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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. There's a lot of possibilities with VR. It can't give you the realities of it all, but im sure it can help people cope more with the disabilities. VR can also allow you to live in your own world, experience all kinda of things. I imagine VR like having a TV strapped to your head that you can sometimes control and be a part of.
  2. The big factor for me is price. VR isn't cheap right now, and it's not necessarily something everyone can go out and get. Same with new consoles and all that jazz. It will take time for the market to adapt and for people to take more interest. As well, most people need to realize that not everyone wants to mess with VR. Some people get headaches. Oh and most vr headsets require a good enough PC to run. So that's another issue. It's a costly hobby to get into.
  3. Actually, after some more thought, I think I'd say the wii. Originally I wanted one instead of a 360 or ps3, but decided to get a 360 instead. The wii at the time was huge, but I wanted to game with my friends. And I started to see it being a novelty instead of something I'd be happy with. Eventually I played some of the wii, and honestly I didn't see it as bad as I originally did. I never ended up buying one, but I played enough to know if was a decent console with a fun gimmick for the time.
  4. Rockstar is owned by Take-Two who also owns 2K games and some other studios I believe. Rockstar North I think does Rdr, GTA and a few others. There are other Rockstar dev teams out there too. I am not sure about Take-Two though. They've been known as a greedy publisher in recent years. Rockstar has their share of issues, like making their online portions of their games a chore to get through. And I'm pretty sure they've been known to push their devs work longer. I just wish they made games like they used to, where the online mechanics aren't all about making them money. Also, I feel Rockstar has gotten lazy with a lot of there games, especially gta and rdr, because it's become a chore to go from point a to b, and repeat that process the whole game. Just kinda becomes too repetitive, and when I played most, if not, all of their open world games, that makes it even worse. What I'm saying is, they haven't changed the open world formula in a long time, and I think they need to change it up in the future.
  5. I get that. I got rid of my ps1 years ago but got one from a cousin recently. I never plan to get rid of my ps2. But I wouldn't kind getting a ps3 just so I can have one.
  6. Same. I think there's a chance we play against real pros. Maybe we've eveb beaten a few at their own games. But yeah, I wouldn't know either. But with how much we game, I'm sure we encountered pro players we did somewhat good against.
  7. Yeah that's stupid. I get why some would like it, because it gives them time to play with their cars, but some of us just want to do the races and don't care about the other side of it. Wreckfest doesn't require me to drive to a location to start a race. I think it's just another way to keep the gamers playing longer.
  8. It'll just mean more studios popping up, releasing similar content. The problem here is that China makes the rules, literally they pick what games can come out and can't. They're the ones mainly causing these studios to close down. Can't really do much when the country you live in won't release your games. That's what I'm seeing with the article. It's because they put a freeze on games they'd accept.
  9. My nephew is fast becoming a better gamer than myself. He's been playing a lot of Half Life and the Portal games. He seems to be into the development side as well, so I've been kinda letting him know he should try to make video games one day. I think he'd be into that.
  10. Right now, I can't get my mind off of Cards against humanity. I played with some friends recently and we had a blast from start to finish. I'm hoping to host another game this weekend and see where it goes. Other than that, I'm going to jump back into RDR2 soon here, and I know I'm going to get hooked on it again. 😄
  11. Honestly, I think it would have been cool if Nintendo's Virtual Boy worked and was a success. Imagine if VR officially broke out back then? Could you imagine how advanced VR could be today if that was the case? It does make you wonder.
  12. What sucks about friends dropping off the internet, is that there was some good times. I met some awesome people playing COD and other games over the years. People who I even tried to get to come visit. I wish I could go back and reconnect with some of them, but sadly I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. I'm kinda tempted to go through my friends list, just to see if I can reconnect with people I haven't gamed with in probably 5-10 years now.
  13. Also, some of the Colossus in Shadow of the Colossus were a lot easier than I thought. I remember coming back to my save a many years ago, and had to fight a colossus and it turned out to be pretty easy to get back into. The controls are still messy on the PS2, but it still plays well. I still have like 5 or 6 colossus to defeat yet, and I think I still have the save file from way back then. lol
  14. Another thing that bugs me in video games, is when games don't have a manual save option. Or a save option that you can only get in certain areas. Give me a manual save for all of my games, so that I can save anywhere I want. I've had too many problems in the past with auto saves not working, so I've gotten into the habit of manually saving each time I think it's needed. Because you can never 100% trust the auto save features these days.
  15. I hate when games force you to go a long distance to get to your mission. I get open world games did it because back in the day they were new and cool. But these days, it's just tedious to have to drive from point A to point B, to point C and then back to point A. It's why I found RDR2 to be quite repetitive, because of how long it took to get from mission to mission. Yeah you could use fast travel sometimes, but usually not during actual missions where you're meant to ride to that destination on horseback. The same can be said for GTA V and past GTA titles. Back in the day I'd be psyched to see these open world games, now I find them to be a chore to get done, because it's usually the same "Drive here, shoot bad guys, drive back, end mission" rinse and repeat.
  16. I'd say by now, 2002 is retro. Considering it's now 20 years ago. I think a lot of people are classifying that generation as retro by now. So I'd say it counts. Especially if you grew up then, and have that nostalgic feeling towards it. Retro is just another name for old, and I'd say 20 years is pretty old in terms of video games.
  17. There are a lot of jobs that require you to stand for long hours. I think our bodies could do good with standing for a little while longer. I mean, it's got to be better than sitting down most of the day. But I know some have mentioned working out would give the same effect. And I guess so.
  18. The sad truth is that this is in regards to studios in China. China is notorious for poor treatment of their citizens and are very strict when it comes to video games. I wouldn't doubt it's partly due to China's rules that have caused issues for many of these studios. A lot of them may be legit studios trying to make good games, but doing so in China is kinda a lose lose situation.
  19. True, but you gotta be constant with the skills. I wish I was able to be a pro gamer and make money each time, but so many people do these tournaments that it'd be tough to win them all.
  20. Do you guys get into those gamer foods or beverages? I've never been a fan of them myself. Mainly because I think it's garbage upon garbage. I remember mountain dew did a lot of those gamer drinks. Never was a fan of them. Do you guys drink any of that stuff?
  21. Even the psone, ps2 slim, ps3 slim, etc. Do you guys own all the available models or just the main ones? I own a regular ps1, phat ps2, and that's it at the moment. I wouldn't mind getting the psone, ps2 slim and ps3, ps4 and 5. 😄
  22. That's true. But you also have to consider how many people work for gamestop. If gamestop closes, losts of people will lose their jobs. Of course that's to be expected, but I think if gamestop stepped up and did the work needed to fix their business, they could still succeed.
  23. Yeah rdr2 has some dumb things going for it. The controls have been weighty since the first game. Idk why, but it seems Rockstar has to make character movement slow and awkward at times. Also, if you have trouble with shooting, try turning off the auto aim and try free aim. I know sometimes when you aim on something it will sometimes aim on another enemy if they run close to you. Turning it off may help.
  24. Do you guys know of any other classic retro guides like these? I'm open to collecting others, as I kinda want get a bunch of them. From retro to current gen consoles. Any suggestions?
  25. It's a show, but I agree. This show could easily be made into a video game. Especially with the amount of super heroes in it. I'm hopeful they make a game based on it.
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