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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Part of me thinks that could happen, but I have my doubts. Mainly because it needs to be able to encompass what we as a human race want. I think a VR world like that is a while away, but I can see it happening eventually.
  2. Hows does it pick up crumbs and other debris from a keyboard for example? I've been debating on taking apart my hyperx keyboard to clean it, but I don't really feel like taking it apart and cleaning it when I could get a cheap vacuum or something to clean it out. If the one you have cleans well, can you link it to me?
  3. L.A. Noire is a solid crime noire, I highly recommend it if you like games where you can investigate and solve crimes. It also has a really decent story. Also, it's fun messing around and getting the bad prompts from people you interrogate. I really need to replay it here soon.
  4. I heard that it's not good to turn PCs off and on too much. I usually keep my PC on at all times, but put it in sleep mode when I'm not using it. I hear it's safer on your PC to start up from sleep anyway. For sure. Better not to risk it. Whenever my PC gets pretty loud, I like to calm it down on the strenuous activity.
  5. Yeah split screen can be annoying. I'd much prefer having two tvs set up to game on against others, but that's easier said than done. Not all of us own multiple TVs to game with. Anyway, split screen does eat up a lot of screen, especially if you're gaming on a small screen to begin with. But I still have nostalgia from split screen gaming back in the day. And I get that. I too get anxiety when it comes to playing online games, especially if I'm joining a game lobby/world that I don't know anyone in.
  6. It would be a bad thing to see happen honestly. China is known for holding their studios back, so who knows how this will change Turtle Rock's games. Yup, may they rest in peace, and never be forgotten. Maybe the studio hires will drop out of the company and pursue other ventures.
  7. Same, I'm sure she will. They said to give them to her grandkids and whoever else she wanted to. I'd prefer 10 laptops honestly. Did they ask her to give them away to some lucky people? But yeah, I'd probably sell some, but would also give some away to family and maybe some friends. Honestly though, it makes me wonder if these consoles were meant for another order, and some unlucky people missed out on their Christmas gift. Sure hope no one was waiting for one of those switch consoles. I didn't think about that at first.
  8. Yup, work and life really does tear you away from gaming. I haven't gamed much this week, wanted to, but my work hours are pretty weird, so I never feel interested in gaming. I know there's a lot I want to play, but by the time I get to them, I just don't want to.
  9. Water or lipton tea. I need to stop drinking lipton tea as often, because it's not 100% good for your teeth. But yeah, I will often drink water most of the time, but tea otherwise. I used to drink mountain dew all the time, but I dropped that sugary crap years ago.
  10. Does anyone here try to join game streams to try and game with creators? I've thought about joining some twitch streams and see if I could game with some of the creators. I've never attempted it because of my social anxiety, but I think it'd be kinda fun to get some easy to digest games to play against popular streamers.
  11. I mean, for me, I don't much worry about having a backlog. I know full well I'll never be able to play every game in my collection. I've pretty much come to terms with that. You kinda have to when you're an adult and can't devote the time to gaming as much anymore. So yeah, I don't let it bother me any, because I know I can't play them all, so I will try to play the ones I really want to and will focus on those. 🙂
  12. Exactly. Arcades are awesome. And it's not just the arcade machines themselves, it's the atmosphere, the people who used to go to them, the fun times you'd have with friends and so on. Arcades were a social experience that no longer exists, at least not in the same way it once used to. I miss arcades because I never fully got to experience them. My uncle had a short lives bar with arcade machines, but that was it. I barely remember playing most of the arcade games there. What's funny, is that there has been an arcade here in my hometown for the past few years now, and I still haven't gone to it.
  13. Capcom? Not sure what you mean by Capcom. What capcom game are you referring to? Are you referring to them modernizing the characters more?
  14. That is a good point. I never thought about how cloud computing is a energy hog. How bad is it? I know that having tons of servers and such, can cause a lot of problems with the environment. idk if that's true, but that's what I heard.
  15. This game just came out. I hear it's very different from the original series of games. This one you can actually walk around and do stuff. You play as a kid stuck in the restaurant. I am not a fan of the series, but I know there are people who are really into the franchise and its lore. This new game though honestly looks kinda fun. I always thought the original games were a tad bit lazy as well. Who here has played it so far? Just came out a couple days ago.
  16. Xbox had many dashboards. Starting off with the plain menu in the original Xbox, to the blade dashboard on the 360, and to the many future iterations of new dashboards on the 360 and Xbox One, all the way to the Xbox Series X/S. Which is your favorite menu/dashboard out of them all? For me, I have the most nostalgia for the blades dashboard on the 360. But the Xbox original dashboard/menu was pretty decent too. What is your favorite? I think the newer dashboard these days are fine, they're just kinda boring.
  17. Xbox has had a couple pro style controllers come out, and I know the PS4 and probably PS5 have had some pro controllers released, but I wasn't aware of any Sony made pro controllers. Does Sony make their own pro controllers? Or are we still to wait for them to release their own one of these days?
  18. Do you ever feel like you don't get enough time with games or gaming in general? These days, since I started a new job, I've been more busy than usual. I want to game more, but when I can, it's either too late or I just can't be bothered to. Do you guys ever feel like you don't get enough game time?
  19. With FF7 Remake doing good, I was curious to know if you think Square Enix will also try to remake 8 and up? They're taking their sweet old time with the parts to FF7, but could we eventually see a remake to 8, 9 and all PS1/PS2 games? Would you welcome remakes for all those games in the style of the FF7 remake? Or no to remakes?
  20. I'm thinking about jumping back into Cyberpunk 2077, as it's been about a year since I played it. But, I don't want to play the main game anymore, I want to try out mods. Has anyone here tried mods in Cyberpunk? What is your favorite mods to play? I want to give them a try soon, but don't want to break the game either. Any suggestions?
  21. Found out about this game here - https://mp1st.com/news/battlefield-2042-parody-game-clownfield-2042-is-real-and-doesnt-hold-back-on-the-insults I guess there is a parody game called Clownfield 2042, which goes to town on Battlefield 2042 for its rocky release and many bugs and problems. Would anyone here play this game? I think I would. It looks like some dumb fun. Also, was there sound in the video above? I didn't hear any.
  22. And a sad day as Tencent eats another studio. Tencent has acquired Turtle Rock Studios, who have recently made Back 4 Blood and are also responsible for. For those who don't know, tencent is a mobile game development company/publisher that is massively rich, and I believe they are based in China. Either way, they're known to be kinda deceptive and are money hungry for sure. You can read more about this sad news here - https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20211217005008/en/ 😞
  23. Well she tried to return them, but had trouble. Instead the Target employees decided to gift her the six consoles. They said she could give them away to family as Christmas gifts, or to whoever could use them. Grandma, can I get a switch please? 😄 Read about this news here - https://www.12news.com/article/life/heartwarming/an-arizona-mom-tried-to-return-nintendo-switches-mistakenly-delivered-to-her-now-target-is-gifting-them-back-as-thanks/75-9c355038-8c40-45d1-bfd8-ab849a6f2196
  24. I don't know if you guys enjoyed the game Gex back in the 90s on the PS1/N64 consoles. I don't remember if it ever hit the generation after, but do correct me if I'm wrong. This of course should be taken with a grain of salt, as it's reported that Square Enix has trademarked "Gex" in Europe. So it could be a possible start to an eventual reboot, or remake even. That's what the gaming world wants to do more often these days. Anyway, it could just be them saving their property as they own Gex through Eidos I guess. So we'll see. You can read more about this here - https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2021/12/gex-the-forgotten-90s-video-game-mascot-might-be-making-a-comeback
  25. Kane99


    Has anyone here played the game Returnal? It's like one of those Dark Souls clones, where it's crazy tough, and when you die, you have to like go back and collect your stuff. I heard it was really good, but it's one of those games that takes ages to beat because of its difficulty. It's a PS5 exclusive as well. One of these days I'll get myself a PS5 and maybe I'll play it. Check the trailer below.
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