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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Obscure sports? Like weird and confusing, and random? I mean, maybe curling, horseshoes, cricket and stuff like that. idk. I can't think of any sports games that are too obscure. Maybe those rugby games or cricket games that came out a while ago on Xbox I think.
  2. I believe it. Reminds me of the people who compete in Smash Bros tournaments. The amount of people who throw fits after losing is quite amusing to me lol.
  3. I don't know how to answer this, but I'll say this. Game design is going to differ for every game that releases. You'll get good design for most, but some games come out with poor design. Some can't help it and don't know how to make a better control scheme or something like that. But yeah, idk. I think most studios want to make the best games they can make, but due dates and other rules can change the way something is made.
  4. Honestly 2021 was a year I don't remember much about. I also didn't play too many new games that year, so my opinion on what released in 2021 is very small. I only played a few games released that year, actually maybe just one. The rest were older games released years before.
  5. Yup. There are many great games with shoddy controls, and other problems. Shadow of the Colossus comes to mind as an all time classic game, that has some shoddy controls. Probably due to it being an older game, but I imagine if those controls were more controlled, it would have been an all time masterpiece in my opinion. Well it still is, but I think it would have been even better.
  6. Haha that's fair. I'd say my reflexes in video games is pretty decent. But the reflexes I've seen some pro gamers have, is crazy. Just look at the pros who play Fortnite, and how they build so fast in that game. I couldn't compete with those gamers.
  7. You guys may also want to look into other OS's for your android phones. I know some android phones can be modified with other operating systems, and so you may be able to do something where you can make your gaming experience better based on the OS you get. Of course you need a quality phone, but I know there are OSs out there you can add. Just keep in mind, that altering your phone with another OS could damage it.
  8. Probably soon. With the way movies and tv are using CGI and those motion screen stages or whatever that The Mandalorian films on. I think we could see very realistic models in games sooner rather than later.
  9. Games that have caught my eye recently, well maybe Elden Ring. My nephew's Game Informer magazine came in today and I saw Elden Ring was the featured story. Didn't read it though. Other than that, nothing has really caught my attention as of late.
  10. I have not played it, nor have I ever heard of it. But it does look like a fun time. Nice! I will have to add this to my watch list for sure. Thanks for sharing!
  11. I don't have the patience for fighting games anymore. I used to get into Street Fighter 2 and the earlier Mortal Kombat games, but I can't get into most fighting games these days. Probably due to me sucking at fighting games in general. I can play with people who are crap like me, but if it's a pro, no thanks. I don't want to play a pro because I know they'd destroy me. And who wants to bother with that? If you're a fan of Mortal Kombat though, I'm sure you'll get into MK 11.
  12. I don't know, maybe Unpacking. I talk a lot about this game, but it's quite fun and I feel it has kinda been overlooked by the gaming community. Then again, there's not much to it and people always claim it's some kid game. But there's more to it than that.
  13. Well of course, but you can argue that they switched to first person because of PT. Before all of this, they either had their 3rd person views, but soon after PT came out, it was like every studio had to make a similar game in that style. Resident Evil is still in its own league, but PT inspired a lot of studios to do similar styles and it shows. And referring to zombie games, I'm just tired of the genre because it's it's kinda overstayed its welcome. We have too many of them. It was like the market had to push out a new Zombie style game every year. But, that has slowly died down a bit with less and less zombie games these days.
  14. I also use game wiki's. I've been using them more lately than in the past. Not quite sure why, I normally never bothered with them. But I've also been interested in backstories and more in depth story analysis.
  15. EA doesn't care, that's the issue with them. They continually do dumb things, and fans continue to fall off. It's why Battlefield has been dying out, because they have gradually worsened the game. I blame it on EA trying to rush so many games out over the years.
  16. Uh yes. Grove Street Games is the one behind the remastered games and the mobile games. They will not have anything to do with the upcoming game though.
  17. I would love to see more games doing this type of stuff. But I also imagine it's hell to do with legalities and stuff. Like you have to get their right to use their voices in game, or their likeness, and so on. I imagine it takes a lot to allow fans to get voice speaking roles.
  18. I can only imagine. Those are the type of games that I just have no patience for, and I know if I played in front of a fan, they'd chew me out and try to steer me to follow their techniques and way. If I want tips, I'd ask.
  19. I gave Final Fantasy 8 I think it was a try years ago. I was never one for RPGs, but I got the game from a thrift store and figured I'd give it a try. I was getting into it for a while, but stopped pretty fast. I just couldn't get into it. I even tried FF7 years before, and got kinda far, but I think once it started to get hard, is when I just peaced out.
  20. I'd love to see more dinosaur games. I would like to personally see one where you can play as a t-rex or any other dinosaur. But not in a modern setting. Well maybe a separate game like that. But for now, I'd prefer to play as a dino from the time they were alive. Maybe during the time their extinction started.
  21. Nope, I don't usually game on my phone anyway. And if I'm using my phone while I'm gaming, it's usually to look up tutorials or tips. I rarely have my phone up when gaming though.
  22. True, but you have to consider billions of people use Facebook, even if many hate it, which I agree, it should receive a ton of hate, it doesn't change the fact that their user base is massive. And I imagine facebook could easily navigate their userbase to a console. Simply sign in with your facebook email and password and you're ready to game. That's a very real possibility. Stadia went nowhere because Google pretty much peaced out after it bombed. It's still up today and supposedly people use it. How many, I have no clue, but as of right now, Stadia is still alive. It so far is a failure, but somehow they're keeping it afloat. I think there's still a chance it could rebound. Once streaming becomes more of the norm, Stadia could potentially increase in usage. But, they need to build up a better catalog of games. As well, any paid subscriptions, should give you access to more games than what they currently offer. I don't think it's much right now.
  23. idk, I'm starting to think I was wrong and you kinda just played around a bit to figure things out. I think punching wood is the first step you take in the game, and I swear there was a tutorial or a message telling you to hit wood. But I may be wrong.
  24. I kinda disagree. I feel like horror games in the past 5-10 years have been lacking in some ways. Sure we got a fair deal of good horor games. But I feel like once PT came around, every single game studio had to replicate that in some way and make their own PT. idk I just feel like games copy that formulat too much, that it's become stale. Similar to how I feel about zombie games, as they've kinda overstayed their welcome.
  25. It's because they can. They don't need to, considering playing on PC is free. More games are becoming cross platform, so the idea of paying to play on one versus the other seems dumb to me. The fact we're buying and playing their games on their consoles should be enough. But, it's rumored that Xbox may be dropping it and just supporting gamepass ultimate going forward. Playstation could afford to drop it too. They could do something similar to Xbox and just have that he the only fee.
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