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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Yeah I can't stand PETA. I am all for supporting animal rights and all that, but the way they go about it, I think hurts their cause more than it actually helps. They just make more enemies than help I think.
  2. For sure. If I had more money I'd be tempted to try it, but I feel like half the time they half ass it with their message. Like, if you're paying some celeb $200+ or something, and they give you a dry, and boring cameo in return, that would suck. But I think you can request them do it over if it's not to your liking, so there's that I suppose.
  3. Does Marble Madness on the NES count? I think it's done in this type of style.
  4. I think what would happen, is it'll be taught in computer and tech classes maybe. But if anything it'll be an elective or something you can learn on the side.
  5. Especially when it's anything to do with Facebook Marketplace, Facebook ads, or craigslist or any other service to buy locally. If you do buy locally, read into it more, make sure it's legit, meet at a public place. I've heard of some people making sales right outside of police stations as they were that scared.
  6. If I remember correctly, they are both in the same universe. I think there have been references to Assassin's Creed in Watch Dogs 2, but I forget. Either way, same company, so they could make it happen if they wanted to. And honestly it could work. Consider the newer Watchdogs, Legion. I'm pretty sure you can assassinate people in Watch Dogs, at least some missions, so it's not far from possibility.
  7. GTA V is certainly high up on many lists, but I don't know if I would ever qualify it as best ever. Even with how good it was and how popular it was, it just feels like another GTA to me. I'm all played out on the series though, so it makes sense to me. I grew up with GTA III, Vice City and SA and those games were the ones I got most psyched for. Especially VC and SA. Those games were life changers for me as a kid. But future games I started to get fatigued with them. It's not the same anymore. I don't get that excited feeling when I see or hear news on a new GTA or on the idea of playing a new GTA.
  8. In regards to other stores. I will sometimes go to Gamestop for games, but mostly used and older titles. I haven't been to Gamestop in years though. I only go on rare occasions these days.
  9. For the price they paid, I'm sure it will be their last purchase for a little while. Close to $70 billion out of their wallets, that's a big chunk of change. Just makes you wonder how much Microsoft and Xbox combined are worth in profits. It's gotta be up there if they can throw around nearly $70 billion.
  10. I like to think I have good reaction time, especially in video games. But idk if I have the best reaction times, but I'm sure I'm not awful when it comes to it lol.
  11. Well yeah, if they are side quests or quests you don't need to complete the game, then for sure. But, I love side quests. It gives you more to do in the game. But I understand wanting to stop seeing those missions. I know in Skyrim and some other games you can mark the quest you want to do. So I'd like that system is most games.
  12. Well, we got to see what part of the American Revolution was in Assassin's Creed III. Being a part of that in game was quite cool. But, it wasn't true to the reality of it, because you were part of it as the character in some way.
  13. No idea. But I'm sure there was many mods in games that acted out and banned people just because they had the power. Once someone has that power, they can sometimes go crazy and abuse it. It happens a lot. It's why it takes a long time for people to get appointed mods because of how risky it is to put some unknown person in there on the job.
  14. For me yeah. I haven't completed a game in quite a while, and I'd argue I stop playing most games before I complete them these days. Idk, I just can't get invested like I used to.
  15. I wish more games were historically accurate. Even to the point where weapons, items, vehicles and more move or work like they did in the past. I think that'd be accurate.
  16. Well this topic is a tad bit dated due to the year it started. But that's okay. I'll go with the current generation, and I think the best that has yet to come out, I haven't even played it yet, but I think people are claiming it's Deathloop as the best so far. What do you guys think?
  17. Yeah lol. I try not to eat anything greasy or too sloppy near my PC. I don't want to risk my desk or area getting filthy with food and other junk. I try not to eat near my computer when I can.
  18. I think I would only support pre-orders, is if I was able to get something good for doing it. Not DLC. I want a poster, a collectible figure, something cool and exciting and not some early access crap. I can wait to play, I want something extra for giving you my pre-order. Why else pre-order? I mean, it's not like these games aren't mass produced and no one is having a hard time finding them day one.
  19. I hope not too, but it feels like that may be a route we see. Considering Meta is here, they are probably planning on a lot of different products and services, so gaming could be in the mix. They already have VR and a new VR world coming, so who knows what we'll see with them in the near future. It kinda scares me honestly.
  20. Kane99

    Steam Deck

    I'm honestly tempted to buy a steam deck. Just the base model because I don't want to spend too much. But, I think I like that it's kinda affordable and if I can play pretty much ever game on steam, I'd say it's worth it.
  21. They don't have to. The thing about the Switch, is that it works how it was intended. It may be behind the powerhouse Xbox and PS5, but that doesn't mean it can't play a lot of great games. You have to consider the Switch as a gameboy/console hybrid. And that's probably the best of both worlds. Considering the 3DS, DS and Gameboy brands have sold a shit ton over the years, it's perfect to combine that with a home console and it works so well. I think it's close to overselling the Wii, or it may have already. It's one of the best selling consoles ever.
  22. I'm tempted to buy one. I hope the prices drop some, so I can buy a couple. Just need to figure out where to put them if I ever do get any.
  23. Yeah this is something that happens all the time in comments. Here's a tip, don't ever click on any links or contact anyone through comments when they offer anything. They are most likely always bots and will cause you nothing but issues.
  24. I find this all laughable considering that COD Vanguard was one of the best selling games of 2021 and is currently the top one for 2022. But I also heard recently that when the Microsoft purchase goes through, the COD team want to stop the yearly releases and slow down. I think they too are tired of the yearly releases.
  25. And now with Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard. Things have been shaken up big time.
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