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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Have you ever gone into a games code to look for secrets? Or maybe you did it to alter the game in some way? I've never done that as I think that's something you could get banned for. I think. Have you ever dug into a games code?
  2. I'm reminded of this because of games like dark souls, where gamers can set up false messages in the game world to trick you. Or that Pokémon game where people gave out a fake tip of a Pokémon they could catch in a certain area, but it was fake. Have you ever given out a fake tip? Did they fall for it?
  3. I sometimes do. Especially in games like Red Dead Redemption 1 and 2, where you can just ride for hours and take in the world. Rdr2 has the some of the best graphics. But rdr1 isn't slacking either. Game still looks beautiful in terms of graphics. I hope they do a HD remake. I hope they don't mess it up though if they do.
  4. I think so. I feel it's just really lazy to put qtes in your game. Its one thing to use it in small bursts, but if it's tied to most of the game or the fighting, it just feels lazy. Like make a fighting mechanic. What do you think about this? What's your opinion?
  5. I remember back in the 360 days, they made mics you could buy to change your voice. I wanted to get one, but never did. Now days you can get voice software to change your voice in online game chats on PC. Has anyone used one?
  6. I'm thinking of getting the cobra kai video game, but was wondering if anyone here has played it? If so, is it worth grabbing? I just finished season 4 of the show, so want more of it. Figured I'd look into the game.
  7. Do you know how to repair games and consoles? I wish I knew how to repair games. I can clean discs, cleans carts and cleans consoles, but I can't make repairs.
  8. Do you guys think games are becoming too woke? I honestly have no issue with serious issues and problems being brought up in games, movies, tv. I think it can kinda be preachy at time, but i think that's just the time we're in. What do you think?
  9. Are there any games you play on special occasions? Maybe it's a day of the year you take out to do something special. Maybe to do a tournament, game with the family, friends and more. What what about you?
  10. I just get gamepass on Xbox and PC and buy some games here and there. So I think I've saved a lot yearly so far since.
  11. I think I have a save before and after the pit. I had fun just going in there before and after, destroying them. I think I have other areas saved too.
  12. I've been thinking of searching out old gaming friends, just to see if I can find their social profiles to reconnect. I think it'd be cool to get a hold of the old friends.
  13. I heard gamestop wanted to start selling digital games. Did you guys hear about that? I don't think it'd save them.
  14. Does anyone here know how good the Xbox one accessibility controller is? I hear it had helped a lot of disabled gamers be able to play many games. Do you guys know anyone who uses it?
  15. Idk, maybe a few weeks to a month. I don't go too long without gaming. If i do, it's usually because I'm not in the mood, am busy, or just don't have any games I want to play at that particular time.
  16. Like arcade machines? Maybe Pacman, or donkey Kong. Other than that, I say games like NFL blitz, peggle, NFLStreet, NBA Street, NBA jam, stuff like that.
  17. Not sure. Maybe gta from the original top down to the 3d games? Not sure. The 3d games mostly keep ties together, but idk about the original games. I'm sure there are a lot of games with reasons and changes that don't make sense. But i don't usually get that invested in the story to the point where I see the problems like that.
  18. You could use doodle to set up a time for meeting up. It let's you set times you are available, so when everyone picks, they can then decide on a time that works for everyone. I set events up for the community I work for. So whoever shows up, is who plays.
  19. That's a good question. I'd say left 4 dead, even though I played on the 360 mostly. I didn't play a lot of co op games on PC though. I only just recently got my first gaming PC like a year or two ago. So there's a lot I need to play yet.
  20. I've played a few games on tabletop simulator, but I'm not big on tabletop and board games. I'm not patient enough for a lot of tougher board games tabletop games.
  21. Idk, I feel like everything has been covered already. I can see some new ideas popping up, but they are probably based more on previous designs and ideas if that makes sense?
  22. I go with what the best armor is, so stats for sure. If I am upgraded enough, maybe I'll go with style over stats. But yeah, usually stats.
  23. I can't think of anything that made me feel that way, at least in video games. I think I feel that way more with movies and TV. Probably because I watch a lot more than I game. But I'm sure there's something in video games that made me think about something serious.
  24. Well last time was when I was in high-school. I'm 32 now, I'd say maybe 12-14 years ago. Played counterstrike source I think. Or it might have been halo 2. I forget.
  25. Yeah autosave needs work, but I usually try to manually save instead. Plus this way I can save during certain moments. I have a save on my Xbox that is during that moment with the brother and sister couple who steal from you. I like to reload my save to take them out.
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