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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Omg I think that was one of the areas I had some trouble with. It's been so long since I played, but I remember a similar mission like that. Was there anything falling on you while you climbed? I remember some where you had to knock enemies off a wall as you climb.
  2. League is pretty popular, so there's bound to be some pros up in there. It's a big game in the esports arena, so I bet you encountered some pros. I mean, we probably played against many pros in most online games, we just didn't know it. And I'm sure that's the way they want it.
  3. I can see that. I imagine it's partly to do with egos and people thinking they're the best. Especially when it comes to fighting games, some people take the genre so seriously. So I could see some pros thinking they're too good for the team they're on and switch.
  4. If we're going by graphics, then I'd say newer is better. But if you're referring to the best generations in terms of games. I'd probably say: 6th gen, 5th gen, 7th gen, then 8th gen. I havent had time with the 9th gen of consoles yet. I selected things the way I did based on nostalgia and for the love of the games I enjoyed. 6th gen was with the PS2 era, and that's where I really went into gaming growing up.
  5. Haha nice. Yeah they have a few vids on the game so far. I didn't even know you could do co-op in it either. If I knew that, I might have got a friend to play. 😄
  6. That's awesome, glad to hear you haven't had to deal with a broken down console. I have dealt with my share of broken controllers too. Mostly 360 controllers but also Xbox one and PS2. I always had issues with my PS2 controllers breaking on me. I think it all comes down to how long you use your controllers. Because with prolonged use, they will eventually break down from use.
  7. I agree with you there. It is a temporary fix or just a way to get the depression out of my head for a while. Once I'm done I may feel a bit more relaxed, but the depression comes back around. But I'm also hopeful that things will get better.
  8. I remember getting a small sonic collection on PC. It was a two disc set that had some of the original sonic games. It also had a soundtrack for one of the games. I remember downloading the songs and adding it to my music library. I think I still have the music on my PC as well. 🙂
  9. I didn't respond to this part of your post yet. Not sure how that matters. It's not like Netflix is going to make their own console. Netflix would probably end up making games for those consoles and not against them. They would never be able to compete with those companies. But they could make games for said consoles.
  10. I don't think anyone knows how many times they did, because it probably reaches into the hundreds. Some maybe even the thousands. The dark souls series are tough. But I think if you were patient and watched each person you fight, you may become a pro. I just don't have the patience myself lol.
  11. Warzone is exclusively online though. There is no single player component to that mode itself. As for mods in the single player mode, I honestly don't see why you would. I suppose you could mod guns, characters and stuff like that, but idk if it's even worth it. Even so, their anticheat system would probably catch that, as I think even their single player you can't mod it.
  12. Yup, I agree with you 100%. If Rockstar from the get go didnt make the online mode such a chore and grind, fans would have stuck with it. Replaying rdr2 single player, I have like $6000 plus right now. Why can't we get money that easily online? If rs actually changed it to be more profitable to actually play, then people would jump back in I think.
  13. I wonder, are there independent stat trackers? Like actual people who tally the stats so you don't have to? Like an actual person tasked with collecting everyone's stats. I know it defeats the purpose of leaderboards, but I could see some people doing this.
  14. It's one of the best soundtracks out there. Honestly I view it better than rdr2s soundtrack. RDR2s music was good too, but rdr1 slapped harder and sounded way better. I honestly don't hear the music in rdr2 as much for some reason. But yeah, there's definitely a few rdr1 playlists on YouTube you can probably add to a playlist. I'd also recommend any for the silent hill soundtracks. Especially silent hill 2 and 3s.
  15. Kane99

    Standing desk

    Well to be fair, I think there are standard ones that don't move up and down, but there are mechanical ones that do and if you could afford one of those, I'd get that. That's the type of standing desk I want to get, because it's the best of both worlds.
  16. No problem. I know someone who for example is afraid of horses because of a past traumatic incident involving a horse. So this person won't watch or play anything with a horse in it. I think even hearing the sound of a horse brings that trauma back for them.
  17. Been thinking of retiring my Xbox one soon. Or attempting to clean it out. It's been shutting down on my brother and I whenever we try to play rdr2 on it. We get that annoying message after turning the Xbox back on, saying that the console overheated and to make sure the console is in a well ventilated area. I figure it's because it's kinda dirty, and could use a good dusting. Any tips on how to best clean an Xbox one?
  18. The fan base is kinda mixed. I'd say 50% really love the game, while 50% like it, but want to see it change. The first 50% don't want it to change. So they complain. But the other want some change so they complain about that. As for the numbers, can you provide a link to said info? Because each COD has drawn huge profits and from what I hear are still selling more copies than other games. But that of course doesn't mean it didn't have less sales, just that I think it sold more than most games out at the time. At least in regards to vanguard. Also, warzone is free to play I believe, so the userbase there differs a from the main multiplayer modes. But, maybe COD has finally started to lose their popularity. Maybe this will steer them into doing something better.
  19. I disagree about Mario games, mainly because he's been relevant for all these years. Also, Mario Odyssey has been regarded as a game of the year, some even have added it to their favorite game lists. For the most part, Mario is still a household name. I can understand the spinoff games, like Mario party, Mario tennis, etc overstaying their welcome, but I think the Super Mario franchise keeps it fresh every so often and reinvents the game. I mean odysee was a big change. The hat gimmick helped sell it. I agree with the rest of your picks though.
  20. With the Last of us remastered, yeah that's a fair point. It's not like we have to buy it. I know I won't, because I don't feel like I need to retread that water so to say. I played the first game on the PS3, and I feel I don't need to revisit it with more fancy graphics. But there are other games I would like to see remasters of, but I hope they don't make it full price like most newer games. On top of that, I feel like remakes in general are fine to list at full price, because they're usually built from the ground up. So I can see the price being fair there. But I don't like when a game that's already been remastered releases another remaster for full price. I think they charged $60 for the first last of us remaster.
  21. RDR2 online was never going to be able to compete with GTA online. There's just so much more to do in GTA online compared to rdr2. There's just so much more you can do, and with rockstar focussing again on that and a future GTA, I feel like rdr2 online is officially dead. I haven't heard much since about this but, so maybe Rockstar did the good thing and fixed it. I feel like they would have to patch something like that asap, even if they aren't supporting the game anymore.
  22. Quick update about my recent post on power wash sim and lawnmower sim. I finally tried lawnmower sim, and honestly I hated it lol. It was not nearly as relaxing as powerwash sim lol. I did the first level and that was it. Yeah it's nice to just sit back, relax and make a little town, or house or anything without having to deal with enemies at night. I like building without having to mine stuff in order to do it. Creative mode let's you build endlessly. You don't lose supplies this way. But, eventually you may get bored, I which case, survival can be fun. I'd say get some friends together to play. You'll enjoy it a lot more I think.
  23. True, it just looks good on my profile that's it lol. I swear Xbox were going to make a system where you could use your game score for things. And I swear I heard this rumor kinda recently with the release of the xbone. I think they announced plans to release exclusive things that you could use your gamer score for. Or maybe that was some April fool's joke lol, I don't remember. But it would be cool to get something from it.
  24. Yup, and with the new rumor of a family share plan coming, it's probably going to get even more games soon. And for sure. I haven't paid for a new game in a while. Well aside from WWE 2k22, but before that I didn't buy a new game since maybe RDR2. I got cyberpunk 2077 from a friend, so I don't count that. Game pass just saves you so much money imo.
  25. And the thing about esports is, do you even have the time to devote to gaming so long? As well, can you mentally do it? I imagine gaming all day, nearly everyday can be exhausting. Especially if it's the same game, doing the same things to get good.
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