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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. True, but with Stadia Google just didn't care. It was also the like new prices they charged for their titles. We were expecting these older games to be lowered down in price, but they were full price. But I agree Netflix doesn't have a catalog that they can bank on. They'd need to invest in studios, and I don't think they have the money to do that at the moment. But we can hope.
  2. Yeah I suppose so. It would be weird not having him be the main guy, but I think eventually it would make sense. They could always have him be a side character or someone who tags along once Atreus becomes the lead. I just think this is the inevitable route, because I don't see Kratos being alive forever. But I could be wrong.
  3. Kane99


    Hmm, I don't know. The game you shared doesn't really seem all too similar. The art style kind of, but the gameplay looks to be a lot different. But it does look like something a friend of mine would enjoy, so I'll have to share this with him. Thanks for sharing! 🙂
  4. Naughty Dog will make a third. It's pretty much a given. They originally were only going to do just the first game, but the popularity and the fans wanting a sequel helped make that a reality. So a third is something they'd be crazy not to take advatage of. And hey, that means more remasters they can make. 😄
  5. Can't say I ever got into football managers that are based on soccer. I know there are some for the America sport of Football (NFL), but even those I don't get into. I know there was a coach sim style game that allowed you to coach a NFL team, but I too never played that. I'm not one for management Sims, too much to know and I'm too lazy to learn.
  6. Streaming could work, but I honestly don't see why anyone would play on a phone or tablet. Yeah if you have a controller along for the ride, but even then, I couldn't see myself playing such a challenging game on mobile. It could work sure, but so you really want to?
  7. I feel the hype was warranted, wasn't elden ring considered a game of the year contender after it released? It being made by the dark souls guy really helped as well. Plus the dude who wrote the song of ice and fire books was involved. Whoever wasn't hyped was crazy lol.
  8. Honestly never played any of the dlc for bioshock. Then again I mostly played the first game. Did the first game have a few dlc missions? I imagine it did, but I don't recall. I really need to revisit the bioshock games, along with all the dlc if possible. Never beat any of the games, so maybe it's time I changed that.
  9. My nephew got me to get it a while back. It being free to play, I figured why not. It's actually really fun. It reminds me of halo mixed with portal and it works really well. I am horrible at it, but for a free to play game, you really can't go wrong. Especially since it's pretty fun.
  10. I disagree. Most of the cod games are much of the same. The online modes are competant and work. It's just that we're tired of the same bs over and over, year by year. They can't innovate and make new experiences because the game has been the same since cod 4 I'd say. Yeah they tried to change it up some, but fans still complained. Now we got micro transactions and dumb cosmetics. Nothing impressive has happened to this series since the 360/ps3 generation I'd say.
  11. They could easily support it, but I think Rockstar knows RDO is dead. And to them, it's probably not worth it to support it as much as say GTA Online. I hate to say it, but it is the truth. They didn't support online enough, so it slowly died, and now they are going to leave it behind. I just wish they'd support it some more. Or give us more freedom in the online mode or in our own servers.
  12. I haven't heard a lot about Ubisoft having problems. I'm aware there were issues with Ubisoft in terms of allegations of misconduct and other bad things, but I thought their games were doing pretty good. Unless I'm missing something? I don't see Microsoft buying ubisoft. If anyone was, I bet it'd be Sony. They could use a big get I think. And Ubisoft would be big.
  13. Hasn't this game been out for a while now? I've seen some gameplay for it, but I'm not a big FNAF fan like so many others are. From what I saw the game looked decent enough, just not my thing.
  14. I think that's the point. To make battlefield look like clowns. It's sad how far battlefield has fallen. I hope they can eventually rebound and make good games again. For sure. And rightfully so, when a game like battlefield 2042 comes out in such a mess, it becomes deserving of the hate sometimes. If they can fix their issues with a future game, they'll be fine.
  15. Imagine if Microsoft were to get the rights for the WWE games. That would be odd. I don't think I'd like it. Also, I doubt McMahon if fully gone. He's still doing stuff for the WWE I bet.
  16. I just created an alternate save to mess around in. I think when you use cheats it also turns off autosave so it doesn't save anything like a massive bounty, but I could be wrong. There might be a cheat to lose a bounty, and to raise and lower your honor. So I don't think it'll matter much. Just don't save over your main save. 🙂
  17. Kane99


    I guess it's kinda short, about 5 hours or so long. Not bad, but I feel like I'd play this game just once, finish it and then never play it again. But, I hear the modding community is having a blast modding the game. I saw someone modded in a horse and another modded in CJ from GTA lol.
  18. I think I 100% percented Assassin's Creed black flag. I remember opening every chest, opening every location, and doing everything else to 100% it. I don't remember if I actually got 100% but I believe it did. It didn't give me anything though. I don't even think it gave you an achievement.
  19. I'm super psyched for the new robo cop game dropping. I hope they do it justice, as I think most of the games based off of robocop have been lacking or just outright sucked. And I don't think there's been too many games based on it yet. The newer movie doesn't tie into this game or the original movies. The game is based off the original movies as well.
  20. Does games are notorious for their difficuly. I've played dark souls and I imagine sekiro is just as hard or even tougher. I wish I had the patience to play these types of games, because I would love to play these games and experience them 100% all the way through.
  21. I stand corrected. I always thought he was a character made by Sony. Oh well. I think Atreus is going to eventually take over. I'm kinda excited to see how the future goes.
  22. Yeah that makes sense. Copyright is a big thing, because I believe even short sounds can be copyrighted. And I agree, it doesn't make much sense when there are so many apps out there, some that are free to use as well. But idk, I imagine they could figure something out.
  23. I encountered a time in rdr2 where Dutch was talking to the whole camp, like giving a speech, and no one was watching him. No one was around actually, so I thought it was hilarious that he was doing a Dutch speech to no one lol.
  24. I mostly play the retro games in the series. Most of the newer Mario games I don't even play. I played odesyee for like a few minutes, and haven't played most of the recent games. I prefer the retro games anyway. Also, I wouldn't say I abandoned it though.
  25. I don't need another room, I'll just use my bedroom for my gaming room. I have the room, just need to make the storage to make it easier. If I'm ever rich, maybe I'll make a room just for my games, but for now. My bedroom is good enough.
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