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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Fortnite collabs with just about everyone. I said this before, but I view Fortnite as the funko pop of video games. Funko pop has a slew of licenses for all kinds of brands, I mean they got Batman, Spider-Man, and pretty much everyone else. Fortnite has skins for Batman, Uncharted, Spider-Man, Avengers, and so on. They are cool with mixing and matching brands.
  2. There are also games where the people abuse certain aspects of online farming. Sometimes gamers find ways to keep the farming going for more than it should, and I think some people are banned for that. So if you encounter a glitch in an online game that helps you farm a lot more than you're normally able to, bear in mind, that could result in a ban.
  3. Idk if this counts, but the the final mission in Arkham Knight is locked behind the riddler trophies. So you have to collect every Riddler trophy to face the riddler. So I've always viewed those annoying trophies as I item I never completed.
  4. I've been doing deathruns in Fortnite, and I do one of the same ones a lot because it's easy and gets you a ton of XP. Well I have failed on some of the easiest parts of this deathrun, so I always feel stupid about that haha. But it's nothing major, just sucks because I want to break my time. I think I always get around an hour or so to complete it.
  5. The thing is, it doesn't matter to them if gamers hate them, because they're still making tons of money off of the gamers who still support them. It would take a lot of mistakes on EAs part to really see any problems.
  6. Did he end up getting any fun extras? Or was it all DLC stuff? I wouldn't mind getting a poster with that game. I imagine a poster based on that game would be dope.
  7. Have you ever found out any reviewers stole or plagiarized their reviews? I remember IGN got into some hot water because one of their reviewers copied a review someone else did, almost word for word. Sadly it happens all too often.
  8. I think one problem with remasters these days, is that the main devs who made the original game, should be the ones remastering it. Rockstar should have done it in house, instead of shipping it off to a different team. I know that's not realistic for them considering their focus is on GTA V. But I think it would have resulted in a much better release.
  9. If you have family or friends who have never played a video game in their life, what kind of video game would you have them play first? I think I'd go with simple, Super Mario bros, and work my way up. What about you?
  10. I was playing that Waypoint hospital I think it was. But I haven't played it in a couple weeks now I'd say. That involves some strategy, but it was more simple and easy for me. Which is what I like. I don't like to be challenged too much either.
  11. I couldn't get into the first Watch Dogs, but WD2 was where it was at for me. I think it was in combination of the great gameplay, the parkour style movement and the hacking abilities that made it for me. I like slow paced when it comes to games like this. But I can understand if you want a more fast paced, guns blazing style.
  12. idk, I thought the 8th generation was pretty decent. It has it's pros and cons for sure, and honestly wasn't the best generation we've ever had. But it was still a generation of great releases. Yeah the consoles could have been better, but we made due with them. The 9th gen is great so far, aside from the scalpers making it about them making money instead of letting people get the consoles they want.
  13. The whole point of RPG is that i's a role-playing game. It can be vast in different types of genres. Or it could just be a simple RPG. It can be something like Skyrim, or something like Fable. It's weird, you'd think an RPG would be just about every game out there, considering you're taking the role of someone.
  14. Nice! I was thinking about getting an Atari 2600 recently. One of the thrift stores in my area had one boxed up (used), but it was a bit too pricey. I know Atari consoles and games are fairly cheap, and what they priced this at was really high. Atari isn't as popular with collectors as NES and later consoles.
  15. I don't usually play board games, mainly because I have no patience for the really tough strategy based ones, or ones that feature a lot of conversation and deductions. But I'll play a game of monopoly and anything else that's more simple to do.
  16. I played a couple of the Dirt games, but never Dirt Rally. I heard it was pretty decent, so I may have to check it out one of these days. Only issue is, I'm not too into racing games like I used to be.
  17. Never played it and I probably never would. I'm not patient when it comes to those types of games, so I tend to steer clear of them for the most part.
  18. Yeah lighting is a big one, but also a lot of these character creators allow you to color your skin however you want. I think in Dark Souls and other games like it, allow you to make your character however you want, this includes the skin color. I think Skyrim was the same in that you could color your skin anyway you wanted.
  19. Yeah it's been having problems for years now. I almost feel like they need to go back to the way things used to be, and try and replicate that for a new audience. Because their older titles are the more popular ones.
  20. I knew a lot of kids who had ADHD and ADD and they would have trouble paying attention for long. Games actually have helped from what I hear, but I know some who still lose track of things and have trouble paying attention for longer periods of time.
  21. I've been debating to get one like this, but I already have another couchmaster, just without the tech inclusions this one has. I'm very tempted, so I'll be bookmarking this for a possible purchase down the road.
  22. I got a bit emotional near the end of Life is Strange. I thought it had a good story and rich characters. I think I get that way with most games and movies, because I'm often an emotional person to begin with. So if some sad moment pops up, I sometimes get depressed and sad.
  23. In action gameplay is a bit different, but I think one day we could see actual gameplay looking as real as real life. Right now we're not there. Cutscenes are pretty close, but actual gameplay is where we want to get as real as possible I think.
  24. Of course, that's why if you ever catch a mod/admin abusing their powers, then you should report them as soon as you can. There are many bad mods/admins out there, it helps to have good users out there reporting them when the time comes.
  25. Omg yes. I hate when we're forced to watch a cutscene, especially if it's a long one and right before a boss battle. No one wants to sit through a long cutscene, lose the boss fight and then rinse and repeat.
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