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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Oh wow, that was a post. I honestly don't have a whole lot to say myself, as I haven't played a whole lot this year. People playground is oddly addicting. Creating fun scenarios to take out the little stick people is fun. Then there's Teardown, which is a vowel style destruction game, which is also addicting. I played Among Us for the first time. Like it, but it was too anxiety inducing. Wreckers is a decently fun racing demolition derby style game. Really been having a blast with that. And I jumped back into fortnite again. And that's been alright. I play it the most. But work has stopped me in these past couple weeks. And of course Unpacking is another game I really enjoyed this year. It's just so relaxing for some reason.
  2. True, play when or however you want. Most of the games in the series don't have any continuation from previous games. Some characters from past games show up from time to time, but it's not like you have to play them all or even in order. Play however you want, that's how I feel. 🙂
  3. I've thought of doing it too, but my anxiety always stops me. I help run streams for a community I'm working for now, and it's a lot easier when you know the streamers. Once you have some time with the site, I recommend getting more involved. Maybe you'll turn out to like it. 🙂
  4. Lucky you. I'm working until right before Christmas. And then the day after I have an event I have to take care of. So yeah, fun times. But I'm guessing you're in school or college, in which case, stay a kid/teen as long as ya can lol.
  5. I think what could make it memorable is if it's a well known area, and you get to play in that open world playground. I think also, if that environment opens up and changes, it becomes even memorable. It's generic when they don't utilize the location good enough. That's how I see it anyway.
  6. Yeah cryptocurrency doesn't really work that well in gaming. The difference with NFTs is that they aren't cryptocurrency, but it's kinda like a singular thing you can buy, and it's kinda exclusive. Basically what they are doing with games, is giving gamers the option to sell unique digital items in game. You can make money off of it. No idea if it's turned into cryptocurrency or if it's US dollars though.
  7. I was actually looking at cameo the other day. There are a lot of video game voice actors on there. I was tempted to get a cameo as a gift for someone, but damn cam they be pricey.
  8. They won't go under, they'll just hire people who are fine with their issues. I think that whole company needs a restructuring if anything. Get in a new CEO, new leaders etc. Ubisoft has made a lot of mistakes and blunders over the years, if they fix their problems, they could easily rebound. They have the money to do it. They just have to do it.
  9. This article here: https://cogconnected.com/feature/5-times-video-games-went-too-far/ Discusses 5 times video games went a little too far. Examples like the "No Russian" mission in Modern Warfare 2, or the torture scene in GTA V. Those are just the couple entries on the list. What others made the cut? Well Custer's Revenge, Carmageddon, and Postal 3. Do you guys remember playing any of these games? I played GTA V, and Modern Warfare 2, but don't recall playing Carmageddon. I never played a Postal game, but always wanted to try them out.
  10. With the recent rocky release of Battlefield 2042, it made me wonder if this is going to be an ongoing trend. As in, will the next Battlefield be a mess just like 2042? A mess in that it was a downgrade from previous titles. The Battlefield before 2042 wasn't all that great either. In fact no one really bothered with it, and it seems 2042 is dealing with much of the same, just at another level because of how limited 2042 was at release. Anyway, I think this is probably the last time these guys can fail like this. The future Battlefield has to improve on their mistakes and better themselves, otherwise I could see Battelfield going on a hiatus if they don't get their shit together.
  11. I forgot that Steam does their own game of the year type of thing, but it's called the Steam Awards. You can find all the nominees at the link below. https://store.steampowered.com/steamawards/2021////// What games do you hope win the categories? I didn't play most of these games, but I did play Unpacking, and I hope it wins for the Sit back and relax award. 😄 But yeah, what you rooting for in here?
  12. I know with Xbox you can have a custom made controller through their site, but I don't think PlayStation has something like that just yet. I'm sure there are third party sites where you can design your own PS controller, but do you think Sony will make their own service like Xbox has, to make your own PS controller? I would welcome them adding such a thing. Wouldn't you? Do you think PlayStation will adopt this idea?
  13. Yeah, I heard a while back I think the Last of Us was in some major award category at a movie award show as well. I at least think that it was, I forget, or I could be confusing it for another game. But yeah, video games are starting to break out and show up in other awards shows. It's pretty cool stuff. 🙂
  14. Oh noice! Thanks for sharing. I think I heard about this one a while back, but didn't see much else about it. I think I saw a lets play of it, but I forget. It looks like a pretty decent crime game, so I'll have to check it out for sure.
  15. That's a fair assessment. I feel as if most esports players focus much of their life on the games they are good at. If anyone wants to be a pro gamer and join esports, they need to probably also practice daily. I don't think I could practice daily, especially the same game over and over.
  16. I'd have to say the time my parents got my brother and I a PS1 for Christmas. My dad bought the console and a bunch of games from a work friend, must have gotten a good deal because we had like 20+ games that day. Just wrapped up, some unopened in the plastic. It's something I wish I could go back in time to revisit. It was so cool.
  17. Sadly I don't have much gaming memorabilia. I have an Xbox hat, some small collectibles and posters. That's really about it though. I wouldn't mind getting one of those Jason figures that are based on the Friday the 13th NES game. But I also have some Mario figures, a couple amiibos and a few other things. But no big collectibles or anything yet.
  18. Has there been any games made around Covid? I know there's been a fair share of mobile games, but I don't much care for the mobile side of things. Have there been any new games coming out that are about covid? I know the gaming industry likes to try random things, so I figure there are some who have made games about defeating covid. I doubt any of the games are any good. Did you play a game about covid this year?
  19. Kane99

    We Are OFK

    This game looks interesting. It's essentially a story driven game about a band, and each episode I guess features their music. I think it's an interesting way to promote ones music. Do you guys think you'd play this one? It looks like it'll only be coming out for PS4 & PS5.
  20. Kane99

    DNF Duel

    Has anyone here heard of this game? It looks to be coming out in the Summer of 2022. It's said to be a fighting game based on The Dungeon and Fighter franchise. I can't say I've heard of it, or played them, but the game looks pretty decent. Is this a buy for you?
  21. What are some of your favorite RC Racing Games? I played a lot of the original RC Pro Am growing up. I also think I played a Micro Machines game as well, but idk if that qualifies as RC related. Either way, what are some of the best RC racing games out there? Cars, boats, planes etc. Any RC related racing game will count.
  22. Has there ever been a video game that released literal viruses into gamers PCs? I swear I heard there was a couple PC games that accidentally tossed in viruses in their releases. Do you think any games caused real damage to people's PCs in the past because of it? I'm curious, because PC gaming back in the day was all over the place. I imagine a lot of bootleg games came out, plus indie games on top of it.
  23. Well covid started up soon after and I just never bothered to go. As well I'm unsure as to what arcades they got. They have other games, like the basketball one, and a few others. Saw images inside and it looks good. I'm surprised it's still open, because I don't know if many people even go there.
  24. Hmm, I had no idea. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to shut down at night going forward. It doesn't take too long to turn on anyway, so I could always just turn it on in the morning when I wake up. Easy peasy.
  25. Ah okay, I'll just clean it manually. My keyboard is due for a deep cleaning anyway, and I already have my keycap puller so I'm ready to go. Just lazy about doing it lol.
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