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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Location redesign is fine in my opinion. And I understand character design in some regards. It's fine to have a redesign to match current graphics, but we shouldn't move too far off from the look of a character. It should still make sense.
  2. If games offered a nice bonus for pre-ordering, I'd say it'd be worth it. But most pre-orders give you shit. I don't count stuff like DLC, bonus skins, soundtracks or other digital stuff. Because you can only use those for a limited time, in a game that you'll play for a limited time anyway. Personally, if they give you a poster, an art book, and extra physical goodies for pre-ordering, then it'd be worth it. But for just getting the game early, or extra DLC, I never feel it's worth it.
  3. I have not, but I am aware that many people do create their own games through it. And I'll admit, I've seen my nephew playing some of these games, and it's quite impressive that this game is allowing kids and adults create their own games. It's just nice seeing kids learn to code and make games by utilizing games like this. There are some quality ideas utilized on Roblox, and I respect that aspect of it. But, I'm not really into the act of playing them. But if it helps create future developers, more power to the ones who enjoy it.
  4. Um, not sure what you mean. Reaction time is just how quick you are to react to your surroundings. Like when playing a video game, and an enemy is shooting you from behind, you then know you have to react by turning to that enemy to return fire. Not sure where controlling emotions come into play here though.
  5. A good trailers sells the story, the characters, some cinematics, but mostly gameplay to see what we're getting. Cinematic trailers are dope and all, but they don't give you an actual picture of what this game will play like. Game trailers are much better, because it shows you what you can expect. And hey, give us details about the story and characters to sell it more.
  6. Because I don't ever feel I need to. Most games I get are already out for years and I mostly touch games on gamepass or ones I already own. I get most of my other games through sales online. Plus, it's about a half hour to an hour drive and the weather has been shit lol. I am kinda tempted to see what figures and other items they have for sale.
  7. Marble Madness is a pain to play on a standard NES controller. I think it was really meant for a joystick controller or one with an analog. I don't think we had any analog controllers back then. But I think this game would play a lot better with one.
  8. You also have to consider that schools now have esports leagues of their own. There's a real possibility that they may include an "intro to gaming" or something like that in schools, just to get kids ready for the esports side of it. But of course, it wouldn't be a requirement or anything, just an option for kids if they want. I don't see it getting to a level like computer class or music class, but maybe you'll see coding/programming classes and more of the creative side of gaming.
  9. Those side quests help out a lot though in terms of upgrading your character, vehicles or whatever else the game allows you to do. Think Cyberpunk 2077. Doing sidequests help a lot with growing your character. Skipping them is fine, but you may not be at your best potential when you go up to the main story.
  10. I think the only thing I can remember, wasn't in an MMO game, but maybe when I played gamed like Yahoo checkers, pool and other games. And I would encounter people who would forfeit a game or leave it up on their move and never finish the match. That was annoying.
  11. If I had to pick an average for me, I'd say maybe 5 games a year at this rate. And sometimes I re-play the same games, so idk. When it comes to brand new games, I'd say it's probably less than that.
  12. Idk, COD has real/realistic guns. In regards to Vanguard, I'm pretty sure you can get a red dot sight in that game. Don't think red dot sights existed until the 60s or 70s. COD isn't near realistic when it comes to gun play. I'd argue that Battlefield's shooting feels more realistic with how recoil and other things work.
  13. I suppose so. Could also go by the year. But if it works, it works I suppose. Since the recent gen started in 2020, what is your favorite game of this gen so far? That's 2 years of game to pick from.
  14. I think VR in space would be dope. Maybe making it look as realistic as possible, and maybe also having a device you can be in while you feel the open space. I think that'd be cool. I bet there are VR attractions out there that make that possible.
  15. It didn't help that the room we gamed in, was small as hell and I being a bigger guy, had some trouble getting around everyone lol. But it was a good time, and we made it work. It was one of the first times I drank beer too. I chased it with dr. pepper lol. I don't think I ever got too drunk though.
  16. So the topic is video game addiction. For sure there are many out there who are addicted to gaming. I wouldn't say I'm addicted, as I don't game as much as I'd like to. I maybe game a few hours a week at the moment. Just too busy and lazy to other times. But yeah, there are clear cases of addiction. It's mainly because the person gaming, probably has an addictive nature to begin with. So it's kinda to be expected. Gaming can keep your interest for long hours, it has for me. But I usually know when it's time to call it.
  17. Idk, I don't think Sony wants to take that big of a dive on a company. Who would they even buy? Ubisoft? I remember there was a rumored buyout of them years ago. That would be a huge get for Sony, but I don't think that would happen. I see them more buying up smaller studios and growing them out. But, they could make a similar move and try to buy a big company as well.
  18. I've been hearing they have a whole new engine, so I hope it plays good. And I hope it's not 100% simulation style gameplay. Give me some arcade style controls. If they gave us Here Comes The pain controls, I'd be a happy boy!
  19. EA has good studios under their belts. I just think it's how they manage things that causes the problems with a lot of their games. But yeah, there are great games coming from them. It just that the bad overshadows the good. And for sure, they will make it about money for sure. That's how Star Wars Battlefront ended up going, and same with I think Battlefield.
  20. He responded about it here - https://www.ign.com/articles/troy-baker-nft-voiceverse Idk, I get what he's saying. When he first heard about what was being done, and how it helped creators, he went in. But I think it was because of the way he announced it. idk, I still am not into the idea of NFTs, but I kinda get what he was saying here.
  21. Oooh, I see it's available on steam as well, noice. Not a bad price either, I think I might get it to play this weekend sometime.
  22. Looking forward to checking it out. I should probably try out cuphead though. I'm just not sure I want to deal with a challenging game at the moment lol.
  23. I've been told to check it out, but have been putting it off for a while. I may have to check it now after reading that description. Is there a difficulty scale? I don't want to deal with anything that's too challenging to start off. I just want a game I can go slow at.
  24. Well they will never be able to keep all toxic gamers out. We'll see a lot of them banned sure, but I'm sure a lot of these people would find a way to get through the ban and make new accounts. Not everyone will bother to do that, but I could see the serious ones finding a way. Xbox is about the same as Playstation, PC etc in terms of toxic players. Toxic gamers come from all aspects of gaming, not just one or the other consoles out there. We got toxic fanboys for PS and Xbox, toxic fanboys for Nintendo. Toxic gamers who just want to make games hell for others and so on. What I'm saying, is that toxic gamers are everywhere. That's why Phil Spencer had the idea to ban a person on all platforms instead of just one. But that's tough thing to do, as you have to consider who uses the other accounts. I mean some dad could have an Xbox One that is kicked offline because his son was trolling a kid in fortnite on Playstation or something. Maybe good old dad didn't do anything wrong, just used the xbox for streaming netflix. Now if that rule existed, and they used the same email/name/info, and they are banned on all devices. Where does it end? Does it mean all of our devices become rendered useless if we use the same account info at other sites? I get it's meant for just consoles and PC, and other gaming services, but what happens when it hits other services?
  25. I'd say about the same in terms of sales, but Gamepass still surpasses what PS has with their PS Plus service. I think it'll catch up with Xbox though on that side of it. But I think it'll eventually equal out on both ends.
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