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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Honestly I don't know. I wouldn't mind trying some beverages from popular games. But I can't pick one or the other. I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting.
  2. Oh god, I don't know. Probably something from the older Zelda games and maybe startropics. Idk I don't play may games with dungeon. OH maybe dark souls as well.
  3. Nice. I think roblox would be fun for him to start on. I haven't messed with the game myself, but i imagine it is limited in some ways.
  4. I think the worst is the one with Jamie Kenedy. I think it's from the Activision or the show. I forget. But he was clearly drunk and didn't give a shit about anything.
  5. I find when I just want to chill to run through time, I usually play games like Madden or WWE 2k. But I also play fortnite with friends.
  6. Kane99

    Planet Coaster

    I've thought of playing a game like this, but idk if I have the patience. I have issues playing games like this for long. For example, Sim city, I can only stand to play a while before i get bored or tired of playing. I have a feeling this would result the same for me.
  7. Eh, that movie kinda sucked, but I see they did a lot of things right. A lot of Easter eggs and such. The director is clearly a fan of the series, just not a very good director. Also that CGI, yikes. As for the casting, who gives a shit about their skin color or their ethnicity. The only issues I had with the cast were how lame Leon was and how Wesker didn't look or feel like Wesker at all.
  8. Shadow Complex was one game I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get the last weapon or suit item. I looked everywhere and still can't find it. I see it on the map, but there's like literally no way to get it from what I see. So that always bugged me, as I need that to finally 100% it.
  9. That's one thing I can't stand about ubisoft games. Back in earlier assassins creed games, it wasn't that bad, but after playing ao many in the series, having to find feathers, chests, climbing buildings and so on becomes very repetitive and annoying. Their development on their games has been lacking and it's been kind of lazy with how much filler stuff there is to do.
  10. Kane99

    Mortal Shell

    Noice, I'm for sure going to have to check it out than. Been putting it off for a while now.
  11. Today there isn't many who can say they can go head to head with GTA. Driver used to be that, then it was True Crime: Streets of LA, and of course the Saints Row series. But since, nothing has really given us a GTA clone that comes close enough.
  12. True. Single player games with multiplayer tacked on don't usually stick around too long it seems.
  13. Dutch was an idiot in rdr2. I felt like he never put anything into the camp and always complained about how everyone has to support the camp. I also didn't understand why he didn't see Micah as the double that he was. Like it was so easy to see, so idk why he even gave him any trust.
  14. Yeah the recent games are kinda crap. Wish they were better. Maybe the new 007 game from Eidos will be pretty good. Idk who will be the next James Bond. It could be Idris.
  15. Sorry to hear that. The internet can be a real shit show sometimes.
  16. I didn't get much sleep last night, so feeling kinda like crap lol. But yeah, sleep is important if you want to be level headed.
  17. Sometimes we buy games and just never play them. It's sometimes the sad truth.
  18. How would it affect your gaming life? Any job will take time away from your game time.
  19. Oh yeah. There are a decent amount of creepy people in online games and the gaming community in general. A lot of them try to abuse their power. It's quite sad.
  20. I wish most food and beverages offered free games with purchases these days. There are promotions still, but it's not like it used to be. I wish they'd add digital codes for random games. That'd be fun.
  21. I'm surprised it's not. You'd think it would come out on mobile soon. Maybe one of these days.
  22. Yup, I can see that happening. They'll focus most of their new game and probably gta v online. Rdr2 will be forgotten by them. 😞
  23. My point was that they don't need to be in the same league as sony and microsoft to succeed, because their exclusives are what sells their consoles. They don't need the triple A games that sony and microsoft consoles get. They'll be just fine the way they are. The reason the switch works is because it's a handheld console hybrid. Of course it'll be inferior to the current consoles. I disagree that they're not key players though. Even if their console is inferior to the others in some ways, it doesn't disqualify the fact its one of the best selling consoles ever and has more than enough of a fan base around it supporting it. The only real difference is the price. Sure that will help sales, but the price isn't far off from last gen consoles anyway. My original point was that Nintendo doesn't need to be buying up studios to succeed, because they'll be just fine in the current position they're in. They don't need to pull what sony and microsoft have been doing. Because they have the inhouse teams to make the games they want. And will still have other third party studios out there making games. Nintendo will be fine.
  24. I'm going to estimate 2025 still, but i could see 2026 if not. It won't be soon, but I could see it being one of those years.
  25. True. I think most games keep it simple with the redesigns. They just fancy it up some to make it look better.
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