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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. Oh yeah, I'd grab up all of the classic gaming magazines as well. I wish I took better care of my magazines growing up, I had a decent collection. But I was the type to cut stuff out and make dumb art stuff as a kid. I'd go back and get the Electronic Gaming Monthlys, Nintendo Power and maybe that Sega magazine that came out years ago. Also, I think I'd be into revisiting when I got my PlayStation as a kid. Just to revisit that feeling of getting the console and all the games. Idk, I think going back even further though would give me an even bigger nostalgia trip, because I didn't grow up when the NES was in its prime, and seeing the games and console brand new in the day, would be exciting.
  2. That's what Assassin's Creed does a lot. They usually throw a little message before each of their games, saying something about how their team is a diverse one with many different religions. And I think they mention about the game being inspired by true events or something. I forget, haven't played an AC game since Syndicate lol. True, you either go full force and tell the true story, or you go in a different direction and create upon the real story. For me, I think it depends on the story of the game, the idea and the characters. Sometimes I like 100% accuracy, but then I also don't mind when some games go a little overboard with the creativity and change the story up. I suppose you could say it's pretty much about preference.
  3. If you thought Lawn Mower Simulator was far enough, wait until you get a load of this game: 😄
  4. Star Wars is jumping into the battle arena genre with Star Wars: Hunters. The gameplay trailer for it looks pretty dope, but I heard it's being developed by Zynga. Not a fan of that, considering Zynga is a bit mobile developer. The game is coming out for Switch, iOS and Android. No mention of PC, PS or Xbox though. Is this a buy for you? I'll admit, it does look kinda fun, but I do worry it's going to be microtransaction heavy. But, we'll see.
  5. I heard a while ago that you can add Discord to Xbox now, and it shows all your discord friends and servers and such. But is it worth using? I'm kind of tempted to connect my account, but I am kinda privitate, in that I don't like people seeing when I'm online. If I appear offline on Xbox, it won't show me online on Discord correct?
  6. Do you ever take time out to clean up your gaming collection? Like, maybe take a day to clean up discs, cases (not cardboard ones), carts, and even the consoles. I have thought about cleaning my collection more often, as it gets covered in dust so often. One of these days I plan to put up a shell across my wall. I will then put all my games up in it. But, what I was thinking to curb dust, was to install glass doors. This way I can still see my collection, and it protects from dust and other junk.
  7. Nintendo did try to do a VR headset thing a while ago through their labo kit, but it isn't like VR in the sense of what Oculus does. Do you think that Nintendo could join the VR world one of these days? I think it'd be great to see Nintendo doing VR, because they have a catalog of games that could easily do VR. Imagine playing a Zelda game in VR, or flipping around a level as Mario. I don't see it happening anytime soon though. It's probably years off.
  8. If the source material the game is based on, or is in a time of history, do you want that game to be 100% accurate to the time and story? Or do you like how, say Assassin's Creed does it, where it mixes real characters and their history, with made up characters and ideas? I think there's a place for historical accuracy in certain games, but I don't think every game needs to be accurate to the truth. What is your preference? Do you want your historical games to be true to the times? Or do you want to play around with the times and do whatever you want?
  9. I think the biggest thing to gaming in recent years is VR gaming. To me, video games haven't really changed all too much. Sure we've had some additions with rhythm based games like Guitar Hero, Rock Band, etc. And great new mechanics in video games. But I feel video games have been a constant for the past 15-20 years. At least for me, because each new console has been an easy experience for me to adjust to. I guess dealing with online connectivity was a change, but it was more of a welcomed change, to finally be able to play video games online with friends. Aside from that, I think the only adjustments you really got to make is to your wallet, because each new generation consoles cost a ton, and I've never been able to adjust to that.
  10. That's the time I think I'd want to go to. Even though I grew up in the 90s, I still want to experience the 80s gaming scene and see how people saw gaming for the first time. When I first saw SMB3 myself, I was mesmerized. It is by far one of the best looking games on the NES hands down. It has aged like fine wine. Anyway, to see people experience those games for the first time, would be a wild thing to see I think.
  11. No? I mean, unless you count me thinking about playing games as my subconscious telling me to? I mean, I have thought about certain games before playing them, and if you mean to plan out your attack in a game, sure I guess. I will often take it slow in a stealth game for example. I rarely rush, because I like to strategize and find the best route. Anyway, I'm sure I do some planning in my head. Unless I completely confused the question. I do that sometimes.
  12. I don't really read either to be honest. I used to read reviews, but haven't bothered with most review sites lately. But I also don't really read up on video game essays or anything else like it. But I do like when someone goes into depth on a video game, it's tech, its story, its ideas and more. Reviews can be like essays, where they go really into detail about the subject matter, but more so. Talking about characters, their motives, etc. I like when people talk about games history as well, or stories around video games. That's fun too.
  13. Oh yeah, the Zelda games that came out for that Panasonic console was laughable. I've never played it, but I hear they were awful. But yeah, I figure Nintendo won't ever support the PC side of things. I'm still surprised they supported mobile games. But, who knows in the next 5-10 years or more. Maybe one day minds will change and they will consider it.
  14. Oh cool. This sounds interesting. The makers of the new Matrix are releasing a free tech demo from Epic games and some of the team from the upcoming movie. I think it is expected to drop on Dec 9th during the upcoming game awards. And I assume you can actually play the tech demo the same day. You can find more info on this story here - https://www.gematsu.com/2021/12/the-matrix-awakens-an-unreal-engine-5-experience-for-ps5-xbox-series-pre-download-now-available
  15. I've been playing Wreckfest lately through Xbox game pass, and I've been having a blast with it. I am nearing the end I think, and I was wondering if you guys have any suggestions for games like it? This game has racing, demolition derby, all kinds of vehicles (cars, busses, lawn mowers, a love seat car, and a few other drivable vehicles with various makes, types and models. I'm by no means a car person, so don't know a lot of the car types, but they have pretty much everything so far. I don't think they have like sports cars, but I have two other sections yet to get to the final race series, so I'm kinda hoping we get to race some race cars. Most of the cars I've seen so far are derby worthy cars. Anyway, any suggestions for games like it? It also has a realistic destruction with the cars. I imagine most racing games have that though. To give you an idea, here's a trailer for Wreckfest:
  16. Not video games, but more a product test, new controllers, accessibility stuff, and more. Have you ever done a gaming study or a beta test on a new gaming product? I know most companies put you on a non-disclosure agreement, so I don't expect you to reveal any secret details. Just as long as you don't break your contract, you can talk about aspects of what you do. I know someone who has done a gaming study for an accessibility controller, think like the new Xbox Accessibility controller that released a while ago, but from a different company. I can't say who or what it is. Just that it's for accessibility in gaming. I myself, have tried to get into these studies and beta tests, because they do often pay you. I heard some got paid just in the interview process. But yeah, anyone have this opportunity themselves?
  17. I think as I've gotten older, my tolerance for old style graphics has gone down. I seem to get eye strain whenever I play games from the beginning of the 3D era. For some reason the graphics strains my eyes if I play too much. I played goldeneye on an N64 a while back and couldn't play for long because it just bugged me after a while. Do you ever have that with older games? Have any newer games stressed out your eyes or given you a headache? I don't think I've ever had a serious headache from gaming, but I think gaming too long has done it for me. But I wouldn't blame that on games, but more on me sitting in one spot for too long.
  18. Since YouTube is pretty much dying out, or shall I say, paying less and less for content creators, it made me wonder how Facebook is for streaming gaming content. I see a lot of streams happening more and more on Facebook, and it seems to be hugely popular, getting a lot of views, engagement and shares. Does anyone here stream at all? If so, would you consider streaming on Facebook? I hear people get paid more streaming on Facebook as well. Do you know anyone who streams gaming on facebook and enjoy it?
  19. Yeah there are a few. I did a quick search and found one of the top ones being National Videogame Museum in Frisco Texas. And on a deeper, or a fairly fast dive, I found wikipedia already saved me the time by listing all the video game museums out there, at least in terms of what has been entered on wikipedia. There may be others out there yet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_video_game_museums Wish there was one in Michigan. Oh well.
  20. I'm hoping they start producing real console/pc games that are actually good. Not just shovelware, app store games, but AAA games, or titles that can compete with some of the best out today. If Netflix wanted this to blow up, they'd have their own studio cranking out games. They could possibly be the next best game studio out there. They have the money to make it a reality. Who's to say they can't do it? If they hire the best people for the job, they could be making games similar to The Last of Us, GTA, Call of Duty, etc. And not just triple A games, but I could see Netflix reveling in indie games. They won't go very far just doing mobile games, well idk maybe I'm wrong. They could probably rack in a ton from microtransactions and all that, because mobile is good for that. But I think to really blow up, they need to make strides in serious games, indie titles and new ideas.
  21. That's very likely. Especially since I think he's still CEO as we speak and no action has been taken. I think I heard something about another possible walkout by employees, but that could have been another studio recently. Either way, this is messed up, and I don't get why they haven't kicked him out yet. I believe it could be what killamch89 said here. There's something more going on here that will likely be revealed if he is removed as CEO. Maybe some of the people accused of sexual assault are on the board and are keeping him on because if he's let go, their problems will come to light. That's what I'm going to guess is going on here. Because any other company would have removed him from CEO or he would have resigned from his position. As of this moment, it looks like Bobby Kotick is still the CEO of Activision/Blizzard. Somethings up.
  22. I've never done it, but I think if you have a group of friends who are into it, it can't hurt to try out. I'm not a very social person off the internet, so it would have to be really close friends to get me to go out there. I would be out of my comfort zone, but with friends, it'd be easier. I think it could be a fun thing to do though, just not sure if it's my thing. But to each their own. If you enjoy it, more power to ya.
  23. Yup, and to think years ago I had a lot of respect for them. But they continually mess up and do dumb things, so it's becoming harder to side with them, especially when they're becoming the next EA/Activision at this point. In this case, not so much. It reminds me of the time that React channel tried to copyright the phrase "React". But in the end they faced more backlash than anything and decided not to bother with that. I see that being much the same, as the names aren't similar enough to cause any confusion. It's just a greedy company being more greedy. Exactly. I don't even get how they think they have a case here either. A name being similar isn't enough to tell someone to cease use. I'm kinda hoping EA, as much as I can't stand them, will step up and pay any court costs if it happens to come to that. It kinda reminds me when Elder Scrolls sued about a game having the name of their game being "Scrolls". I don't think anyone should be able to copyright a single word, especially when it's kind of a common word, or well known word. Yeah, there's a movie called It Takes Two. I'm sure there are books, and other forms of media with a similar name as well. Except the name isn't an identical match. The names are different enough that it's probably considered fair use. I don't think they have a case for this name at all. If they copyrighted "Take-Two" that's one thing, but I'm pretty sure they didn't copyright "It Takes Two" unless they just did so recently in spite of the game.
  24. I have a friend who wants me to get into Second Life with him, but I don't know if I can be bothered to play a game like it. I had no idea it was even still around until someone mentioned possibly playing it. I looked it up, and it's still alive and kicking. Do you think a game like Second Life is worth playing today? I can't believe this game has been around since 2003, I feel so damn old lol. If you still play this game, is it worth it for a noob like myself to jump in? Or should I look for something different?
  25. Are there any popular video game museums in the US? Or maybe even ones that feature old PCs and PC gaming. I know there are a couple out there, but what would you all say is the better museums out there? I'd love to see if there is a Nintendo or Mario museum out there. I'm sure there's bound to be old PC museums and all that good stuff. What museums would you recommend? Also, would you be into starting your own museum for video games and gaming history?
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