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Family sedan

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    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in Do you feel like gaming is a luxury or a necessity in your life?   
    This thread pretty much reflects my expectations. For the vast majority of people. In the end, it is little more than an arbitrary hobby and not something one needs to survive everyday life. But of course, there are exceptions, such as people in a similar situation as @The Blackangel. It can mean so much more than just a mere hobby in general as well. A catalyst for social interaction and expression. If it wasn't for gaming, it's very likely none of us would even be here. Yes, gaming is, at it it's core, a luxury and a hobby and nothing more, but that does not diminish how important it can be.
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in What constitutes a good innovation vs. a gimmick?   
    I personally don't see lootboxes and in-game purchases as gimmicks. I see them as greed features that devs try to sneak in to milk as much money out of us as they can. To me gimmicks are goofy things that became a fad. Like if games started featuring characters doing the TikTok dance. If that happens however, I will never buy another game again, unless it's an old cartridge system game.
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in What constitutes a good innovation vs. a gimmick?   
    Something that adds a new dimension to the gameplay mechanics of a particular series that completely changes the way that game feels and in the process, separates it from other games in the earlier series as well as others in its genre.
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    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in What constitutes a good innovation vs. a gimmick?   
    I'm sure I'm with you on those. Checkpoint saves are a simple convenience that allows the player to not loose an insane amount of progress while immersed in a game, thus in a state where it can be very easy to forget to save. And weapon wheels I see as a quick, cleaver and convenient way of switching weapons without having to use more immersion breaking and clumsy menus, especially on console where hot-keying is often not possible or convenient to implement.
  5. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    A restart option in case you mess up so that you can achieve the desirable outcome you want in any given situation. Also, the ability to instantly heal by drinking potions or snapping a finger back into place like Far Cry.
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    --Kill people who talk shit and just piss me off with no one caring. If I become wanted, I just go to any post office and pay my bounty and get away with all the crimes I committed. (RDR2)
    --Ability to use a sword instinctively. (Zelda)
    --Be able to have amazing stealth (AC)
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in If video games ever became like the holodeck, would you want them to filter pain or not?   
    So true and that's why I don't necessarily want the pain feedback thing at all.
    I know quite a few people like that but I'm also fine with the regular feedback as well.
  8. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in What game have you been playing forever without finishing?   
    Ah okay - I got it. My only advice for Gran Turismo games in general is to learn how to use racing lines so that way you can come out of corners at the optimal speed but you also need an element of luck in those games as well.
  9. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Withywarlock in Most goth games ever?   
    Now I know, thanks.  My avatar is NASCAR Racing 2.  The game I spent six years playing until I grinded up my joystick around '02.
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    I think it would be really cool if it were like an MMO with perma-death. Throughout life you gain experience, so to speak, by achieving things, helping others, etc.
    When you die, you are allowed to make a new character. Depending on what "level" you are (which is dependent on how much experience you have, and how many cycles you have gone through) you can choose different attributes for your next character. Intellect, looks, personability, starting region, family stability, etc. High levels mean you get more points to put into different attributes.
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to skyfire in In what ways do you wish life were more like video games?   
    I wish I could choose the narrative to live in temporary to not get enclosed in one world or one life in general. 
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in If video games ever became like the holodeck, would you want them to filter pain or not?   
    I wouldn't want to feel any pain - However, I'd like to feel what's going on in the environment like explosions and that sort of stuff. My main issue with the pain mechanic is that what would happen if the pain mechanic were to malfunction and amplify the pain you feel, what long term effects would it have on the user.
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in Starting A YouTube Channel Soon   
    My girl and I are going to be starting a YouTube channel where we are streaming some games. I'm starting out with RDR2, and she's thinking of starting with the Fable series. Obviously these are somewhat older games, but still really popular. We'll be branching out into other games, but those are the starters. I don't know exactly when the channel will be up, we just have to get a good amount of content ready first.
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in Does anyone else dread/worry about not being able to play old games?   
    Windows 10 has a compatibility feature. Failing that, there's always emulation.
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in What game have you been playing forever without finishing?   
    I’ve spent more than 30 years fighting to beat Legacy Of The Wizard and have only found one of four required crowns to be able to awaken and kill the dragon. I don’t care if it takes me the rest of my life. I will beat this son of a bitch.
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to StaceyPowers in Does anyone else dread/worry about not being able to play old games?   
    Does anybody else ever dread a time coming when you won’t have a compatible system to play your favorite games?
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Unskippable cutscenes, yay or nay?   
    I despise unskippable cutscenes and it gets on my nerves even more when I fail the mission and I have to sit there and watch it all over again!
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Personal vehicle non racing games   
    I know there is a whole sleuth of games out there where you have your own personal vehicle. I want talk about some of your favorites. I bring this up because I have a big ass smile on my face playing Mad Max. Sometimes a vehicle can become an extended part of you. Maybe your personality, expression, taste, or even...companion? I am really enjoying the use of the vehicle in Mad Max and the fact that you can collect all kinds of other vehicles to use to drive whenever you want is awesome and I'm pleasantly surprised. In a way I am reminded of Days Gone as he rides a motorcycle in a post apocalyptic world. I think where Days Gone lacked was that you really can't ride around as much without needing more gas. Cool customizations for the bike and all, but the variations in bike style wasn't as broad. If I were to drive my bike around and tear things up as much as Mad Max, that would be pretty great. 
    Another game I recently got is the latest Batman Arkham Knight. I'm not really a fan, but I wanted to try the game since it has really good reviews. I just started and I think driving the Batmobile is fun and there is lots of cool action. The controls are a bit weird to me. 
    What other games do you know that you drive your personal vehicle and is always available, not just on a mission. Any things you like or dislike? Which vehicles will be a good match in a dual? Which ones look the coolest? Which ones would you make your extended self? For me, so far I have to say I'm sure I'll find it in Mad Max. If you haven't played it, it is highly recommended. 
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to lludawg in Hardest lesson you ever learned gaming?   
    I would say I learned to control my emotions better through gaming. As a kid, I would rage all the time. Sooner or later I realized that you cannot control the fact that others may be better than you at the game. All you can do is focus on improving your own skills and knowledge rather than get angry.
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to StaceyPowers in Hardest lesson you ever learned gaming?   
    What is the hardest lesson you ever learned gaming? Mine was when I screwed up in a game as a kid with one save file, and learned the value of earlier backup save points (as I had to start all over).
  21. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in How far in advance of planning to play a game do you buy it?   
    Cost point, Very important to see if you can afford it I always get it cheaper on other sites, I always looking for deals on games that I want I got games that been on sale that is worth buying and yet never played them WTF End of the day when it comes to gaming, we always play the same games. I brought games for the full price like MSFS2020 and played over 500 hours so far since the release. F12016 I got for $3 and played under an hour, but after 20mins you have your money out of it 😛 
  22. Like
    Family sedan reacted to StaceyPowers in Gaming for anxiety   
    I tried like a dozen different things to treat my anxiety, almost none of which helped, and then I got a PS3. Gaming every night before bed has done more to help me sleep than anything else I've ever tried, and does wonders to stabilize my mood. Anyone else have the same experience?
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in Before Your Eyes   
    I guess it's good for paralyzed people who have no other way of interacting with a game. But I don't think it would be much fun for general audiences.
  24. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in Before Your Eyes   
    Jenkins: Sir, I've had a brilliant idea! 
    Jenkins' Boss: Good Jenkins. What is it? 
    Jenkins: We're going to revolutionize the world gaming like never before! Truly set the world on fire and capture and enthral the imaginations of gamers across the globe! 
    Jenkins' Boss: Fascinating. How are we going to do this?
    Jenkins: We are going develop a game control interface that can only be controlled through an impulse action the human body does on it's own that the player has little to no control over! 
    Jenkins' Boss:................. 
    Jenkins:.... Sir? 
    Jenkins' Boss: You're fired. 
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Crazycrab in Before Your Eyes   
    Never heard of it, it sounds like a pretty annoying way to control a game to me.
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