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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. It kinda sucks that cheat codes today, aren't what they used to be. Back in the day, cheats were fun and exciting and felt hidden. But today, we don't really see a lot of cheat options in games. Mainly because studios have to add that sort of thing to the paywall. Hell, I don't even know if most new games come with cheat code options. I know some do, but I feel like it's a dying thing these days, and that makes me sad. 😞
  2. Yeah I'm kinda the same way. If there is work to be done, I will have to complete all of that before I jump into any games. Because if I do, I will start to feel guilty for the work sitting there, not being done. So I strive to finish all of my work and then I game. But there are times where I'm just not in the mood to game after a hard days work. If I had a switch though, I could see myself playing games more often, since its handheld as well, I could have it sitting by my side while I work, so I can grab it right after I'm done.
  3. I think for me, it's most of the digital games I have on my Xbox 360. I figure I'd be using the 360 in the future for playing older games available on the xbox marketplace. But, it makes it easier than I can download any games I own on the Xbox 360 on the Xbox one and series x, it probably doesn't matter. But I think I have some games on there that can't be downloaded anymore. Like some of those indie titles the 360 used to have. I remember a game called fortress craft, a minecraft clone. It was before the 360 got Minecraft. But yeah, I have a couple other games on there that I don't think can be downloaded elsewhere or are no longer available on xbox at least.
  4. Simply put, they're fun. Video games are an escape from reality, a temporary escape, but an escape nonetheless. They can also be benefitial, from being a tool to workout, to improving dexterity, hand eye coordination, problem solving, and more. Video games are entertainment. I play them because I have fun with them, and they make the mundane days better.
  5. YouTube started as a service to upload content. I believe Justin.tv (Twitch before their name change) starting streaming first, and then YouTube jumped on. But I remember it taking a long time, maybe when Twitch became a thing.
  6. I heard today is Atari's 50th birthday. It's been a long history of ups and downs, but lately mostly downs. Atari isn't what they used to be, sadly they haven't been the same company since they were producing games and consoles. I don't even know who owns the company anymore, as its changed ownership so many times over. The new company that owns the name, released a new console that has been mostly forgotten since release. Even though they are no longer the same company, there is still some cool history there. I just wish Atari would stick to making games and not worry about devices. The current Atari is not the Atari we know, and I don't think they will ever be. What are your favorite memories about Atari?
  7. Also the thing with gaming at night, is that it's a lot more comforting, less distractions etc. I prefer gaming at night, because I just don't ever feel like gaming during the day that much. I think it's because I want to make sure I do all my work before I game, and when I game before that I get anxiety. So I tend to game at night when all my work is done for the day. And of course, no one around to bother me, makes it alot more relaxing.
  8. I think I only ever played the original game on the NES and maybe one on the gameboy years ago. I may have played via an emulator, I don't really remember. It's been so long. I really need to play the rest of the Kirby games. I'm missing out on a lot of fun games.
  9. They're also starting to make virtual assistants using Unreal Engine 5 I heard. I've been seeing ads for them all over facebook and instagram. I think it's kinda weird, but I can see people being into that. As well, I can see many using this as their own avatars. Which reminds me, I kinda want to try making my own avatar with something like this. I just wonder if it's possible to do it for free or if I have to pay for something like that.
  10. Yeah the early 2000s were a good time for gaming, especially 2003-2004 and 2005. Those years brought a ton of great games. 2005 for example brought us RE4. We also got Guitar Hero for the first time, and we all know how that turned out. If anything, I'd say 2001-2010 were some of the best years in gaming.
  11. One thing I love more with single player games, is that you don't usually have to deal with online trolls, hackers, cheaters and other annoying gamers who make online gaming a horrible experience. Single player at least gives you that freedom to be alone in your game. With online you often have to contend with other players, and we all know that most online gamers don't care, and will grief you or cause other problems.
  12. Idk, GTA SA hasn't aged that well. It aged better because of mods and such, but the base game itself hasn't aged all that well. The animations, graphics etc for the time were great, but these days they pale in comparison to what we have now. And that's to be expected, but it just hasn't aged well. Even gameplay has aged a bit, as they changed a lot with the remastered versions. AC Odyssey probably will age pretty well. A lot of the games from the HD era of gaming still look fairly good today. Some of course don't, but most games from this generation have aged pretty well. But it also helps that each new generation brings out remastered versions.
  13. Kinda the same. My friend was the only person at the time who had the internet, so in order for me to get some cheats, I had to go over to his house, and ask if they could search for cheats. I got cheats for some PS1 games back in the day. I remember having to write them down sometimes, or they would be cool to print off a sheet. But I remember my friend saying I had to pay $1 to print lol.
  14. Honestly, I think I'd have to say the Switch, mainly because I have a PC now and I feel I can get most games on PC now days. Even Sony is releasing games on PC, and Xbox is already doing that with most of their games, so I really don't see much of a point in buying a PS5 or Xbox Series X or S. But with the Switch, most of the games will not be on PC and other consoles unless it's a third party game available on all platforms.
  15. One other way to cope with finishing a game you love, is to replay it. Either play it again right away, or wait a few years and revisit it. That's usually what I do with games I really love. I've replayed Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World a few times over. And I always come back to them years later to revisit them.
  16. It has been so long since I played Apex Legends. How many new characters have been added since the game came out? I know that they released a bunch of characters, so I've lost track of who is who in this game. I remember when I did play, I used that one woman with like ninja abilities. I think that was what her abilities were. I haven't played since the game came out, so I can't say for sure who she was lol.
  17. I watch a lot of YouTube. I even sometimes watch lets plays because I don't have plans to play that game. And yeah, i have found myself watching YouTube for hours. Maybe it too is taking time away from gaming. But I also like to watch movies and tv when not gaming, so that's another thing.
  18. Best year for me, would probably be 2010. I'm pretty sure that's the year RDR1 and Skyrim came out. Or maybe Skyrim came out in 09, but either way, I remember those games being huge hits that year. There just seemed to be a big influx of great games released around that time. Of course I know some will list years earlier, but I think 2010 was it for me.
  19. Strangest I can think of off the top of my head, would probably be Goat Simulator. Of course, there are games like powerwash sim out there who give that game a run for its money, but I think Goat sim is the most weird I can think of. Though I know GTA and Saints Row in the past were pretty wacky as well.
  20. That's a good question. Honestly not sure. I know Dark Souls gameplay meshes well with the theme and story. It's meant to be crazy tough, all the while telling a deep story that you can get through playing the game. I have never beaten a DS game before, and honestly I don't think I ever will. But I can respect what this franchise has done over the years. The gameplay meshes well with the story and themes, because that's what it is part of. If that makes sense.
  21. Twitch is by far the better streaming platform between the two. YouTube is eh, it's not great. Also, streaming on YouTube is more of a recent thing. YouTube didn't have streaming until, maybe the last 5 years or so. I may be off, but Twitch was doing streaming before YouTube if I'm not mistaken.
  22. There hasn't been much as of late that really got me interested. I'm hoping there is a GTA 6 announcement soon, because I am really excited to see what direction they go with the next GTA. And I feel like a reveal for that game is coming very soon. Nothing else is really getting me as excited. But, we'll see. I'm sure there are some games I forgot about.
  23. I would say the original Xbox controller. And maybe even the N64 controller for a while. But for me, I always got used to the weird controllers. The ones I absolutely hated the most though, were the madcatz controllers. Each one I ever bought either didn't work right, or broke after a while of use. Never understood why people even bothered with that brand.
  24. Have any new trailers come out that really sold you? Like, was there a trailer for a newer game that just blew you away with how cool or unique it looked? For me, nothing has really jumped out at me. I have some interest in some games, but I'm not that hyped for what is coming out soon.
  25. I've played some mobile games on my phone in the past, but these days I usually stay away from them. For one, I don't usually have time to bother with them, and secondly, I never find interest in them to stay with them for long. I'll play some, but most of the time I have no interest in mobile games, because most of them are a chore to play with the idea that you need to pay to really go anywhere.
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