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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I get that, but in a way this helps new generations see the game in a new light. I get it's a classic, but a remake doesn't take away from that. I just view a remake as a different/separate game, paying homage to the original classic. Because let's face it, new generations of gamers aren't going to know what a NES console is. The new generation of gamers don't even know what a cartridge is. But that's ok, because Nintendo has the ability to release their classic games to their storefronts. Which means, they don't even need to remaster, or remake the game if they don't want to.
  2. I think they're more like energy drinks than alcoholic. Though I imagine there are a good amount of gaming themed alcoholic drinks out there, but I wouldn't know of any. Also, I know there are foods themed around video games. Some are just food with gaming packaging and stuff like that.
  3. Eh, not a fan of Markiplier, and I didn't know he did any history style videos. I'm mainly looking for stuff like the Gaming Historian, who talks the history of gaming, and doesn't use comedy or other things. I just like hearing the history of gaming from people who know what they're talking about, and don't use comedy or make it weird if that makes sense?
  4. I feel like this topic has already been done, but whatever. My favorite gaming moment, would probably be my very first experience with video games. I'm pretty sure it was with SMB1 or SMB3. I don't remember exactly, but I remember it being Mario bros. That memory alone is one of my favorites growing up.
  5. I'm starting to see them that way too. I know they're just about the money at this point. It's quite sad, but I have to blame it on Take-Two. They're the ones pushing for online I imagine, and it's what ruined RDR2 online for me. Having to grind is no fun. Not only that though, I too hate that they are stopping people from modding the single player. Hell, allow them to mod multiplayer as long as they are in their own private servers. If they're so worried, don't allow the money from private servers to jump into any public ones. Boom, solved. I wouldn't say Team Bondi's closure was on Rockstar. Team Bondi is technically the reason they failed. Supposedly the leader of the studio was awful and forced his team to work long hours and unpaid overtime. Something along those lines. There's a slew of videos and articles about how poorly Team Bondi's leaders treated their team. I'd say it was mostly their own fault, but Rockstar could have saved them too I imagine. And yeah, after the remastered trilogy fiasco, I think they really need to start producing quality content again, otherwise fans are going to start falling off their bandwagon.
  6. Same. I haven't purchased a game new in a while. I think I did get a few games new, but they were already cheaper. I just can't justify $60 or even $70 most of the time for a lot of the games. Hell, GTA remastered came out for $60 and we all know how much of a mess that turned out to be. 😞
  7. That's possible. Did you ever watch R rated movies growing up? I remember my brother and I watching Terminator when we were kids, before really playing any violent video games. So maybe. I used to do that a lot in GTA games, and even the Hitman games. I would go around killing everyone. But these days I don't do that, I like to play the right way.
  8. Nice, I'll have to check it out then. I have gamepass and haven't been using it all too much anyway. I have tried the Souls games myself, and I lose patience with them fast. I am not one for learning tells and moves, so I don't do so well with them. But if I can put this game on easy, then I suppose I'm going to play this next weekend.
  9. I guess the fan backlash to NFTs as of late, has kept Sega 50/50 on the whole matter. At one instance, they are looking into the idea of using NFTs, but they are first going to make sure it's something that they can do and do right for the gamers. I am not for NFTs in games, but it's kind of a nice change of pace to see a company taking it cautiously and aren't rushing to jump into the NFT game. But, my bet is that they too will jump into the NFT game and we'll all end up hating it. But, it seems Sega is the only one who does see the fan backlash from it, so who know what could happen. My guess is we'll see NFT style systems everywhere in the coming years. I hate the idea, but I think it's going to end up replacing microtransactions as we know them. I worry that NFTs will be the main way to get digital items in games going forward. And I don't know how that will change the gaming world. Anyway, you can read more about this Sega story here - https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2022/01/sega-considering-what-will-be-accepted-by-the-users-in-gaming-nfts/
  10. Well it seems that Steam isn't having any issues with Epic Games and other storefronts popping up, because they have set a new record for the most concurrent users using a service. With 28 million concurrent users. That's a pretty damn big number. Just goes to show how huge PC gaming really is when you think about it. Especially through Steam. You can read more on this news here - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/steam-passes-28-million-concurrent-users-setting-new-record/1100-6499464/
  11. I wouldn't say esports draws a huge fandom, but there are fans of it for sure. Do you think you could handle the stardom that comes with being a pro esports player? I don't think I could do the public spotlight much. I could handle some of it, but I think eventually I would tire of the who idea of it. I'm a private person, and don't like to be shown to the world, so I don't think I'd be able to stay involved for too long. But what about you? Could you handle being an esports star?
  12. Has anyone here built their own arcade cabinet? I think it'd be a lot of fun to build my own. It'd probably be fairly easy to set one up, aside from me not having the carpentry skills to build my own stuff. All I would need otherwise is a LCD monitor or HDTV that could fit into a cabinet, and then I could use a raspberry pi and that would be all I'd really need. Of course I'd need to get some kind of arcade controllers setup. The only issue I'd have is the cabinet side of it. Has anyone here built their own arcade?
  13. I have not yet played the first Fallen Order game, but I hear it was good from some, but bad from others. Is Fallen Order any good? I have put off playing it because I was worried it'd be too hard, or a glitchy mess. And I know it's a glitchy mess at times. Is it worth playing? I want to give it a shot, because I would like to try out a sequel if one does come out. I just hope any problems the game has is sorted before release.
  14. I know some people, like SomeordinaryGamers uses VR to help him sleep. I guess he has insomnia and can't sleep all too well. Anyway, I was curious about those who may live in VR for even longer. I heard that there are some people who will wear a VR headset for months. I guess they use a camera to navigate their homes, but other than that, they live in a virtual world. I couldn't see myself doing something like this. But I would give it a try for a short period of time. Maybe try a day of it at the least. No way would I do a month or more.
  15. I am not one for most escape games, at least in terms of video games. I would love to play a real life escape game, but that's not what this topic is about. I was wondering if there are any multiplayer escape games that I can get some friends along to play? I am open to most, as long as they are fun and have multiplayer. Do you guys know of any good ones worth checking out?
  16. I remember really enjoying the Toy Story game that came out years ago on the N64 I think it was. I think I rented it on the N64 one year and played the crap out of that game. I thought it was cool to be these toys and running around a house. I always like the aesthetic of being small like a mouse and being able to run around a big house. idk what it is. Maybe it's nostalgia because of the Toy Story game, but I always thought it was cool. What other games do this? I know there's like micro machines, and other games where you're small like that. What are some others worth playing?
  17. Do you guys think that most gamers are "toxic"? I don't think most of us are, but I'd argue that most online gamers tend to be toxic, at least those you meet in the lobbies with voice chat enabled. It isn't as bad as the early 360/ps3 days when gamers would just swear up a storm, throw out racial slurs and just be obnoxiously loud and dumb. But these days, I just ignore those lobbies by sticking to my private chats with friends. I cringe whenever I hear a lobby voice chat. I always make sure I'm muted, and if anyone talks to me, I tend to ignore them, unless they're being kind, which I may respond, idk. I feel like a lot of the gamers out there are toxic, but I think you could say that about most people these days haha. Just look at social media.
  18. This would be pretty cool. We could have potential for making unique items in games, and also including ourselves I imagine. What kind of items would you scan into the game world? Ooh, I think it'd be cool to make a little virtual world where you can have a mansion or something. I'd scan my game collection and set up a game room that I doubt I'll get in real life lol. You can read more about this news here - https://gamerant.com/sony-3d-scanner/
  19. I found this article from Cog connected about 5 video game franchises that need a reset - https://cogconnected.com/feature/5-video-game-franchises-that-badly-need-a-reset/ I thought it'd be a good article to piggy-back off of. The article discusses these 5 video games: Resident Evil Far Cry Assassin's Creed Call of Duty Borderlands Honestly, the list is kind of cliche, like we'd expect these games to make the list. But I'd argue that Borderlands doesn't need to be on that list. Maybe Resident Evil either, since it's reinvented itself once already. I'd say games like GTA need a major overhaul and change. I agree about Far Cry, Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty, because everyone wants a break from those series if anything. I think a reset is needed, but a reset that results in a break from the series and then a reboot or something. GTA needs that for sure. What other games would you guys include?
  20. Surprisingly we haven't gotten an action game based on the hit movies just yet. We did get a turn based strategy game, similar to Hitman Go I think. I never played it, but it looked pretty decent. But I'm more interested in a game where I can take full control of John Wicks skills. I think a studio could easily make an action game with John Wick as a main character.
  21. I'm always for new South Park games. I enjoyed the Stick of Truth, but never played The Fractured But Whole yet, I want to, but I'm kinda wanting an action game, or adventure game in the South Park world. I don't mind the RPG/Turn based gameplay of the other games, but I want something different. Supposedly the new game is going to be done by South Park Studios, but the people who done the previous games are working for them now, so we could get another RPG style game. Some of the developers on this team, have worked on games like Thief: Deadly Shadows, BioShock, BioShock 2, BioShock Infinite, and Dishonored. You can read more about this here - https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/new-south-park-video-game-developer/
  22. I know most people usually tossed the game boxes for NES, SNES games and other cardboard based games. Most people didn't think to keep the cases, because they thought they were meant to be tossed away. But, some people did save them, and good thing they did, because otherwise we wouldn't have any games out there with available boxes and inserts. Anyway, did you know anyone who threw those boxes away, but also threw away the cases for CD/DVD games? I didn't know anyone who did that, but I could see some people just keeping the discs. I knew kids who had binders full of games, and I don't know if they tossed the cases (I doubt it), but I'm sure a lot of them were lost due to neglect lol.
  23. Wow, I can't complain. The more game you have the better. The new Dying light will have a 500 hour long story. Or it's estimated to take that long. Read this news here: https://www.ign.com/articles/dying-light-2-will-take-at-least-500-hours-to-fully-complete?
  24. Have you ever gone into a games code to look for secrets? Or maybe you did it to alter the game in some way? I've never done that as I think that's something you could get banned for. I think. Have you ever dug into a games code?
  25. I'm reminded of this because of games like dark souls, where gamers can set up false messages in the game world to trick you. Or that Pokémon game where people gave out a fake tip of a Pokémon they could catch in a certain area, but it was fake. Have you ever given out a fake tip? Did they fall for it?
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