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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yeah, but they succeeded in that. Yeah there was some worry that Halo would have failed, but ever since 343 took over, it seemed to have done just fine. Yeah some of the games were lacking, but for the most part, the past and current Halo games did well and are doing well. It's because they haven't changed the formula much since like WWE 2K13 or something. I don't know how many times I've watched the same animations in most of the newer games. Even the newest game reuses some of the same animations. But with the newer game, it's actually good again. Though I still think another team should take over. It's partly to do with the WWE as well. They allowed these studios to keep producing crap games, and this is what happens. They gave 2K an ultimatum pretty much that they had to make a good game, otherwise they would be moving on to another studio. So WWE 2K22 is 2K's last chance to wow the WWE people. If this game doesn't do good sales wise, we may be seeing another studio taking the reigns.
  2. RARE doing a LEGO game would be pretty dope, I can see them getting very creative with it. Who currently owns the LEGO license to make games? And yes! A Dog's Life by the makers of Stray would be pretty dope in my opinion. I haven't played Stray yet, but I can see myself playing it one of these days. So more from this team would be great!
  3. Congrats! It sucks that it's so tough for people to get a PS5, but hopefully things start to open up soon to where we don't have to be put on a waiting list just to buy a console. But, this won't stop until we stop the scalpers from picking them all up. I'm not even on a wait list, but one of these days I'll get a PS5, I hope. 😄
  4. With the news of RDR2 online having a funeral due to it pretty much losing support. The fans behind Assassin's Creed are going to do the same, but a bit differently. It looks like Ubisoft is closing the servers for some of the older AC games that had online modes, those being Brotherhood, Revelations, and Assassin’s Creed 3. Surprised that anyone could still be playing these games online. What I found odd, is that Brotherhood had multiplayer? I don't remember them having online capabilities, but I guess they did. Either way, it sucks when an old game loses their servers. I know it makes sense considering these games are old by todays standards. Do you think that this will result in fans making their own servers to continue playing? Read more on this news here - https://www.pcgamesn.com/assassin-s-creed-iii/funeral-online-servers
  5. Has anyone here played this game yet? It's like an interactive story game. It kinda reminds me of what Telltale does with their games, but a bit different. It looks more like a story in book form, as I don't think there's any animations, or very little of it. Also, I heard someone compare it to the likes of Breaking Bad, so I'm very curious to check it out.
  6. Stray dropped the other day and it's been making the rounds all over the web as of late. It seems people really are into it and it's getting decent reviews. With that being said, I kinda hope this brings a new trend where we see more games where we can control an animal. Yeah we have a decent amount of games with animal leads, but I feel like it's less and less these days. I'd love to see more games where you're a dog, a cat, a mouse even. I'll take just about anything where you're a small animal running around in a big world. Would you like to see more games like Stray come out?
  7. This is really cool, the team behind Autonauts vs Piratebots are giving teachers, lecturers and other people in the education sector free copies of the game. Supposedly it'll only be 5000 copies, but if you're a teacher and want to get this for your students, I believe you have to reach out to them. The cool thing about this game, is that it uses basic coding to fight off pirates. Think of it like you're the antivirus and you're trying to protect against the viruses. It's a pretty cool concept and if it helps teach people to code, than that's pretty cool too. Read more on this here - https://www.thegamer.com/autonauts-vs-piratebots-help-kids-learn-to-code/ The game is also dropping on steam soon for $19.99
  8. Yeah I figured it wasn't going to really help anything. I haven't heard anything since and I feel like Rockstar don't care about the game anymore. It would have been nice if they did some actual work online, but they don't care. All they care about is making money and they clearly don't see money in RDR2 online anymore. If they did, they would have supported it like they do with GTA with tons of new missions, items and more. Yeah RS gives out some stuff to RDR2 gamers, but it's not nearly close to what they offer with GTA V. But oh well, I'll continue to enjoy the story of RDR2 and will skip out on the online mode.
  9. Cultured vultures put together a list of the best FMV games, the 13 best to be exact. I don't know if we have many FMV game fans here, but I figured I'd share. You can read about it here: https://culturedvultures.com/best-fmv-games/ Of course Night Trap is on the list, it's dead last at 13, while the #1 spot goes to Not For Broadcast, which I've heard a lot of good things about. I've been meaning to check it out, but have been preoccupied with other things and RDR2 of course. 😄 Also, Her Story was a big hit that came out a few years ago I think. I have it downloaded on my Xbox, but haven't played it yet. 😄 I don't know most of the other games on the list though. Does any of them ring a bell?
  10. As you all know, Netflix has their own gaming line, though from what I see they're all mobile games on the app marketplace. Do you think we'll ever see a big, triple A title from them? Maybe one that comes out on PC and consoles? Mobile games are all well and fine, but I think Netflix could strike it big if they actually released a big game, like on the levels of GTA, COD, etc. On the other side though, Netflix is losing money like crazy these days, so I don't know if they could start on a big game. What do you think? Can Netflix get more involved in the gaming industry? Or will their focus stick to just mobile games?
  11. Also last thing on this, I recently heard that real life quidditch is being changed to distance it from JK Rowling. I didn't know this, but I guess some schools in the US and elsewhere have their own Quidditch league. They recently changed the game to Quadball. You can read about it here - https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/quidditch-becomes-quadball-leaving-j-k-rowling-behind/ I think that's a good step, and I feel like they're doing that with the movies as well. Not far away. And yeah they probably haven't finalized the date just yet. I'm sure with it being Holiday 2022, it'll be closer to early Dec. But I could be wrong. They would be smart to release this as early as possible so that they can capitalize on the holiday season. Would have been better if they release it this November, just so they can captilize on black Friday and all that.
  12. There looks to be a lot of mobile emulators out there. I myself haven't tried any, because I really see no point in most mobile games these days lol. But I think it's cool to be able to play mobile games on your PC. Gives you more options. One of the emulators I found from a search is called Bluestacks. I'm not sure if anyone mentioned it yet but it looks pretty cool. Also, it looks like it may have its own mobile game marketplace as well, so idk how that works with Android and other devices. I don't know if they work with Apple apps though.
  13. Kane99

    Genshin Impact

    I played a bit of Genshin Impact with a couple friends, but I got bored with it fairly quickly. It's just not the type of games I usually play, so when I got to a certain point in the game, I kinda gave up. Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad game by any means, it's just not my cup of tea. But, having a mobile version is pretty cool, but it won't bring me back to the game because I have no interest in it. Plus to me, it feels like a chore to play at times, so idk.
  14. Yeah 400 quests sounds unbearably bad, but I think having that many options at your disposal helps keep replayability up. For me, these missions just have to be fun and not annoyingly long. If you have that many side quests, then I'll do some of them, but if they're extremely long missions that are tough, I probably won't do all 400. But, I'm all for games offering that staggering amount of side quests and missions, because it gives you more options. It's not like you have to play every single quest or mission. I am not one who likes to 100% a game these days anyway, especially if there is so much to do. But I'm all for having more options available to me.
  15. I've heard of Read or Not, have wanted to try it out one of these days, but have been putting it off. I think it's better meant for co-op or multiplayer. Can you even play single player in this game? I'm not sure I'd want to, to be honest. I haven't played any of the other games mentioned, but I will surly have to check them out when I get some free time.
  16. This is pretty cool. I remember the original series was all about Greek mythology and I'm so happy they decided to go for the Norse side of it with the last game and the new one coming soon. I've been into a lot of Viking stuff as of late, and so it's nice to see that aspect showcased in game form. I am glad they're including all of these locations. I'm kinda hoping that some Viking characters show up, like Ragnar Lodbrok and a few others. Of course these guys aren't magical beings or anything like that, but I'd love to see some of the mainstays in Norse history to be included. Did the first God of War have any mention of real, known Vikings from back then?
  17. For example, would you ever like to see CD Projekt Red make GTA? Maybe RARE making a Call of Duty game. This is just a what if scenario, obviously none of this will ever happen, at least not most of these studios and games. But, what if things were changed around, and these studios were making different games? I'd love to see RARE take on some Nintendo games, push them back into making those types of games. But what about you? What studios out there, would you like to see tackle an IP from another studio?
  18. I can see him being into overwatch, but it's another game I don't particularly care for. Forza is good, but I don't know if my nephew is really into the racing genre. But I can check with him and see what he would like to do. And Cities Skylines, I had no idea this was a co-op/multiplayer game. Mario Kart 8 doesn't really work considering it's Nintendo only. Portal 2 could work, as it has co-op options, but I have no patience for it haha. But yeah, feel free to suggest other games as well. I'm always open for more options.
  19. I'd like to twist the idea for this topic the other way. Instead of PC games coming to the switch, which would be kinda hard based off of the switch's hardware. Why not instead, release some of the Nintendo games on PC, like classics and even some of the newer games, like Breath of the Wild, or Super Mario Odyssey. I know Nintendo would never do it, but it makes more sense for Nintendo games coming out on PC than the other way around, at least in my opinion.
  20. Did anyone here actually go to this so called funeral? I didn't because I felt it was pointless. If anything jumping into the game will probably help the game out, so I didn't want to support Rockstar by giving them a jump in gamers joining them. I did a search and found that it did bring in some gamers. I thought the funeral was recently, but it looks like it happened on the 13th. Check out some details about the funeral here - https://www.gamepressure.com/newsroom/rdr2-and-reddeadfuneral-red-dead-online-funeral-trending-on-twitt/z24725
  21. I was looking at my game collection the other day, and realized it was a mess. I don't have much storage in my room, and I want to clean up my game collection somewhat and make it more "presentable" as in, just not messy lol. I got this old shelf in there and it has enough room, but the back is coming off and I need to replace the shelf me thinks. Anyway, I use part of the shelf for my cats food dish. I'm thinking about moving it to where I can store more video games, but I'm just too damn lazy to start on the process. I wish I had the skills to just build a massive wall unit where I could put my tv, games, consoles and other stuff, because I could really use the extra room. One of these days I'll clean up my gaming collection, but today, I'm too lazy lol.
  22. I wouldn't say milking the franchise, it's more like they're letting idiots take their IP and make crap from it. The RE movies and show leave a lot lacking for the audience. They haven't made a single good RE movie aside from some of the animated movies, and even then some of those are mediocre as can be. I have no interest in watching the show, because it's just another Hollywood cash grab. To my knowledge, the show is the best we've got in terms of the movies and shows. It probably doesn't come close to the actual games though. The games are in their own little world, doing their own things. While the show and movies are mostly in their own world messing things up. lol
  23. Idk, that's a tough one. I wish they would toss the guy out, but that $15 million may not let them. No one wants to have to pay that much money to kick someone out, but Microsoft could easily make it happen with the amount of money they have. It probably wouldn't be much of a dent for them. But still, it's $15 mill and I bet Microsoft doesn't feel like paying that. Maybe they're going to let him work his contract, and once up they'll let him go.
  24. Thanks! I'll check it out. I have Gamepass and there's a lot to choose from. Just need to get my nephew to also get gamepass so we can game together. idk about Mortal Kombat 11, not too big into fighting games and I don't think my nephew would care to play it that much anyway. But, maybe, I'll ask him and see if he'd like to play it for a while.
  25. This has kinda taken a turn. I get that JK Rowling is a piece of shit human being, but maybe we should keep the subject on the game itself. Since JK Rowling literally has nothing to do with Hogwarts Legacy or the future of Harry Potter, I say we let her go and move on to actually discussing the game. Yeah she helped create this world, but she has no control of it anymore. She has no say what happens, how it begins and ends, who is in it, etc. The movies are cutting her out, and so are the games. I think she's done, nothing can bring her back from the mess she made. If you don't like this game because she was the original creator of Harry Potter, that's fine, but maybe lets move this discussion about JK Rowling somewhere else? Like a topic area that more matches it. That way we can discuss this in more depth and leave the game out of it.
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