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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. What are some video games that you felt were way too hard? Maybe even tougher than the likes of Dark Souls? I imagine there are a fair share of games even tougher than Dark Souls, and I want to know, which ones did you give up on because of the punishing difficulty?
  2. One thing I forgot to mention, is that I started gaming because of my mom and sister. We had an NES growing up, and my mom and sister gamed on it a lot. It's what got me into video games to begin with. I'm sure I would have gotten into video games either way, but I love that bit of my life as it's really the only time my mom and sister played video games. Sadly they don't play games these days. 😞 So it's a nice little memory that I have.
  3. What was the dumbest cheat codes that you guys remember? I remember big head modes where everyone had big heads. But that got boring after a bit. I don't recall anything too crazy from the games I played, but I'm sure some games had some wacky cheat codes worth trying out. Any suggestions?
  4. I'm thinking about putting my Xbox One in storage and just using my smart tv to watch movies/tv. I don't game on it anymore unless my nephew is over and I just don't see a point in wasting more electricity when I could just use my TV instead. Plus with my gaming PC, I game mostly on that anyway.
  5. Yeah I forgot you could use a cheat code to mess with the weather. I wonder if GTA V and RDR2 had the option for changing the weather via cheats, because I'd like to mess with that for RDR2 mostly. Would have been cool to add tornadoes and other harmful weather to GTA V and RDR2, just to add to the unpredictability.
  6. I was thinking two point hospital as well when I made the topic. I played a bit of it, but got bored with it after a while. It's a fun game, but it got really repetitive after a while. I'll have to check out Black and White though, sounds pretty decent. I've heard of that one, but not sure it is really the same as The Sims. But then again, there doesn't seem to be a lot of options out there similar to the sims.
  7. The fact it is coming out in 2024 is another indication, and we are just now hearing about it, really makes me think it's going to be fake or a failure. For something like this to succeed, I feel like it needed to be announced sooner, and have a later release date. Because what it makes me think, is that this is just like the Atair VC or whatever it was. It's just going to be a PC in a box and it'll fail.
  8. I think eventually gaming would have rebounded. I don't think gaming was ever something that would have officially died. If anything, it would have died out, and then someone like Nintendo will come along. I think it was inevitable with Nintendo coming, that things would change. And even if the NES was a failure on release, something else would have come out to help put us back into that direction where gaming will become a massive pastime for many. But, Nintendo succeeded and here we are today. I just think the gaming collapse in the 80s was just a hiccup. No matter what, gaming was going to come out on top.
  9. Schedule your time better. Schedule the work you have to do, the other chores you have, and make sure to schedule them all first to get it over with. Then gaming or whatever fun stuff you have, comes later. That's how I see it anyway. Don't rush to game, game when you can.
  10. Facebook for me, is just too damn crowded. Too much stuff going on, and I feel streaming doesn't work out so well on the platform. Sure they could end up making something unique and fresh for their streaming side, but I feel like Facebook is stuck on their ways and won't adapt much to support streamers. You can stream find on Facebook, I just don't see most people using Facebook for those reasons.
  11. It's going to suck when games and apps are going to get bigger in size, meaning my 120GB of storage probably won't be enough once it reaches 3-4 years old or so. Which sucks, because right now I feel like I have enough space, but I know if I want to try newer games/apps, they may take up a lot more space as more advanced games/apps will be coming out. Just think of when more Triple A studios release games. It'll get to a point where games are as big as they are on PC probably.
  12. My current phone has like 120gb of storage or something, which is far more than enough for me. I haven't had issues with doing any gaming on it, but then again I haven't really done a whole lot of gaming on it. I really don't feel like putting any games on my phone anyway, I see no point in it since I don't game on mobile like I used to.
  13. Oh yeah, they're going to get sued for that logo, it's too similar to the GC logo and I don't think Nintendo will let them get away with it. Anyway, in regards to the console, I smell a huge failure on the horizon. It looks like a raspberry pi in a custom case. Hell, it probably is for all we know lol. Oh and that claim of 8k graphics and all that, yeah no, that's not happening haha. This is just a kickstarter toy waiting to happen, and once it gets funded by the idiots who think this is the next best thing, we'll hear stories about how it's not coming. Just wait and see, if this thing does magically come out, there's no chance it'll survive for long. Plus with NFT's starting to fail these days, this console will as well.
  14. I think From Dust had weather mechanics that you could control. I remember that game being pretty cool in that you could alter the land, and move water around. I don't recall if you could control the weather, but you could mold the land around whatever was happening. I think you had to move tribes to usable land or something. I forget, it was so long ago. It came out for the Xbox 360 back on the arcade. Was a decent game, I'd recommend it.
  15. If you took it slow, it did take some time. But when I played I kinda blew right through it. Wish there was more to the first game, but oh well. Second game is looking to be a lot bigger in scale, so I'm psyched about that. Oh yeah the sling, good little tool to utilize against enemies. I'm glad the newer game is implementing some combat, because the last game could have used that as well imo.
  16. That's actually a tough one to answer. Lately I wouldn't say I find games mundane or bad, at least not ones that have a big audience and fan base. I personally can't think of any games at the moment. Maybe Fortnite to some extent. Because it can be kinda mundane at times, especially when I play alone. I can't play the game alone, have to play with my friends or nephew at the very least. If not, I just don't play. Or I check out the creative modes and just mess around in those. But otherwise, Fotnite can be kind of mundane. I wouldn't say it's bad though.
  17. Are there any games that are very similar to what The Sims Offers? I mainly want a game where it's essentially The Sims, but different. Are there any Sims Clones out there? Or games that are close to the style, but different enough? I just want a game where I live a life, meet people, do a job, etc. Much like The Sims, but maybe in a more realistic style of graphics? Does anything like this exist or is The Sims the only game where you can do that?
  18. GTA series for sure. Who would want to be in a world where you could get killed any second. Than again, that feels like real life already lol. But another would probably be RDR2 or 1, simply because of the same idea with GTA, but instead you're stuck in a time without gaming/tv etc. I don't think I could ever do it honestly. I'd be one of those NPCs looking for money in RDR2, or one of the guys getting mowed down by Arthur and his gang lol.
  19. I have to agree to some extent. I feel like the 80s were a big time for gaming, but also a bad time with the crash that happened. Thankfully they rebounded and gaming has been around for a long time since. But, I'd argue that there are still many taking chances these days. It's why the indie market is so popular. So many great hits coming out, with unique ideas. If anything that time, has inspired many people today to keep at it and make the games they truly want to see and play. But yeah, we get too many sequels these days it seems.
  20. I haven't played any of the recent AC games. Last game I did play I think was Syndicate and I think I loaded up Unity at one point to try out, but never got to it. I have Origins I believe, but still haven't played it. Bought it like a year or so ago on Xbox and haven't loaded it up once yet. I kinda want to get Valhalla, but I I'm just tired of playing the series. I feel like they rarely change enough to keep me invested. It's why I jumped ship after Syndicate. Even though from what I played of Syndicate, it was fun. Most AC games are a broken mess at times. I've encountered glitches and problems in every game I played in the series.
  21. My favorite PS2 games would have to be (if I can remember lol): WWE Smackdown Here Comes The Pain Jak & Daxter 1 & 2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Def Jam Fight for NY Most of the other WWE wrestling games ESPN NFL 2K5 ESPN NBA 2K5 NBA Street 1-2 NFL Street 1-2 Shadow of the Colossus GTA SAN Andreas GTA Vice City GTA III SSX Tricky God of War 1 & 2 Hitman 2 Hitman Contracts Hitman Blood Money Indigo Prophecy And I'm sure there are lots more I'm forgetting.
  22. Kane99

    COD Mobile

    My question is, who still plays COD mobile these days? Lol, I maybe played it once or twice when it first came out, or maybe that was Fortnite or PubG mobile, I forget. But I just can't see myself playing any mobile game in this genre, simply because of the limitations. Yeah they have controller options you can attach to your phone to make it easier, or even use a bluetooth controller. Doesn't COD mobile focus more on battle royale?
  23. Figured that was coming. Still surprised they haven't gotten rid of the games for gold. I thought they were going to bring an end to xbox live gold and just stick with gamepass, because honestly that's what's working out so well for them right now. And to be fair, they don't release a lot of great games on games for gold, because I feel like gamepass is already giving us enough for the monthly fee. I'm not knocking free stuff, but I feel those games could just be added right to gamepass each month and no one would really care. Hell, make just a few games free for life, while the rest of gamepass could be limited to a period of time like it is now.
  24. YouTube does have a bigger userbase, but their streaming side isn't near what twitch does. Facebook is actually worse off in the streaming side of things. The options are there, but no one really bothers to stream on FB compared to twitch and YouTube. But it is growing so who knows, that could change.
  25. RDR2 has some fun glitches I heard. I guess you can mess with some bridges in game to the point that if you walk into it as it's glitching out, it will fling you across the world. And from the videos I saw of it, it doesn't hurt you when you land. But yeah I second glitches.
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