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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I've been thinking about getting it on steam. But idk. I really like the art style and the story aspects of it all, but idk if I'll get into it for long.
  2. Well, what's a sports game that really isnt't needed? Like a random sport that somehow got its own video game? I mentioned cricket at one point I think. Other than that, I can't think of any other obscure sports games. Maybe that dodgeball game that came out recently. But I can't think of anything else.
  3. Eh not that big into fighting games these days. I heard some people throwing a fit about this being too MMA like, or was it the logo they went with, I forget. But some fans are complaining about it. I imagine fans will be happy with it.
  4. That's a good list of games. RDR2 was on my mind a lot, but has kinda lost its place in recent months. Never played Ghosts of Tsushima. Don't think of the AC games much these days either. 😞
  5. Games that caught my eye as a kid instead, were probably stuff like Sonic the Hedgehog, SMB3, and a few others that just psyched me up big time as a kid. Those games caught my attention a lot growing up.
  6. I haven't played Dying Light 1 yet, and I doubt I ever will. Just something about it just doesn't work for me. Idk what it is, but I feel like I played this game already and am just done. Maybe it's because of Dead Island and how close that reminds me of it. But yeah, currently no. In the future, maybe?
  7. I've been playing Hitman 3, and doing the contracts mode. There's some where you can kill everyone, but you can't save, so you have to do it all in one shot. Ended up having to do a couple over because of how crazy it can get if you get caught. Having to do all that over again is annoying.
  8. Yeah I can't stand games where the main character wields a massive sword like that. Just takes me out of the game. I mean, FF is one of those series where you can get away with that kind of thing, but I'm just not a fan of it.
  9. What's the worst convention/festival you've been to or been a part of? Like I said, I've never gone to an official convention or festival, but I would love to go to one in person one day and experience what it has to offer. Sounds like it'd be fun. Especially seeing games not yet talked about.
  10. Can't say I've heard of ROG phones. Nor have I heard of Blackshark phones. Are they like the premiere gaming phones on the market? I always though Razer was the only one making phones in the gaming sector.
  11. Were there any games that did promo around an alcoholic beverage? I don't recall any alchol brands that advertised video games. I suppose M rated games could be advertised this way, but I feel like it doesn't happen that often. Hell it seems stuff like Call of Duty, Halo or Battlefield get their own branded softdrinks, but I don't think we've yet to have anything promoting alcohol, then again, there probably has been and I just forgot.
  12. I'd say the opposite would be for the Battlefield games, they have since gotten worse with each new release it seems, and I don't think they're going to go back to the glory it once had. 😞
  13. I met a person recently who has started developing games for mobile. Dude is becoming a pro, hope he can make something out of this career.
  14. Rockstar has used Grove Street Games for a long time now. They originally made the mobile ports of GTA III, Vice City and San Andreas. Those are the versions we got in the Trilogy remastered set, just with updated controls (to match GTA V) and updated graphics. But, they didn't do the work 100%, because it was clearly not ready for primetime. They should have waited more before releasing that.
  15. Kane99

    Call of duty

    I used to be huge into COD, but I've gotten fatigue from the series and have dropped from buying the yearly releases. I did get Cold War and WWII, but those were the last ones I got. I was going to get Vanguard to play with my nephew, but I just can't get into the series anymore. Just too much of the same over the years. I'd much rather go back to play COD 4, Blops 1, and MW3. The rest, eh not so much.
  16. Here's hoping they release this on PC like they did God of War. And didn't the first Horizon game get released on PC? I forget. I'll check Epic games to see. 😄
  17. GTA does this a lot with their games. The "American Dream" storyline. Where a fish out of water comes to America, or someone finds their way into a criminal empire and become rich and powerful. That's GTA in a nutshell since it's pretty much been around.
  18. Eh, it's reliable for reviews and news I'd say, but I don't know if it's useful for finding as much info about a game as possible. Giantbomb and Indiedb I think has the best info on games in general.
  19. Here's a question. What food or drinks allowed you to buy a game or win a game in a giveaway? Have you ever won a game from a company that has nothing to do with gaming in general?
  20. I think something that could solve this, is to have varios mods in place instead of just one mod to run it all. I think when you give one mod sole power, he/she could end up abusing it. It happens a lot.
  21. What game do I think of the most. That's an interesting question. Honestly I'd say something like Fortnite, as it's something I play fairly often. I don't think of it that much, but it's a game I think of more lately than others. As in a game that I would consider my favorite of all time, I'd say I sometimes think about SMB3, but it's kinda rare that I just think of it.
  22. Usually side quests in Skyrim rocked. I enjoyed doing side quests, because it felt like the quests were endless and you could do whatever quests you wanted. Whether it be main story, or smaller side quests. I took em both on.
  23. San Andreas, GTA V, RDR 1 and 2, Skyrim, etc. All of these games have distinctive environments in open worlds. These are the types of games you want to play if you want to explore a huge area. More games big in size, are coming as well. So we could see even bigger maps and worlds in future games.
  24. Also, I think due to the 360 and PS3 being discontinued and their online services being dropped (likely soon if not already), I think they fit the retro category, as they no longer have support and are obsolete. Yeah you can still game online to some extent, but they're systems that aren't as usable as they once were.
  25. That's not as easy as you'd think. People with PTSD likely revisit their trauma on a daily basis. Soldiers for example probably deal with daily issues stemming from their time at war or in the army. People who have been abused and hurt will likely be thinking about that daily as well. People with PTSD have to control it for the rest of their life.
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