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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Haha nice. That's awesome. I love when people get angry like that. Makes it even more fun when you beat someone.
  2. I mean in terms of stability. Like is it profitable for them to give away all of these games? I welcome free games, just wonder how much it costs them.
  3. Super Mario Bros. 3 is my all time favorite video game. It can be a hard game, but it gets a lot easier when you play it over and over for years. The first few times playing, it's going to be tough. But give it more time and practice and you'll get through those levels with ease. Is SMB3 the only Super Mario game you played? If so, you're in for a rude awakening, as future games tend to sometimes be even tougher.
  4. True, all these FPS games owe a lot to Doom. That and Wolfenstein were the two that really started things. I mainly mean Halo in terms of multiplayer gaming. It really advanced that side of it. Also it's different control scheme and feel helped modernize it a bit as well.
  5. Fair. I usually don't eat anything too greasy when I do game. I do drink, but I won't be eating cheetos or chips while I game. I rarely ever do that lol. I'm not about being that messy while gaming. 😄 Never danced at a LAN party, but I wouldn't be against it if there was some ladies there too. I could see it being possible if there is enough room. But most LAN parties I remember, it was crowded.
  6. I don't see why not. It's part of our history. I doubt most schools would make it a whole subject or something you'd focus your studies on, but I'm sure it's mentioned in text books in schools all over the country and world. I know I've seen video games and stuff in some of my school text books in the past. Especially if that class pertains to coding, development, tech etc. I too don't see a class being a reality, at least not for a long time yet.
  7. I tend to buy physical games off ebay or amazon, as for digital I buy through verified markets that actually sell them legit. Don't buy from G2A, you're risking buying stolen keys. Sometimes these keys are caught by the publisher and you then end up losing that game. It could happen day one, or could happen months later. gog is good because it's part of cd projekt red. It's like a service similar to steam if you think about it. But don't bother with key resellers. Those sites are way too much of a risk.
  8. This is pretty cool. I heard that in Japan they aired a 3 hour long show talking about Japan's top 100 Video Games of all Time. It was voted on by 50,000 Japanese citizens. Looks to be a lot of Mario/Nintendo games in the mix. But there's also games like Metal Gear Solid 3, Bloodborne, Gran Turismo and more. You can view the rest of the games at the link below. https://www.msn.com/en-us/entertainment/gaming/poll-here-are-japans-top-100-video-games-of-all-time/ar-AAScJ24?ocid=BingNewsSearch
  9. Makes sense, the Switch has sold out like hotcakes since it released back in 2017. And it's on track to becoming the most popular home console from Nintendo yet. You thought the Wii was it's best seller, nope, it looks like the Switch could become Nintendo's best console ever, if not already. According to the article below, it is estimated that 100.72 million units over its lifetime were sold. And that means it's now part of the 100 million team, as they are the only other company to have a console sell for over 100 million, those being PS1, PS2, PS4, and Nintendo Wii. The Wii is in the lead with 101.53 million units sold. I'm willing to bet they will break that record with ease, as this console is still a top seller on the market today. Read more on this here - https://www.thegamer.com/nintendo-switch-100-million-units/
  10. Well that sucks. It was supposedly something they had planned to make, but was cancelled by EA. Of course, EA making the dumb decisions to cancel a game that would have been huge at the time. EA has released other Harry Potter games, but I can't say I've ever played them. I have watched some lets players play them, but that's about it. Do you think a Harry Potter MMO would work? Aren't we getting one soon actually? Or it's somewhat like an MMO. I forget. Read more on this news here - https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-canceled-a-harry-potter-mmo-apparently/1100-6499248/
  11. I haven't downloaded the last few months of games through the games for gold program. I usually forget to get them, and most of the time the offerings are just a tad bit underwhelming. I'd like more variety in the games, more big releases too. But at this point, I don't feel it's needed considering game pass is readily available and to me, more worth the hard drive space. But if I catch a good game here and there, I'll grab it. What about you though? I find that the offerings have been lacking for a while now, so I've kinda ignored it in recent months.
  12. Flash games are pretty much no more. At least I don't think they work anymore unless you install flash, and that's very outdated by now I imagine. Anyway, I was curious if any sites have tried to save the many flash games and maybe convert them to a different format that still works on modern browsers? I would love to revisit some of the classic flash games from the 2000s. I want to show my nephew some of the fun ones from back then. I think Newgrounds found a way to save their flash games and videos, but idk if all the other flash game sites did the same.
  13. I know it might not make sense to make a game based on Dexter, but it actually happened. Though I'm pretty sure it was a cheap and mediocre mobile game, but it shows they can do it. My issue though, is that I want a new game based on Dexter, one that is made by a competent team and not a mobile game studio. Would you be into a Dexter game? Or would the subject matter be a little too much? I mean, the point of Dexter is that he kills the bad guys, so it could be a hitman style game, where the end goal is to put the hit on your table. As Dexter does in the show. Would you like to see a Dexter game? Or is it a tad bit too late? Even with the new show on TV.
  14. Good to see a studio having to take responsibility for their past behavior, and this time it's going to cost them $100 million. They were brought to court due to past denying two female employees equal pay and blocking their career advancement based on gender. There was also other known issues that occurred that went unpunished for a while it seems. I guess Riot originally offered to pay $80 million, but the courts decided on $100 million instead. Also, I guess Riot games is owned by Tencent, so they can easily afford this. You can read about this news here - https://www.businessinsider.com/riot-video-games-100-million-in-gender-discrimination-suit-california-2021-12 What do you guys think about this? Could it hurt Riot games? Or will Tencent keep it afloat with their stacks of cash?
  15. PC gaming is in a league of its own, and I am willing to bet there are a lot of games coming out to just PC this coming new year. Also I heard they're making another The Stanley Parable game, so I might have to try that one out. Homeworld 3 looks pretty decent, but may be a bit too tough for my tastes. I was told to check out the new Baldur’s Gate 3, which I am tempted to do, but I thought that already released. Unless it was in early access all that time. I'm also interested in The Sons of the Forest game, that one looks properly messed up. And I think that's all on my plate. What about you?
  16. Nintendo needed some love, so here we are. What Nintendo Switch exclusives are you most psyched for in 2022? Sadly I don't own a switch, but if I did, I think I might check out the new Bayonetta 3 that's coming out next year. I played the demo for the original game, and always said I would get to the series. I think the first two games are playable somehow on Switch, so I might try those in preparation. Just need to get a Switch first lol. And of course, I know I'd have to get The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 if I were to ever own a Switch. 😄 What are the exclusives you're most looking forward to this year?
  17. I made a topic for the Xbox side of things, so I figured it'd be a good idea to make one for the PS5 and I'll probably drop one for the Switch and PC as well. Anyway, I don't yet own a PS5, but there are a few exclusives that I'd like to check out given the chance. One game that came to mind is Forspoken, saw the trailer for it and it looks pretty dope. Of course, I can't not include Gran Turismo 7, as that's dropping next year I hear. You also got God of War: Ragnarok, which is expected to be another game of the year potential. And maybe Horizon Forbidden West, but I really need to play the first game. I think it's on PC, so I might have to go that route for now. Anyway, what PS5 exclusives are you most psyched for in 2022?
  18. What Xbox Series X/S exclusives are you psyched for in 2022? For me, I'd say maybe Fable 4, as it's nice to see this franchise making a comeback. Redfall also looks pretty decent, but I may wait on that. Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 is a definite yes for me, played the first game, and can't wait to continue this story. Other than that, I have my eye on Stalker 2: Heart of Chernobyl and maybe Unexplored 2: The Wayfarer’s Legacy. What Xbox Series X/S games are you psyched for in 2022?
  19. This article from the Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/games/2021/dec/28/pushing-buttons-video-games-christmas It discusses how 2021 was a pretty mediocre year for gaming. I mean, it kinda was. Considering we had new consoles and I don't recall a whole lot that dropped in 2021. Then again, 2021 was plagued by covid-19 and work on video games stalled due to it. Some games expected this year, were pushed to next year. I don't know if I'd call it the worst year ever for games, but I'd say it wasn't a great year either. It was mediocre for sure. But 2022 could be the year we get back on track. With all the delayed games coming out in 2022 for the most part, we could see a year stacked with great releases. I sure hope so.
  20. What if BioShock Infinite was a game released on the SNES? Well it could have looked a little something like this: I'd play it for sure. Would you?
  21. Before anyone goes crazy, it is just for one game. So remedy isn't jumping into Tencents pockets for their classic hits like Alan Wake, Max Payne, etc. I hope this doesn't result in Tencent outright buying them out, because I could see them attempting to do that. They already did with a recent company I'm pretty sure, yeah those developers of Back 4 Blood were bought by them. Anyway, I hope this is just a deal for one game only and nothing more. I do worry if Tencent gets more involved with Remedy Entertainment. Read more here - https://investors.remedygames.com/announcements/remedy-entertainment-signs-a-global-development-license-and-distribution-agreement-with-tencent-for-the-co-operative-multiplayer-game-codenamed-vanguard/
  22. I can't stand the Paul brothers. They've been causing havoc all over the place. It can be argued that Logan also caused pokemon cards to go up in price, and now he's out here building a table out of Game Boy Colors. I'd be pretty mad too. Anyway, to be honest, the table is pretty nifty. Though I hope he decided to use broken Game Boy Colors instead of working ones, but who knows with this dude. Maybe they were his childhood gameboys. idk. You can read more about it here and see the finished product - https://comicbook.com/gaming/news/logan-paul-twitter-game-boy-pokemon-table/
  23. Idk if I'd call it a scam, but I don't see a place or a need for it in video games. But its going to happen unfortunately and more games will adopt the option as well. I don't know about any companies forcing it on people. I think right now it's an option, but it's not like you're being forced to do it.
  24. When we game, we often game for a long time. And especially if you play video games online with friends often. With that being said, do you have any games in your collection that aren't looking so hit anymore due to the constant use of the game, opening the case, etc. How much wear and tear does your video games have?
  25. Basically what I'm asking is this. Does Playstation have a video game streaming option yet? As for like Google stadia, Amazon Luna and what Xbox does with the x cloud. Does the ps5 have this option for some games? Or are we a ways off for Playstation doing streaming.
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