a very big if though. So-called AA+ publishers needn't entertain that possibility.
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