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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. I was thinking Spy Hunter as well, mainly because of the cover art I think. But yeah, it clearly is somewhat inspired by spy hunter, I imagine most games that feature car combat, are also inspired somewhat by Spy Hunter. I mean who wouldn't, it's a classic in its own right. I'm surprised they haven't done much with the Spy Hunter series. Wasn't The Rock the cover star for the most recent game?
  2. It was pretty new to me as well, but I guess a lot of the ones for blind players utilize audio and other options. I imagine they also make controllers and devices that can help the blind navigate games. Of course, 100% blindness probably is a no go, but maybe if it features sound controls. I found this game: Lost and Hound - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1054350/Lost_and_Hound/ It's cool that people are making games like this to help others who normally couldn't to play games.
  3. For sure. As long as it is in the proper setting, it should be fine. We can always mess around with history, that's the beauty in video games. Games like Assassin's Creed introduce real people from the past, in made up scenarios, but that's okay, because it's meant to heighten a game. And honestly, we probably shouldn't be looking to video games for world history. It's good to be accurate, but it also doesn't need to be unless it's meant to be a historic rendition. Games like COD, take liberties these days, so I wouldn't count their games are truth, but a lot of them do have true aspects of them. Or I should say, at least with the online portions, because a lot of these games have red dot sights when they didn't exist during the time.
  4. That's fair. I am kinda the same way, at least depending on the game. For example, when I play Fortnite with a couple friends, we like to get into bot lobbies, and to do this, you need someone with a console or another device that has fortnite and we need to bring in a 1 level player. Once we get in, we kick the 1 level player and then we're in lobbies with bots the whole way through. We have to keep adding and kicking the other player, but that's fine if you would rather just play against bots. Doesn't have to be online, could be via splitscreen multiplayer. Many consoles today still support it, it's just that most people don't play that way anymore. But you can still talk about retro and classic games that had local multiplayer. I played a lot a 2-player video games growing up, so you can be competitive offline too. 👍
  5. Or it could have gone the way where all future GTA titles released on Xbox consoles. But I'm glad that didn't happen, because I would not have been able to play the classics on the PS2. Kinda good that Microsoft rejected it. It's their loss. Idk, I think they'd still be regarded as one of the best in the industry, and it would also help sell the consoles. But, if it happened, than I could see PlayStation making their own open world game similar to it, and who knows we may have had another sandbox competitor to GTA on top of all the others already out there.
  6. Interesting. The Order: 1886 was one of the first launch titles for the PS4. Wow it feels like a long time ago when I heard about that one. I remember it getting mediocre reviews, and was regarded as nothing that special. It did have great graphics and cinematics, but the rest I guess wasn't up to snuff. Anyway, Sony has recently filed a new trademark for the game, which could mean we're getting a new game, or a possible remaster. My bet is it'll be a remastered version with upgraded controls and of course graphics. But, I could be wrong because people hated how short the game was. Maybe it is for a sequel. Would you like to see a sequel? or a remaster? Source - https://novicegamerguides.com/news/sony-files-a-new-trademark-for-the-order-1886/
  7. What are some of the meme like games you've played in your lifetime? I think of games like Goat Simulator as a meme game. You can probably quality most of the simulator games as meme games. But, what are some other games, you feel could be a meme in itself? Like, what are some crazy and wacky games that make no sense, but feel like memes, or have memes in them? Does that make sense?
  8. We all should be supporting these small mom and pop game stores these days. Gamestop is a corporation I can't get behind. They do their employees wrong quite often. But mom and pop stores are the home grown stores that families start. They are usually the game collectors, fans and so on, who care about the gaming industry. Stores like Gamestop, don't care about the games they sell, they just want to make as much money as possible. Which is why they do a horrible job vetting the retro games that come into their stores. I hear they sell a lot of bootleg junk and don't even know it. They're getting better at stopping it, but I hear it still happens. Which is why I'd rather go to a mom and pop game store, because they at least, imo, know what they're selling, and don't try to cheat you. Well I'm sure some do, but I imagine most are good and price fair.
  9. I don't understand why this game didn't get a sequel yet. It got an HD remaster, and who knows if it'll get another remaster. I could do with that, but I would prefer they make a sequel instead. I loved the fighting and action, the driving could use some work, but it wasn't awful. Just give me a new game in the series please.
  10. I swear I heard about this around the time the original Xbox came out. It sounds true. But I guess the story is, Rockstar wanted to make GTA 3 exclusive to the Xbox, but Microsoft rejected it instead. This news comes from that new documentary about the birth and history of Xbox from the past 20 years. It would have been interested to see Xbox have the GTA series. Do you think GTA would have been as successful if it was an Xbox exclusive? Makes you wonder if it would have resulted in GTA online today. You can read about this here - https://screenrant.com/gta-3-xbox-exclusive-microsoft-grand-theft-auto/
  11. This is pretty cool. I guess a lot of schools are joining the 2022 Games for Change (G4C) Student Challenge, which tasks students to create their own video games. The purpose of the event is for students to create games about real-world issues impacting their communities. I think more schools should implement something like this, because it gives students a lot more to do, and plus, we could see potential future developers out of this. So A+ to them! 🙂 You can read more here - https://www.news10.com/news/high-school-students-designing-video-games-for-a-national-competition/
  12. This happened just 20 hours ago, but it's been something that has been happening more and more it seems. Amazon's services were down last week or the week before it, where services that used Amazon were also down, this means that some video games servers were down and were inaccessible. Anyway, it seems to have happened again. You can read more about that in the article below. https://gamerant.com/amazon-web-service-outage-impacting-video-games/ So my concern is this, will Amazon continue to go down like this? Or was this just two random occurances to never happen again?
  13. Have you ever tried to do random challenges in games? Maybe it's something a friend set up, or you have a friend do. Basically, you challenge someone to a game, but create up your own game within the game. Maybe in SMB3 you have to get through a certain level the fastest, go without collecting coins or powerups, etc. Just random challenges friends do with one another. You can make it competitive too. I was thinking it'd be fun to be able to set up these fun challenges and see where it takes us. Could be a fun way to stream content too.
  14. With Nintendo Online for the online service they offer, they give you games from NES, SNES and I think they just added N64 correct? Anyway, I know that these are only offered through the Nintendo Online service. I heard a while back that some of these games may even feature online play. Is this true? Cause I'd love to revisit some classic two-player NES, SNES and N64 games with family and friends. First I just need to get a switch. lol But yeah, do some of the SNES,NES, N64 games feature online capabilities? If so, how does it work? Does it work good?
  15. This is meant for games released this year, in 2021. Please refrain from listing older games, as this is meant to be a discussion for all the games released in 2021 that you consider to be the best of the year. For me, I can honestly say I haven't played a whole lot of games from the 2021 season. I played the likes of Unpacking, which I thought was a joy to play. I also played Teardown, but I don't know if that officially released this year or is still in early access. I also played people Playground this year, but that released in 2019, so doesn't count. Other than that, I haven't really touched any games from 2021, at least not that I can remember. List your best games of 2021 in here.
  16. What are some of your favorite games that feature a cat, dog, or other animal as a main character? Nothing like what Daxter was in Jak and Daxter, but more a realistic animal that you can control in game. I know there are a few games where you can play as a dog, I'm sure there are some where you can even play as a cat. I know GTA V gives you the ability to play as any animal, at least for fun. But, are there any other games, good games, that feature a playable animal as the main playable character?
  17. I had no idea about this, but I guess there are a fair amount of blind gamers out there. Of course being blind doesn't mean you can't 100% see, there's all kinds of issues that blind people face, but some can actively play video games perfectly fine, while some may need help with certain devices. Are there any games made mostly for the blind? Do you know anyone who's blind and is able to play some games?
  18. Deathloop became an instant classic when it released this year, and I can totally see this game getting a sequel and very soon. I doubt Arkane Studios will ship out a sequel anytime soon, but maybe within the next couple years we'll see some semblance of a future sequel. Do you think this game will get a sequel? I wonder if they'd release it only on Xbox since Bethesda published it, but idk if Arkane Studios is also owned by Xbox or Bethesda. If not, they could probably peace out from Bethesda to get their future titles released on all consoles.
  19. Honestly I'm not that much of a fan of Ninja, never have been and probably never will be. He's famous because he's good at video games, and I guess has a personality people enjoy. But, I can never get into his streams. Do you guys enjoy watching his streams? What are some other twitch streamers like him, but are better to watch? What are your thoughts on Ninja as a streamer?
  20. With how games are these days, I could see them going free to play, at least when it comes to the online modes. Reason why, is because so many of these studios can make them live service games, where they constantly update and add new items to their marketplace. Think Fortnite and stuff like that. I can see in the near future that they'd try to make more games free to play to capitalize on the microtransactions and so on. What do you think?
  21. Yeah Desmund was a boring character. If they gave us a good modern day character, I think we would have gotten a modern day Assassin's Creed already. If they just made a good character to get behind, I think the modern day story would have played better. Because let's face it. It was clear from the first two games they wanted to extend it into modern times. Maybe they could still do it with a whole new character, but idk if they ever will.
  22. Yeah I hear they are heavy on top of it all. Plus with the wires and controllers it's probably even more cumbersome. I think they warn you about playing too long. I guess I didn't consider neck pain when I was thinking about it. I've never wore a pair before, but I imagine they're not very light.
  23. So trypophobia is the fear of holes or clusters of holes and fear of certain patterns? I never heard of that fear before. I guess you learn something new everyday. There does seem to be some holes in the video. During one part you walk over a floor that looks like a square hole he'll or something, but you can walk over it. Earlier in the video, there is a circle with a hand coming out of it. But I didn't notice anything else. Unless I'm confusing the phobia to something else?
  24. I was genuinely surprised because the movies weren't that great. I mean they're fun because of how dumb they are. But I think that's the point. Anyway, I just liked the twists in the game. The controls suck, but the way the game plays out, is kinda fun. Idk. Maybe it's because I like the dumb movies. Idk.
  25. Yeah it looks anxiety inducing to me, but I want to give it a try. I think the main reason is because it reminds me of pt. But I think I gotta stop comparing pt to everything. Not 100% sure. I assume unreal engine, but it could be unity.
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