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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Well if it's an HD remake with the intention of modernizing it some, I think it's fine to change the character models enough to match with it. What they did with the GTA remastered trilogy, was upped the games world, but didn't do a whole lot with the character models, in fact they made the character models look worse with their changes lol.
  2. Can be all of the above. Essentially books about a developers journey in making games, getting into the business, coding for popular games, the stories about working with other developers and big time publishers. Etc. Just anything that has to do with the inner workings of the gaming industry. Yeah wikipedia is okay for some things, but it's not the greatest when it comes to finding reviews and details about certain books. As well as book recommendations. Wikipedia is great to discover some things, but you need to dig deeper elsewhere to get a better picture sometimes. I'll check that one out.
  3. A big reveal is a big help in hyping up a game. But it's not always what gamers want. They just want to see what the game is going to be like. I didn't see the Metroid Dread trailer, but I assume it mixed cinematic with gameplay correct? If so, that's the way to do it. Give us a reveal that shows us some spice and gives us the gory details of what we can expect with the story and gameplay.
  4. Honestly, in 50 years, a lot could change. Mario as popular as it has been for years, could be gone in the next 50 years. We don't know. That's the sad truth of the future, is that nothing is definite and anything can happen. Call of Duty could last longer, but I suspect people are going to get tired eventually and will drop off and in turn the series will go away. It could happen to Mario as well. We don't know what Nintendo will be like in the next 50 years. 50 years sounds like a small amount, but that's half a person's lifetime, if they're lucky. 50 years is a long time, and considering Nintendo has only been involved with the gaming industry for probably over 40 years now, that's just the beginning. What could 50 years later look like? The landscape could be vastly different. Games could take a hiatus and go away, some might stick around. Who's to say. But it's interesting to think about.
  5. It's part of cycle of life. We get old, brittle and die. As sad as it sounds, that's the way it goes. That's why life is so important, because it's limited time we have on this planet, and once it's over, it's over. I'm not religious, so I believe when we die, that's it. As sad as that sounds, I feel it makes life more important, because it's the one life you get. But yeah, getting older will slow you down for sure.
  6. Well Amazon isn't really a good alternative to steam, considering Amazon doesn't really sell a whole lot of digital games. They sell digital codes, and some digital games, but it's far less than what Steam has to offer. I'd argue less than Epic games and even GOG. They're limited to their physical games and the digital cards they are able to sell. Most digital games won't be on Amazon or other big markets. They'll be on their own sites or platforms like Steam, Epic Games, and GOG.
  7. That's really cool of you. I have debated buying family a console before, but I feel it's a bit too pricey for a gift. Maybe for Christmas as a gift for the whole family, but idk, about just one kid. But you do you. We're all different and gift differently.
  8. Eh, in some regards yes. The horse control is shit in RDR2 compared to 1, and the controls seem a lot more weighty compared to the first one. Not all upgrades are better unfortunately. I prefer the first game myself though, helps having the Undead Nightmare to round out it's brilliance.
  9. Lately, mostly small scale, indie games. Like Unpacking, Two Point Hospital, and a few others I'm forgetting. I got RDR2 recently on steam, but haven't got back into it yet. Need to do that soon. But yeah, these days with gamepass, I tend to find mostly indie games or smaller titles to play.
  10. yeah gamepass is constantly changing. I think they add and remove games every month. I think for the most part, their first party games are on there for life, but I swear I heard they were removing some exclusives from gamepass, but I may be incorrect on that.
  11. Heard about it recently. I wonder if he backed out because of the backlash, or if he believed it was a bad idea to go through with the nft. NFTs are getting so much hate these days, that I think some studios might start to back off from it.
  12. I don't remember, but I'm sure there are some dick jokes sprinkled around the game. I can't say I recall any, but I'm sure there is. There's a lot of adult humor in the game, sexual in nature. I think there's also sex shops in the game and there are visible sex toys in the game. But I think it's only one section in the game.
  13. Do you guys know if there are any books out that have essays and writings about video games? I'm mainly looking for stuff from like developers and people who worked on popular games. I'd love to hear what made them decide to work in the field, and their interest in games in general.
  14. It's one of those games that stands the test of time. People have enjoyed it for decades. Plus I think a tennis arcade game came out too, so very similar I guess. Either way, it's still a game that's enjoyable among many.
  15. Rdr2 is a given. That game is a beauty to look at. One of the best looking games to release. Wonder if it will get a remaster release on ps5 and series x like gta v is?
  16. I play some horror games, but can't do any where the controls are tank like or slow, and choppy. I want to have controls like in rdr2, where at least I feel in control of my character. I've played some of silent hill 2, but never beat it because it was too anxiety inducing. Lol I can play games with zombies and all that, but once you distort my controls or make it shit, I won't play that game for long.
  17. That's cool, I didn't know that. I always got a kick out of the talk show channels in gta games. Wonder if other GTA games did similar promotions.
  18. Sadly don't own any of the recent Playstation consoles. Could only afford to go for one and that was the Xbox one. Would like to get a ps5 and Xbox series s or x. I have not purchased from the Sony store myself. But I have bought psn cards for gifts and such.
  19. Watch dogs 2. I remember not getting into the first game, but the second game was a vast improvement imo. It's become one of my favorite games.
  20. Can't think of any off the top of my head. Maybe indo prophecy, but that was easier Simon says. I hate when it goes on for too long and I have to do many strings of Simon says in a row, otherwise repeat the whole thing. I know some games have done that, I think one mission in sonic generations where I had to match a beat or something and I always messed up because you had to be perfect.
  21. That'll happen very soon if it hasn't already. They even want to stop doing the yearly releases, which I don't see happening with how much those games generate in profit. But, we could see a free to play situation I think.
  22. Honestly not sure. I know Just Cause sequels are pretty much the same with prettier graphics. I wouldn't day a downgrade, but it certainly wasn't much of an upgrade.
  23. I imagine pong would be a big one. Didn't it have an arcade machine back then. But of course Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, Astroids, space invaders etc.
  24. I'd say most awaited would be GTA VI, Bully 2 (I can dream) the new Arkham Knights game, and more.
  25. Watch Dogs 2 had a pretty decent open world with a lot of fun locations to mess around in. I really need to go replay it one of these days.
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