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Everything posted by GUERILLA
Woah!!! An intelligent reply!?!?! Amazing!!! I had almost given up hope LOL Yeah, great point...the ancient palestras of the Greco-Roman days produced the first organized sports that Encompassed grappling as a integral part of the system and utilized the same types of holds we see in the ancient Asian martial arts These games are specifically designed around the feudal era of Samurai / Ninjutsu combat As someone with multiple Decades of martial arts training I am very accustomed to the kind of dichotomy that exists between the television depiction of martial arts and the actual history the hyper honorable samurai who fights with only a handful of certified techniques is a myth as these warriors were actually more like modern-day mercenaries than some kind of Buddhist monk and would use any means necessary to survive an encounter with an enemy In this somewhat Talky video they specifically delve into the situation
LOL just because you're afraid doesn't mean someone threatened you You can flip about the internet Breaking Bad with people and then hitting the ignore button when you get what you gave right back You'll always be safe behind your computer screen if you're smart enough to maintain internet anonymity and with your attitude I highly recommend that you do So hit your ignore button and hide behind your computer but I'm going to keep talking about you on this form so you serve as an example to all the other people that would prefer to talk smack then to have an intelligent thoughtful discussion about the subject I posted It's ridiculous to release a game about medieval Asian combat and not honor the tradition of grappling the nation of Japan created the modern martial arts as we know it today because they were smart enough to include both striking and grappling in one integrated format At some point throughout history some mincy television executive and a fruity choreographer decided to cut out the grappling aspects because they didn't consider them camera friendly enough for their television show and throughout the continued perversion of martial arts on television this status has remained Fast forward to the modern release of a game that celebrates a medieval struggle and the combat is as seen on TV Devoid of historical perspectives the combat itself looks like it's designed by a kung fu movie choreographer What a shame they listened to the choreographers not the historians when designing the combat system!
"Because someone criticized YOUR grammer" You are a moron and a failure quit contaminating my thread with your idiocy Maybe your grade school teacher can proofread your idiotic posts in the future so you don't look like such a damn moron! Now say something about medieval Asian sword fighting or pack up your Alabama education and hit the road!
You're just a collection of desperate snowflakes with effeminate fingers and supple wrists worried about punctuation sentence structure and grammar on a video game forum because you're desperate to tear down an argument that you can't deal with technically This is EPICALLY hilarious and endlessly entertaining although I have to give up on having any intelligent technical discussion it is fun to see you guys squirm in response to me upsetting you over your silly beloved video games You fancy fairies are too stupid to realize that medieval Asian combat integrated dozens of grappling and throwing Maneuvers to contend with Battlefield Logistics The complete and total absence of these grapples in a medieval Asian sword fighting game is a pretty epic fail but it's pretty clear with Fanboys idiots like you nobody's going to notice a failure so apparent
you don't upset me you entertain me I'm just belting away replies with a speak to text system on a smartphone There's no way in hell I'm going to take the time to use grade school punctuation and sentence structure for you morons If you're too goddamn stupid to understand what I'm saying don't reply to the thread The military and law enforcement don't screw around with that garbage either because they're pragmatic intelligent and hard-working All your fancy fop rules and silly effeminate mannerisms entertain me... keep them coming got that?
WORST FAIL in game developer history making a comeback?
GUERILLA replied to GUERILLA's topic in Gaming Forum
the camera system that Gears of War and Assassin's Creed Odyssey is the exact same (despite the fact that one is a shooter and one is a slasher) Your look camera is always a fixed to your look stick and never moves independently In games like GTA and sekiro wherever you walk the camera violently swings behind you in Chase mode making it impossible to effectively strafe or walk to an edge or precipice without Feathering your look stick (even though one game is a shooter in one game is a slasher) thats a perfect example of zero consistently throughout the industry... Games that are really well-developed like Uncharted 4 have the ability to turn this feature off or on which is pure genius but having it integrated into a camera system so that you cannot turn it off is a giant fail because some of us want to be able to look in One Direction and walk in another without having to fight a camera that is constantly trying to swing behind you A cam that automatically pans in the direction you're moving is a childlike training wheels style of camera control I can look in One Direction and walk in another totally independently in real life... there's no Magical Force constantly trying to turn my head in the direction I'm moving This is a very simple silly and archaic Vestige of old school RPGs trying to appeal to people who have poor coordination because it never exists in competitive multiplayer or sports titles since it confounds perspective take the training wheels mentality away from camera control and give us completely independent player-controlled cameras from now on let my computer character look in One Direction and move in another!!! I don't want to drive my character like a boat -
WORST FAIL in game developer history making a comeback?
GUERILLA replied to GUERILLA's topic in Gaming Forum
It's actually impossible for a FPS to do this because the camera is affixed to your look direction since its 1st person (like it should be in 3rd) -
A camera that moves Independently of your input is a huge troublemaker because it so commonly interferes with your perspective you know what I'm talking about... that system where the camera always swings behind your character whenever you move in any direction forcing you to feather the stick so you can maintain the perspective you want I've always called this horrible video game fail "auto pan" Uncharted 4 calls it "camera assist" this system forces you to "drive your character" as if you have to put them in a positions... stop, and then look because you effectively have to fight the camera to look in One Direction and move in another I believe this system was installed in early games as a "training wheels" theory to help players orient their camera but (just like training wheels) it limits your ability to look and move simultaneously causing your character to steer like a boat most modern Blockbuster hits have abandoned this old trope and some are smart enough to have a system that you can turn off or on I was horrified to learn the last two games I bought have no way to shut this Troublesome camera off so every time my character moves in any direction the camera tries to swing behind them as if it's trying to get a peek at their ass this makes it difficult to effectively Strafe or step up to the edge of a drop off while looking down to precisely stop your character at the edge some games are smart enough to have a look or aim feature that disables the dreaded "auto pan" if only for a moment Auto pan is not universally bad, it can be a really cool as long as its not universal whenever you move I love the auto pan attached to the dash system of Gears of War because you can effectively use it as a quick glance and when your character dashes the camera tightens and shakes in a Super immerse feature that makes your character feel like they have weight and momentum My gaming background is primarily in military simulation shooters and Action Sports titles however I love martial arts as well and used to play a lot of Fighters I've noticed this feature is most common in Nerdy RPG style games It's really Troublesome to see it creeping back in to video game design for some weird reason
LOL What a moron...are you jackasses actually trying to diss my typing style? I don't have little feminine nimble fingers so i space instead of use schoolboi punctuation what a lame thing to complain about in a video game forum Lol you know who else uses this typing style? Special Operations police and Military what a loser Its a video game forum bro, they rough on u private skool lads?
To my knowledge only Bushido Blade and K1 had a completely realistic take on non mechanical combat I'm holding out a lot of hope for ghost of tsushima but I'm very worried about its sales number thanks to covid Since they abandoned the Tenchu series there hasent been much left for those of us into realistic martial arts/ non mechinized combat
Worst trope/underutilized mechanic in fighting games
GUERILLA replied to GUERILLA's topic in Gaming Forum
They just couldent do without the kung fu jump could they...? I LOVED the K1 series for keeping FIGHTING games real RIP K1 2006 I can understand how popular the air juggle mechanic was (likely introduced to the public en masse in the Street Fighter 2 era) This was actually a very cool real fight mechanic but should have been call Clyde while your opponent was wobbling not flying 10 feet thru the air like a 1/2 deflated balloon!! -
Worst trope/underutilized mechanic in fighting games
GUERILLA replied to GUERILLA's topic in Gaming Forum
I think they just copy whats "hot now" rather than objectively try to improve a control scheme -
one of the most critical aspects of martial arts combat is something the Japanese call "KUZUSHI" Its CRITICAL in all non mechanical (no gun) combat IE close quarters KUZUSHI literally means the unbalacning of your opponent this can take many forms... 1 shoves (like Spartan kick and football block/shoulder thrust) 2 trips 3 lifting (slams) 4 tilts .... (tipping an opponant @ their COG) 5 towing... (draging or pulling) This is a terribly underutilized combat mechanic in videogame history the original game that mastered this principle was Street Fighter 2 in that it allows you to intersperse grappling and striking techniques seamlessly The K1 kickboxing series of video games also had a version of this and frankly executed even better yet lacked the dramatic slams and throws unfortunately what a shame they never made a muay thai game with stadium style slam counters!!! The only problem in most of the OG fighters was the mysterious knockdown trope that broke rhythm that was otherwise well represented That weird system where an opponent would be knocked flat on their back and only be available for a single "free hit" before they sprang to their feet seemingly unaffected by their momentary comatose state That and the "air juggle" should have been put down quick but the game mechanic was literally awesome and people loved it... they could have just done that with a character on their feet too wobbled to stop the combo Its the secondary attack mechanic of the grapple / throw (KUZUSHI) that makes it such an important aspect to add in your fighting mechanics I hope in the future video game designers get better at interspersing KUZUSHI into the contest It is a uniquely useful and very Dynamic type of attack that changes the typical video game fighting contest and maintains a more realistic game rythm especially in your hand-to-hand Fighters but it should be included in literally every game including shooters Spartan kicking or hockey sticking your opponent and then taking aim after they go flying backwards would be a extremely popular and very realistic aspect of Close Quarters combat The generic melee attack is just too much of a trope Give us more options and secondary attacks that utilize throws, trips, slams, tows and lifts and especially shoves They all have diff applications
Worst trope/underutilized mechanic in fighting games
GUERILLA replied to GUERILLA's topic in Gaming Forum
Copying a successful formula is something that gaming devs do so commonly you would think that we would have a universal control scheme by now While it is refreshing to see some of my most loathed tropes slowly going the way of the dodo there are still a few out there Fully programmable control schemes go a long way to fixing these problems -
Worst trope/underutilized mechanic in fighting games
GUERILLA replied to GUERILLA's topic in Gaming Forum
I copy and paste from a writing ap if i have to go large because so many forums are so wacky Anything to say about the thread? -
Worst trope/underutilized mechanic in fighting games
GUERILLA replied to GUERILLA's topic in Gaming Forum
Yeah big time...the homage is completely understandable In fact I like similar control schemes The more consistant it is the better you can move from one title to another AVG has some great rage outs on that one albeit from a less complicated past