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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Kane99


    I have never owned a Dreamcast, but I have always wanted to add one to my collection. I know there's a lot of great games on this platform, and I wish more people supported it at release, because who knows what Sega could have done if it was a success. If I ever find one at a thrift store for a good price, I may pick one up.
  2. I think I'd say the newer COD games, mainly because they've become much of the same each year. The thing is, each COD game is competent and has the gameplay to keep it going, but the fact that these studios don't do much of anything new, makes the whole experience stale and mundane. It always has decent multiplayer, but lacks in single player for the majority of the series, at least the recent ones.
  3. I didn't get much time with the 3DS, as I never owned one. I remember played one of the Mario 3D games on it, and had a blast with it. But there was a few others games I played that were mostly forgettable. I wouldn't mind getting a 3DS one of these days to finally revisit it and its big catalog of games.
  4. Kane99


    It kinda reminds me of the game called The Procession to Calvary. It's different graphically, but it's a point and click adventure much like what this looks like. This one though is much more M rated.
  5. Oh wow I am not sure. I know I've gamed all through the night before, but I don't recall playing for days on end. I usually take a break by going to bed and re-playing the next day. I've pulled my share of all nighters, but nothing to the point of playing for days.
  6. Depends really. With my work friends I play most nights, or just hang out with them on Discord. My friends from high school and close by, don't really game with me much anymore. Than again I don't make it a habit to reachout anymore to game.
  7. I think most mobile games drain the battery down a bit. I haven't played much mobile games as of late, as I just never see the point. Most mobile games on the phone aren't really my thing. I used to get into some, but as of late, nothing looks interesting to me.
  8. Honestly, anyplace in the world would be nice. Personally I'd like my hometown to be featured. All I'd say is somewhere in Michigan. Maybe near the great lakes. Of course places like Italy, Japan, and New Zealand would be nice, but I feel like Japan is covered for the most part.
  9. Seems like everything is using unreal 5 these days. And rightfully so, it's becoming the talk of the town haha. Seriously though, I can only imagine what Unreal Engine 6 is going to be like. That's when realism is going to be pretty close I think. We're already getting there.
  10. I'd say I've been burnt out on video games a lot in the past. Not to say it has kept me from gaming, but it's caused me to game less and less these days. I mostly play fortnite with a few other games in the mix. It's not like it used to be, where I'd be playing almost daily.
  11. I actually have. Been playing with my nephew and a friend as of late. Don't mess with Vader, he's a beast. Yeah it's been a while for sure. Happy to be back. 🙂 And yeah, I oftentimes forget to even play. There are nights where I want to play, and then I just change my mind and watch a movie or something.
  12. Honestly, only games I get stressed out to, are ones with really crap controls and ones where it's overly complicated. Oh and games where there are menus upon menus. Navigation can be a thing that stresses me out in game, because if I can't figure out what menu to go to, then it can be annoying learning that new system. It's why I never got into The Witcher, there was just too much going on.
  13. I think it depends on the game. Games like COD survive because of their multiplayer. Most people don't even bother with the single player modes. But there are games where I don't have any interest in the online. I prefer RDR2 main story to the online. Same with GTA, because the online modes become repetitive and boring after a while.
  14. I'd say a lot of the retro games from the 8bi/16 bit era. Games from back then often still look pretty good today, because it didn't take much to make these kinds of graphics. That's why we see so many new games made in the 8bit/16 bit style. Because it works and still looks good today. Yeah some games from back then looked horrible, but I'd say the majority of games back on the NES, SNES, Genesis, etc looked good. It wasn't until 3D graphics that games started to age poorly.
  15. Yeah after watching the video showing it off, I find it hard to believe it's true. I'm sure many games didn't come out here in the states or elsewhere, but I feel like if something like this existed, it would have been known a lot sooner. Would be cool if it was real, but this seems awfully fake to me. But I could be wrong.
  16. I mostly game at night, because I work during the day mostly. If I'm not gaming, I'm either watching movies, YouTube or relaxing otherwise. I haven't gamed a whole lot in recent weeks, but I've been meaning to jump back into Guardians of the Galaxy and RDR2.
  17. Most games on the N64, PS1, Dreamcast and so one will look bad by today's standards. Back then they were new and unique and we all were probably under the impression that these games looked impressive. Now days, looking at these games, actually hurts my eyes. Goldeneye for example is one that hurts my eyes each time I touch it.
  18. If a game is being abused by people using cheat tools or things to alter said game, then I believe studios have a case against them. There are many who cheat in games, and often get away with it. I doubt cheaters themselves will be sued, instead it will be the companies making these tools to cheat who will be sued if anything. A couple a cheaters is one thing, but when you make a tool to make that a reality, it could result in those companies losing out. As well, you have to consider that these cheat mods (if used for online play) tarnish the game and can potentially take money out of the pockets of these studios. People leaving because of hacking/cheaters is another. No one wants to stick around a game that's a hacked/cheated mess, so that studio could lose out on potential sales as well.
  19. I remember getting some through the scholastic book fair back in the day. Sadly I don't think I still have any of them lying around. I also got rid of all of my gaming magazines, which usually had some cheat codes. I mostly got my cheats from the internet back then. I remember going to a friends and he'd print off cheats for me, good times.
  20. I think it depends on the game mostly. If the game has violence like rdr2, the last of us 1 and 2, i dont think I woukd get bored with the violence. The recent sniper elite was kind tamed down. I don't recall hitting a single grenade on a soldiers hip like in past versions. Just felt like they didn't update much with it.
  21. These days I don't game as much. I'll game mostly at night after work, and that's for maybe an hour or two depending on my mood and who's online.
  22. I think in games like rdr2 for example, that sometimes you get attacked first and they will sometimes retreat. I think shooting someone in the back who's retreating, even if they attacked you first, would probably equal murder still, or be frowned upon.
  23. Not that often, but if I find some kinda of glitch in a single player game, I'll try to exploit it for as long as I can. Sometimes the glitches last for a long time, or are temporary. But it doesn't happen to me often.
  24. I think for me, it's about the controls of a game, or a hard segment where I can't get through. Any game with tight timed sections I will hate. Games that force you on a time limit where you can't make a mistake, bug me. Reminds me of mafia with the annoying racing mission.
  25. Usually after work I'll play for an hour or two of Fortnite. Sometimes I play something else, but it's usually Fortnite. I'd say I watch movies more than gaming these days. There's just days where I don't want to game either.
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