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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. As much as I hate to say it, I think the WHO is somewhat right here. There is very real possibility of people becoming addicted to video games. I still believe that if someone has an addictive personality, they will be addicted to whatever they find to be fun. But, I believe addiction to games is real, and some people do need help. Now, I mean people who do nothing but game all day, don't eat much, don't care for themselves or their family and so on. When it gets that bad, than I say there's a big problem. But, it's the same as those who are addicted to the internet. Sad truth is, I think we're all addicted to the web for the most part. If anything, I view it was tech addiction, where you're addicted to the internet, gaming, and other forms of digital media and devices.
  2. Eh, not a fan of trailers for racing games. I can't imagine Gran Turismo's trailers being all that great. Also, if you want to discuss trailers for said games, why not post them? That is the point of the topic after all.
  3. Kane99

    Bully 2

    Hey guys, lets stay on subject. 👍 The discussion you guys are having has nothing to do with Bully or the possibility of a Bully 2. I hope after GTA VI we get some news on a Bully 2. I really want to see what direction they would go. Would be cool if it's a sequel with the same cast and they have kids going to the same school. There's a lot that could be done.
  4. Lets face it. Every big time company that's making consoles, will eventually do a game pass style thing, where you can get a slew of games at a small cost each month. It makes sense, considering that video games are expensive and this would at least garauntee companies a decent share of money from doing this sort of thing.
  5. Yeah it's one of those games that takes a lot out of you. If I remember correctly, they try to make you feel bad for killing all the enemy soldiers as well. I think it was implied they were US soldiers or something, I forget. But yeah, it's a depressing game.
  6. Most unethical is probably the countless GTA games and other games with NPCs where I would go around killing people. There's a reason that police come after you if you kill willy nilly in GTA titles, and the same goes for if you kill someone in Hitman that isn't the target for example. They penalize you for it in game. It may not deeter some though. Anyway, I've done a lot of unethical things in games.
  7. GTA makes sense, but I feel like it has gotten worse in some ways. Rockstar has become lazy imo when it comes to the GTA series. Yeah GTA V was a marvel, looked stunning and had a decent story, though that ending annoyed me. I feel like they can only go up from here, but they really need to get creative with the gameplay, and the world you're going to be in.
  8. Also with VR, prices are dropping like crazy, meaning that more people can jump into the hobby. Where once, it used to be thousands of dollars just to make it a reality, but now you can buy $300 priced VR headsets that work great. VR is going to become much more accessible in the future.
  9. Do you guys know of any games that got fixes, but ended up making the game worse or even more broken? I remember hearing about bug fixes that broke something else in the game. Have you ever seen that type of thing happen with games?
  10. All the time. My parents didn't care if I played M rated games, or watched R rated movies. Thinking back though, I was a complete ass as a kid and watching and playing that content probably didn't help me. But I've learned from that and am thankfully not that douchey kid I once was. But these days, I cringe when my nieces or nephews see some of the R rated/M rated programming out there. I try not to show my nephew any offensive content, but I feel he's somewhat mature for his age and at least can handle games like COD and Fortnite. I don't much like when he plays stuff like GTA though.
  11. I wouldn't say it's getting worse considering many changes are happening in the past few years. It has helped a lot, and those who are being racist online, are being outed pretty fast.
  12. Not bad, these couchmaster things are starting to get more advanced. Next thing you know they'll be making small form factor PCs. I could only imagine what the price for something like that would be.
  13. I think when it comes to violence in any regards, there's more to it than just what that person was exposed to. Yeah we are exposed to violence on tv, music, books, video games, and more. As well, if someone is going to act out violently, there is definitely something already present in that person's life causing them to act out in that way. Playing a violent video game if anything, would probably curb that person's problems, not push them to actually act out. But, each person is different. What I'm trying to say is this. If someone is going to be violent, it's in their nature to do so, and is not caused by a video game or violence in media. It's because this person has either had a horrible upbringings, bad things happened, and or their life was rough. Or there's a chemical imbalance causing someone to act in such a way. I think people can be inspired by video games, movies, and other forms of media, but I don't think it's the root cause of why someone would go out and kill or hurt others.
  14. To each their own. I love RDR2, but I still find RDR1 to be an overall better game. Yes RDR2 has a damn good story, characters and gameplay, but it doesn't do anything different. It's a western like any western would be, and the fact that it's the same ol stuff over and over, it does get repetitive. I found NakeyJakey's video on Rockstar's video game design to be a key thing here. Rockstar has become lazy with their game design. RDR2 is a slow game, not in terms of the story, but because you have to ride out to every mission, then ride back a long distance. It can kinda become repetitive. When it comes to GTA, it's kinda the same, but you're at least given a more faster approach. But, watch NakeyJakey's video about his views on RDR2, GTA and rockstars style of game development. Maybe it's time they change the formula up a bit.
  15. Simpsons Hit and Run was similar to Crazy Taxi, but you could walk around in Simpsons Hit and Run. It was more of a GTA clone than a crazy taxi one if anything.
  16. What are settings we haven't seen yet in a video game? I would love for more games to take place on the moon, or in space where you can use gravity to fly all over the place. I don't think we see enough of those type of games.
  17. Been playing Fortnite, Madden NFL 2021 and Hitman 3. Not much else aside from those three.
  18. I wish they did more of those free play weekends, where you can download a game, play it that weekend online for free and so on. I just like the idea of being able to test the games again before buying them.
  19. To each their own. I don't mind nudity in games. But when you give your character visible junk during the character creator mode. What's the point in that? Given that you won't see your private parts in game, I just don't see why it'd even be an option. But I have no issue with nudity in game.
  20. I don't think it was overhyped at all. If anything I think VR is getting better. I originally thought it'd be like 3D tvs, where it was a fad for a while and then went away again. 3D tvs seem to be that, where they come and go and come again. But VR seems to have stayed and is getting better. It's not a fad anymore.
  21. Saints Row was a nice change of pace, but I don't think it comes close to what GTA has accomplished. It was a nice addition to the sandbox arena, but I think with each new release to follow, the fandome kinda dropped off.
  22. I feel like the third game kinda got overlooked. With it being the fist on the PS2, I think people kinda forgot about it once 4 and the others released.
  23. I only really played 7 and 8 myself. 7 was fun, but I didn't get that far into it, and just gave up. I might have the memory card with the save still though. I tried to play FF8, but gave up pretty fast. Just didn't have the patience to do much else.
  24. It can be a while to get a good gaming PC. Took me many years to finally get to a point where I could afford one being built. One of these days I'm going to build a more suped up gaming PC, but it'll be awhile until that happens.
  25. To me, the purpose of games are an escape from reality. To relax, and to get away from the responsibilities of life. It can also teach you, put you at ease, bring you nostalgia and more.
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