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Everything posted by AndreiMirfi

  1. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.craftgames.worldcrft&hl=en_US&gl=US
  2. I've been playing Guitar Hero when I was a kid, and I loved it. I've been playing it with my keyboard.
  3. Maybe... Among Us? If you know the tactics of an impostor and discovering one.
  4. NFS Underground... the first one. Good old times with my cousin...
  5. I'm the type of person that likes the ones with missions. For example, Anthem is one of the best games that I ever tried, but at a time the missions stop and all you got to do is discover. This makes me very bored.
  6. Cuphead. The game is still on my PC, but I never got to end it. It's just very hard and I'm not type of person to rage. When I'm not good to a game, I just quit.
  7. Rating: 9/10 DiRT 4 The game was awesome. The tracks, cars and the Hyundai R5 DLC was really worth it! The only problem are the controls. The car is, sometimes, very hard to handle it and you just jump and rotate into the grass.
  8. I like going to bed, but I don't always want to hear about sleeping. I'm a morning person.
  9. I love electronic, lo-fi, dance and a little of pop music.
  10. I wish NFS made a brand new movie. Need for Speed: Beginnings was epic!
  11. Hi, ZY! Welcome to VGR! Hope you will have a great time here!
  12. I'll like to watch you playing Among Us, CS:GO and NFS Most Wanted, Payback or Rivals.
  13. At this moment, I'm watching Peter Knetter, Plainrock124 & AutoTopNL It always changes.
  14. I've been having some tests on Unity, but I wasn't so impressed, so I decided to stay on the web design part.
  15. I used to watch Pokemon back when it was on Cartoon Network, but I never had any Pokemon games, toys etc.
  16. I'm always using alcohol. I'm already a master at it. Just be gentle with it.
  17. I've been really thinking about cross-playing. I'm the only one who uses Steam. All of my friends use Uplay and Origin.
  18. These keyboards are just a cosmetic upgrade. Making the gaming experience better. In my opinion, I like these keyboards.
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