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Family sedan

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  1. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Politics vs. creative freedom   
    When using a video game to push a real world political agenda like Fortnite did, it has no place because 1) most of the people who play these games typically use them to get away from stuff like this 2) Videogames are supposed to be fun and there's nothing fun about a political agenda-driven that's imposing its beliefs on its players. 3) It isn't part of the story or theme of the game and when you just suddenly start pushing it, it becomes bothersome. This is the mistake that Battlefield 5 made and it flopped horrendously. Videogames were based on creativity at least back in the days but most modern videogames lack exactly that - Having said that, I do support "creative" freedom over politics.
  2. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in I just have to say …   
    The problem is, wether you were aware of it or not, you opened a gate here. Someone needs help with a video game, you give advice and it all ends with that someone getting their head stuck down a toilet. I don't care if the story is real or not, there's a middle part to that story that needs told!
  3. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Shagger in I just have to say …   
    You mean all those time I tried to set you up for failure didn't work? God, I'm useless...
  4. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Patrik in I just have to say …   
    Thank you for thanking us, we appreciate your appreciation!
  5. Like
    Family sedan reacted to StaceyPowers in I just have to say …   
    I am amazed consistently at how helpful our members are. I can think of multiple times I have asked questions about games and folks here have gone above and beyond with sharing their experiences or even researching answers to troubleshoot. So, I just wanted to say thanks to y’all for being so awesome 🙂
  6. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in How long should a company support a console?   
    If you don't game online though, then that doesn't really make any sense. The console can still be used to game. Just not online. And there are a lot of games that are super popular that don't offer any online version. Yet they're still successful. There are some that have been on multiple entries into a console franchise. Skyrim is on the PS3 and the PS4 both. So ending "official support" doesn't make the console a paperweight. They will still run any games you have, just not an online version.
  7. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in How long should a company support a console?   
    I'd say a good 2 decades and then when they officially cut support, you can still download the game somewhere and it can function on a local device. I also think that backwards compatibility should be supported if you don't plan on continuing support for a particular device within the first 10 years.
  8. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in How long should a company support a console?   
    In this day and age I think they should make sure that after official support ends the console can still be used without it.
    So if they intend to shut down servers, release a patch that makes the consoles fully functional without it. 
  9. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Withywarlock in How long should a company support a console?   
    If there's one advantage consoles should have, it's that they're their own ecosystem. Unlike with PC, where emulation and support is becoming increasingly difficult for those behind such things, consoles are beholden only to their own exclusive operating system and hardware. They don't have to worry so much about compatibility compared to, say, Windows, and all the changes to the parts that go into a case.
    They do however have to contend with the used games market and the graphical arms race publishers want to push, meaning whether they want to support a console or not is at odds with the money they'll make from it as time goes on. What doesn't help, and as far as I'm concerned is inexcusable, is the online requirements for patching firmware such as internet connections during first-time setups or after formatting.
    I'd be fine with them cutting support for a console the moment the next one comes out if it weren't for that; otherwise I'm just waiting in the rafters to say "another blow against digital ownership", and move on to the next thing I'll get mad about.
  10. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in How long should a company support a console?   
    I would say they should support it until at least 2 years into their next console's life. If that's confusing, I mean Playstation should continue to support PS4 until a minimum of 2 years into PS5's life. Preferably longer. I'm saying this because with every console release there are bugs that the company didn't catch. And on release the only ones that seem to be able to even get the damn things are fucking scalpers. So most gamers will still be playing the previous generation because they simply can't afford a 300% markup from a cocksucker who's greedy as fuck. I'm not dropping $1500 on a $500 console.
  11. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in Weird naming schemes for games   
    You still steal more cars in gta than in any other game. So I think the name fits very well.
    When I think about weird names, I think about series like
    Star Wars Dark Forces, Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight,
    which would make the third game called Star Wars Dark Forces III: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast LOL
  12. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Patrik in Weird naming schemes for games   
    I was actually wondering why is it still called GTA (Grand Theft Auto) even if it's not really based on stealing cars, the game series got this name because that's what it was supposed to be based on, but due to some bug, the game took another path to what we see it on these days, but the name was never changed (except that it was called Race n' Chace before GTA).
    Do you think that any of the current existing games/series have a name that don't really fit with it?
  13. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in If a game fails to meet your subjective expectations, do you hold it against the creators?   
    I have to agree with @The Blackangel. Just like how I don't necessarily like Final Fantasy IX, that doesn't mean it's a bad game necessarily. Creators for the most part, are usually honest about what a game entails. If the game is close to what they described pre-release and I still didn't like it, then that's on me. In the case of games like Anthem where EA consistently lied about most things, I'd blame them.
  14. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in If a game fails to meet your subjective expectations, do you hold it against the creators?   
    It depends on how far I actually went into it. If I went far into the game, then it's on me. It had my attention and interest in the beginning. If it is in a genre that I'm a huge fan of, like fantasy, and the game just sucked in my opinion then it's still on me. Witcher 3 is like that. I didn't like it, but that doesn't mean the developers are to blame for my personal taste.
  15. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in Are art and entertainment mutually contradictory?   
    They really don't have any difference at all. Art is entertainment. Entertainment is art. The Louvre houses some of the greatest art in the world, and it entertains thousands if not millions every year. Entertainment is everything from movies, to plays, to games, to books. It's all an art form from the creator. My art, as you all know, is the written word. They are one and the same.
  16. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in If you were going to die in a year, what games would you play before then?   
    No idea, in fact if I had a year left to live then I would not even be playing video games, spending all money and travel as much as I can and live. But games, be doing the same games and sims that I'm doing now.
  17. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in If you were going to die in a year, what games would you play before then?   
    I'd probably play the games I'm playing right now like Skyrim, Fallout 4, DMC and others. I'd probably take that year and complete a personal bucket list instead.
  18. Like
    Family sedan reacted to m76 in If you were going to die in a year, what games would you play before then?   
    I doubt it would change what games I play. If I knew I had limited time I'd probably play less games, and try to do things off my bucket list.
  19. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Empire in Future or past?   
    20 years from now, I'll have a wide selection of video games to choose from, the entire MCU lineup released to ames that we got to see and hear about. Yet I do not really know this matter. Rather winning lottery ticket or cheat and go back in time and knowning on how to get the achievements 😛
  20. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in What purposes can games serve?   
    Games can be used as a means of developing coordination skills and can also provide a way to take your mind off the real world. Or in my case, it helps me to think - Seriously, some of the best solutions I had to issues in my life was thinking about it while gaming.
  21. Like
    Family sedan reacted to The Blackangel in What purposes can games serve?   
    For some they give a person's life meaning. People like myself for example. I can't play any sports. I can't go for a walk. I can't wrestle with my dog. I am stuck in a god damn chair. The most value I have is to eat, sleep, and shit. Games give me something I actually can do, and sometimes something I can succeed at. They occupy my mind, eyes, ears, and hands. If I don't have something that occupies all 4 of those I get extremely antsy, which tends to lead to panic attacks. All because there's nothing much else that I can do. If it wasn't for games, I most likely would have shot myself by now since my diagnosis.
    Games are a life saver.
  22. Like
    Family sedan reacted to Patrik in Underrated games when it comes to difficulty   
    I never thought that Hitman Blood Money would be so freaking hard even on the easy mode, like OMG, how i'm supposed to know i should wait for the guard for couple of minutes in a closet to get in the room to replace his gun with a real one to kill another guy in the teather!
    But i still love the game hehe
  23. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Racing Wheels   
    Got it. 
    I mean racing wheels from that era weren't anywhere as good as the ones we had today so a controller made far more sense back then.
  24. Like
    Family sedan got a reaction from Withywarlock in Games without clear objectives/goals   
    HP used to have a computer game that came with their PCs where you could cut auto racing practice laps.  I forget if there was a race mode though, but just practice laps only really have the objective of trying to learn your car's handling and learn the track.
  25. Like
    Family sedan reacted to killamch89 in Unpopular series installments you love   
    So far, all I've heard from their community is that they hate it - I've yet to get a proper argument as to why they don't like it. It's more or less the same with Final Fantasy 8, it's no worse in any department than FF7 but receives way more hate.
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