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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Congrats on getting the mod spot @Withywarlock you for sure deserve it. And congrats to the forum for this awesome achievement. Here's hoping we reach 20,000 members in no time. 🙂
  2. Yeah I pretty much used all of the cheats. I remember going on a killing spree in it and amassed a huge bounty. There are cheats for short invisibility, and to make your weapons full. There were some cheats I didn't bother with though.
  3. Video games are a big thing in helping me with my anxiety. As of late I've been a bit down and depressed. Work stuff mostly. Gaming has relaxed me a lot. If I ever feel down or depressed, gaming has often picked me up.
  4. Hell yeah, if you haven't yet played this gem of a game, it's totally worth picking up for $4. It's one of those games that I had a ton of fun playing. But I felt like they could have easily done more with it.
  5. To be fair the guy has come a long way in not being an annoying tool. From what I have seen as of late, he's relatively tame compared to his past content. I haven't heard him a scream up a storm like he used to.
  6. I doubt GTA 6 will be a failure. It will still sell a ton like GTA V did. On top of that, I bet that GTA 6 will have a similar online mode but even more advanced and let's face it, that's what is going to be popular for them. The single player may be tamed down some to change with the times, but I feel like they can still make a great game.
  7. I liked the brief time I had with Raft. My friends on the other hand were getting annoyed with it. Idk I started to get used to the game when the decided to peace out on it. Oh well. Maybe one of these days I'll try to jump back into it solo maybe. The shark is annoying, but once you get your raft going and learn the basics, that shark becomes less and less of a problem. At least from what I have played.
  8. I think that's different though. Sometimes fan can take things way too seriously. We saw it happen with Rick and Morty recently, where fans just acted weird. But it in turn made fans look dumb. A great game can have a horrible group of fans. It happens with most popular titles I would say. And it wouldn't have been a problem if the game came out as the game everyone was expecting and hoping for. But what we got was false promises and a game that wasn't what we thought. They caused their own overhype because of their promises. They rushed release as well, because of fans wanting it now. If they were just patient, and took another delay, I think people would have accepted it over what we got.
  9. Kane99


    I feel like $30 is a fair price for a short game. But maybe it could have been cheaper, maybe $20 or so. Maybe they will release free DLC in the future for the game. For me, I can see myself playing it just once, but I feel like I'd enjoy it. I'll wait to get it when it lowers a bit in price some.
  10. I used to trade games on game trading sites in the past and got a ton of games in return. A lot of the games I got, I have never played. I even got games for consoles I wanted to get eventually and still never got, so those never got played. One of these days maybe lol.
  11. They already have trilogies, like the jak and daxter trilogy. Also a quadrilogy with Uncharted as I think there's 4 games in the main series. As for the TV show, yup. It stars Pedro Pascal (I think I spelled that right) as Joel. I don't remember the actor who is playing Elle. But she too was from game of thrones. And a part 1 and 2 remaster in on package for that price would be a lot more convincing and worth it imo. It would make more sense too.
  12. True, they could just be waiting until they could afford to produce a bigger game. Especially now, they are losing subscribers because people got their fill of stranger things, so they peaced out until the next season and then they'll resubscribe for another month or two and cancel again.
  13. The character models are awful, same with animations. But I did think the environment looked good. That's where I think it shines. I imagine this guy used assets available by unreal anyway. But if he actually made it look identical to Billy's landscape, I think it would have looked a lot better. Also, I did notice the colors seemed bleh, not colorful like current rockstar games would be. To me, it's just a what if scenario of a game like this being done in unreal, but very very early stages. No worries 👍😎
  14. For a game that's free to play as well, you can't go wrong. Try it out and see if it's to your liking. If you like halo and portal, you'll probably love it. Also, is this game popular in esports and gaming tournaments? If not, it should be.
  15. The problem with the original games, is that they haven't aged too well. In terms of gameplay, graphics, voice acting etc. The older games just aren't as accessible as the newer games and I think that's why they do the remakes, to capture that audience that can't be bothered to play the original games. And the sad truth is that RE has to adapt with the times. It can't forever be the RE we know. It's going to probably get weirder, go into uncharted territory with multiple spinoffs and more. When I hear RE, I think endless possibilities. It doesn't have to be a zombie virus for example, it could be vampires, lycans again, etc. Didn't the last one technically have witches? Idk, I'm probably going on a tangent now, so I'll shut up.
  16. It's hard for me to be traumatized during a game. I may be traumatized due to the shitty controls of a lot of games if that counts? Who here hasn't played a game with bad controls? Or games that have horrible frame rates, or just any game that doesn't run good at all.
  17. Yeah the whole rushed release was their attempt to catch on to the classic consoles that dropped around the time. They could have easily succeeded if they didn't rush and took time to develop it better, much like what sega did. But yeah, if there is money there, they will probably try again. When that is, could be anyone's guess. Yeah that's the unfortunate truth. Licensing would be a bitch to deal with for a lot of games. But if they focused on just exclusives they can easily port, then I could see it happening. Especially if they already have license agreements with the games on their PlayStation shop. I'm sure there are more than enough games on their shop marketplace that features PS2 and PS1 games that could potentially be places on a new classic system. We just might not get all of the classics we want due to licensing, but I'm sure they can think of alternatives to put on there.
  18. I feel as if it's a what if scenario. I don't think this concept is being made into an actual game. I think whoever made this, likes to see what a remastered, or remake could look like under unreal engine 5 with basic assets and character models. I get the annoyance in seeing these, especially if they were attempting to make an actual fan remake. Because we all know once something like that is announced, rockstar will be on their asses with a cease and disist letter to take it down. But with this, I feel it's just some dude making fake trailers to show off what could be if we did get a remaster. But we all know rockstar won't ever release a remaster or a sequel. Would be nice though.
  19. Depends on the game. If it's something I got on sale, I may not play it for weeks, months, years or even ever. But when it's a game I want to play, usually the day of, or the next. Whenever I can get free time to play.
  20. I think getting used to playing on mouse and keyboard and also controller. I got used to controllers growing up. But I didn't have much time with gaming on PC growing up, so it took me a while to get used to PC controls.
  21. Hmm, that's a good question. I'm not sure. If feel like most games stayed the same in tone for the most part. But maybe some of the GTA games when I finished the main game. Maybe it's just not knowing what to do next, but I feel like at that point the world feels pointless in game.
  22. Honestly, maybe something like Silent Hill 2, but I wouldn't say I was scared, just more annoyed with the tank controls and getting lost. I should just use a guide to finally complete it.
  23. I'd say it's the newer call of duty. I was originally going to get it just to play with my nephew, but I felt like I wouldn't have stuck with it. Last cod I played I couldn't get invested, so I felt it pointless to get the new game. It would be the same thing anyway, and if I was already tired of that, I doubt it would reel me back in.
  24. I don't know, I heard that electronics we use on a daily basis can help worsen the likes of global warming. Idk if this is true or not, but I heard that the electronics we use often aren't good for our environment. Don't quote me on that as I never fully looked into it. I don't think it can really help unless it's an educational game or something. I don't know how else a video game could help the environment or stopping global warming.
  25. I'm fine with them retiring windows 10 by then. As long as they allow me to install windows 11 on my current PC somehow, I'll be fine. Otherwise I'll just install Ubuntu or something and use that until I can afford a good gaming PC with win 11 again.
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