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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I think telltale games was bought out by another company, but they are going to be making games again, including the wolf among us. I can't wait to continue that story. With that being said, do you think we'll see more games coming from telltale?
  2. With the fact that some games are now $70 new in the US, what prices do you think are fair? It used to be $60, and it is for some new games. But back in the ps1 days i remembered games being like $40 new, at least for ps1. What price do you feel comfortable with for new games?
  3. What are some gaming youtubers you guys like that talk about gaming history? I know of the Gaming Historian and Did You Know Gaming on YouTube, as well as Matt McMuscles who does the What Happun videos on YouTube. What are some others you'd recommend?
  4. There's been talk again about the next gta having a female main character. Do you think the next GTA will feature a female lead? Or maybe we'll get 3 main characters like in GTA V. What do you think?
  5. I work for an online community and we do game events often. I was curious though, what days of the week would you suggest doing a game night? We mostly do Friday or Saturday nights. But also done Sundays. Weekdays are a bit tough because people work. But what would you suggest?
  6. I know I talk a lot of shit about EA and how awful they are, but there are good studios that are stuck with them. Even though EA is an awful publisher, I still want to support the studios under them. Because even though they're stuck under EA, some great games still get released by them. It takes two is one that immediately come to mind.
  7. So now Square Enix wants to support nfts. Ubisoft is doing it and some other studios are doing it too. I hate the idea of nfts being in games, because it just feels greedy to me. I hope other studios ignore nfts and don't support them, but I feel like it's going to happen with all studios eventually. 😞
  8. When it comes to racing games, do you want realism or more arcade style? I prefer a more arcade like style. When games get too realistic, it just takes me out of the game. I don't mind some realism, but not overboard to where I have a hard time controlling every car.
  9. Does anyone here sit in a bean bag chair when gaming? I've considered getting a big been bag chair, but am not sure if it'd be comfortable enough for gaming long hours. Do you guys know of any good ones?
  10. Do you guys keep your gaming collection clean? As in cases, carts, discs, everything? I don't clean my games often, but i also don't touch most of them. There may be some dust, but that's mostly about it. Do you guys keep all of your collection clean?
  11. If you could be one video game character through all of gaming history, who would it be and why? For me, I don't know. It's so hard to decide. Maybe Solid Snake, because why not. What about you?
  12. Do you ever get stressed out when gaming? Maybe it's that tough boss fight, or you're dealing with problems the game has. What's the most stressed you been with a game? I think Layers of fear was what stressed me out the most. Not because of the spooky factor, but the constant problems I had with glitches during early access. I had my share of stress playing many other games, but that one mostly made me mad.
  13. Sony officially announced their upcoming Playstation VR 2, which is its official name. They also announced an exclusive for psvr2 and it's called Horizon Call of the Mountain, which takes place in the horizon zero dawn world. They also have new controlled called the PSVR 2 Sense controllers. You can read more about this news here: https://www.cnet.com/tech/gaming/sonys-playstation-vr-2-name-is-official-gets-horizon-exclusive-game/
  14. Shaq is the man. He recently gave away 1000 ps5s and switches to kids for Christmas. That means some kids got a ps5 and hopefully scalpers weren't in on the deal. Read about this news here: https://gamerant.com/shaquille-oneal-gave-away-1000-ps5s-nintendo-switches-kids-christmas/
  15. This is disgusting. These studios just keep finding ways to be more greedy. Aren't microtransactions enough? Loot boxes? Now we are adding nfts to games because monies? It's like these companies don't understand how awful they look to the gamers and the community. It's quite sad.
  16. That's the kind of gaming setup I'd like to have made one day. It puts all of the consoles front and center and there is space for games elsewhere. I could only imagine the cost to build something like that.
  17. Also, I wish those games that do have these important items, they should warn you before you attempt to sell them. I know some games do, but not all of them do. So if you're like me and don't read everything that needs to be read, then you may sell important things by mistake.
  18. I've been swamped as of late with my new job. I think tonight after work, I'm going to get some gaming in. I need the distraction for sure.
  19. They wanted to reboot the whole series. The past movies that came out, were not Resident Evil in terms of the games. They went off into their own direction and honestly that direction sucked bad. The new movie was supposed to be about the very first game and it's events. Kinda like how they remade RE1, now they are starting fresh with the movies. Anyway, it wasn't any good imo, but fans might enjoy it.
  20. I've no idea. But there's supposed to be a ton released this year. A lot of games were expected in 2022, but a lot of the games expected in 2021 got delayed to 2022, so we should have a really good year of gaming ahead of us, as long as we don't get a ton more delays to next year or later.
  21. It's a really relaxing game. There's really not much to it. You unpack stuff and put it away in your house/room/bathroom etc. It's essentially moving the game without the moving part. But it's just so relaxing. Also the music is quite nice too.
  22. I don't think they'll have to wait much longer. I think things will start to wind down this year and we'll see more people able to get their consoles. Considering the ps5 has only been out a little over a year now, year 2 should be a lot better.
  23. I can see people lucid dreaming a lot more because of VR. I've had lucid dreams a lot in my life, but haven't mastered how to control them. I know I'm doing things in the dreams, because it feels more real, but I often lose control of it. I could see VR helping that alot. Idk about hypnosis, but I know lucid dreaming is real, it's just very hard to control your own dreams. Usually you'd be dreaming or a deep sleep, so it's tough to take control while asleep. But it can be done. I've had very lucid dreams, but could never master controlling them 100%. With hypnosis, I think you need to be accepting of it, otherwise it doesn't work. It's just a trick of the brain to change habits. It's not like the stuff you see on TV. It's more like a therapy session. My guess on how it works, is that it puts the idea of change in your mind, so you strive for it. Something like that.
  24. I imagine our brains work in vr similarly to how our brains act during general gaming. I remember hearing that gaming slowed down the brain, or the receptors weren't flaring as much while gaming. Don't quote me on that, as idk if that's true. But I swear I heard that gaming rests your brain somewhat. But yeah, if you're not moving around while in VR, I imagine it's different than when you are moving around. I think some people's brains don't realize what they see is fake, so it confuses them. That's why I think people fall for real if they in game.
  25. You have to admit though, the 360 made a comeback after the rrod fiasco they had early on in its run. I don't know how any company could survive with issues like that. It costed them a ton on repairs, but they were able to stay in the fight.
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