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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. What if I had a good system that could handle most games? Would it still be laggy if the PC I have is suped up enough? True, but I figure it would be nice not to deal with possible hackers and such. Or would a VPN be suffice? So it would work if I had a good enough PC to handle it? I figure running a vm will take up resources, but as long as I have the ram and gpu to do it, I could play somewhat fine than?
  2. Has anyone here heard of this game? It looks to be a space shooter, and it looks like fun. I thought it was a Playstation exclusive, but it looks to be coming out for everything except for switch. Do you guys think this one is a buy, or is it a pass for you? I think I'll going to wait a while before checking it out.
  3. G4 has come back and it's nice to see this group making content again. I haven't seen much about it since it came back though, but from what I see, they aren't bringing it back as a channel, but they seem to be doing content on twitch and youtube. Did they actually bring the channel back as well? Or are they just going to focus on twitch and YouTube going forward?
  4. Kane99


    Has anyone played this game? It's like dead by daylight mixed with prophunt type games. Yours skills are changing into something on the to trick the monster or villain. It looks like a lot of fun, but doesn't look like it does a whole lot different. Check the trailer out below and let me know if you'd play this game. https://youtu.be/QhT5_aCmDCk
  5. I personally don't think Ray tracing is needed. If anything my PC can't even support it, but that's okay. I think graphics look good as it is. If I could afford a PC or a graphics card that can do ray tracing I would get one, but I don't feel it's worth it right now with how high prices are high at the moment.
  6. This is awesome news if it happens. It's about time someone does something, because there's no excuse for how scalpers are using bots to buy up consoles. Soon enough, they won't be able to use bots at all I hope. Do you think this will make a difference?
  7. Or any of those self deduction games where you have to guess who the spy or impostor is. I played Among Us a few times and honestly it gives me more anxiety than most games. I think it's mainly to do with having to defend yourself. I suck at it, so I always look and sound suspicious even when I'm not the impostor. Anyway, I stopped playing it because it would just be too anxiety inducing. Have you ever had these feelings towards games?
  8. I believe it was an update mostly, but I think it added a new campaign to an existing map. It was nice to boot the game back up after all these years.
  9. I agree with this. I think when you use jump scares right and sparingly, it works out better. But with like layers of fear, the jump scares kinda become lazy. Dead by daylight is a good pick. For me though, most multi-player horror games aren't that scary to me. I find when it's a horror game that's single player it scares me a lot more.
  10. Yeah, but they kind require updates in order to play. Do you just not play then? Yeah that's a good option. If you don't connect online you won't need to do any updates. Some people do that so they don't have to update the games. I have some wrestling 360 games that I may play offline. But im also tempted to get achievements so I would need to update it to play. I could also download the patches, play, then when I get the achievements, I can then delete the patches and play offline in the future.
  11. I suppose so. Just thought it odd that they would care so much for this, but weren't going out of their way to complain about the many bugs and problems. But, I suppose it could be looked at in a way that it feels wrong to be releasing DLC when there are fixes that need to be made. Either way, this game is a mess in many regards, and I don't know if it'll ever recover from this. Didn't the last Battlefield fail due to poor sales? Makes me wonder how the sales are for 2042 now.
  12. Well well well, looks like Sony is going to be making their own version of gamepass, and they're saying it could include PS1, PS2, PS3, and PSP games. The service is codenamed Spartacus, and is said to be coming for both PS4 and PS5. If this turns out to be true, that would be big for Sony. Gamepass has been huge for Xbox and if Sony can replicate that, it could mean Sony can undercut into that market. What do you think of this? If they can make all PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP games work on this, that would be a huge system seller right there. You can read more about this news at the link below. https://www.gamespot.com/articles/playstation-planning-a-game-pass-competitor-subscription-service-called-spartacus-report/1100-6498580/
  13. Sometimes updates and patches ruin a game and makes them unplayable. Are there any games you play, where you don't connect to the web because you want it to be vanilla, like the day 1 experience? I know some people prefer the original release, as they can use glitches and other exploits to get ahead, and usually updates change those. I haven't done this myself for any games. But if I ever decide to, I might just delete certain update files for games on my 360 for example. I'm sure there are some games that are better before the updates even.
  14. Jak & Daxter was a surprise hit game for me back when I got a PS2. I remember playing the first two games religiously. But I couldn't get into much of the sequels. I didn't care for the serious tone the game went in, I wanted to go back to what the game was about in the first game. Anyway, it's been 20 years and I can't believe it's been that long. I feel like I played it recently, yet I haven't touched a game in the series for probably 15 years now lol. What was your favorite from the series? 1 and 2 for me, but what about you? Also, wouldn't it be nice if we finally got a sequel. I think the last game we got in the series was a Daxter game for the PSP. It's been a long time coming. Also, check out Tech Raptors post about the 20 year anniversary: https://techraptor.net/gaming/features/on 20-years-jak-and-daxter
  15. This is so utterly stupid. I get that Take-Two owns their name "Take-Two" but I don't think they own the literal phrase when being used. It Takes Two is the idea of the game. I'm pretty sure they have no case here. There are movies called "IT Takes Two". Take-Two shouldn't have any right to a name unless people are calling their business take-two. You can read more about this story here - https://cogconnected.com/2021/12/take-two-interactive-trademark-it-takes-two-studio/ Do you think they have a case? I sure as hell hope not, because this just sounds awfully wrong to me.
  16. I don't recall owning LCD games like this, nore did I have watches like this. I had a Flintstones watch when I was a kid, and maybe a Simpsons watch, but that was the extent of it. Nothing like this in LCD game form, like those cheap handheld LCD games you could buy back in the 90s. But these are just cool to have in a collection I think. Would you have worn one of these when you were a kid? Found this from John Riggs on Instagram. He's a good retro gaming YouTuber who does retro stuff and retro repair. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXBmXNIpMkn/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  17. Noice! I've heard little Samson is a more rare title. I've started to keep an eye out for more rare Nintendo games like that. Thrift stores will sometimes surprise you. I want to start going thrifting again to find games. I want to build my collection of games again. Just hope these shops don't charge ebay prices or something.
  18. To my knowledge, what happened was that the team working on the remaster, didn't have the final source code, so they had to work with a previous build of the game and go from there. Which meant that a lot of the game didn't have the fog cover that helped cover up its imperfections and there was other issues present. Oh and the final source code they needed, was lost I heard. Check out the video Matt McMuscles did about the making of the HD collection. It goes into details about what happened and why.
  19. I played Mario Is Missing years ago, but it wasn't for me. I guess it's a fairly simple game once you know what to do, but I when I played, I was a kid and I had no idea what to do lol. Operation Weather Disaster sounds vaguely familiar. I might have to check them both out though. I completely forgot about Carmen Sandiego. My school had that game, but they never let us play it. I just don't think they ever installed the game on the school computers. But I always wanted to play that game.
  20. Nice, you must have a decent collection going. Do you ever have plans to put them on a shelf? Or are you going to keep them in bins for easier access? I kinda dream of having a game room where I can put up tons of shelves with all the games I have. I just like the idea of seeing all of my games lined up. Plus I also want to put gaming memorabilia around the collection as well. But yeah, I get that. Sometimes it's not easy to display everything, especially if you may have a smaller room or house and can't accomodate a ton of games in one area.
  21. We've gotten our fair share of South Park games over the years, and a bit of a resurgence with the recent Stick of Truth and the Fractured But Whole games. I liked Stick of Truth, but have yet to play FBW yet, but plan to one of these days. Thing is, I think it'd be so cool if they made a fighting game featuring the characters from the show. I'm surprised this has not yet happened, because I think it'd sell like crazy. Plus, you have a well of characters that can be added, with different styles and movesets I bet. Would you be into a South Park fighting game? Maybe the people behind Mortal Kombat can take it on. 😄
  22. Remember when Left 4 Dead 2 got a new update I think just last year. I forget, but it was updated for the first time in forever. And it made me wonder about what other games received updates or even DLC after the game is either long since forgotten or the service was discontinued. What games have you seen that got updates after years of being dormant?
  23. If there was ever a chance to go back in time and revisit an old generation of gaming, what generation would you go back to? This is a tough one for me, because I think I'd like to go back to the generation where the NES came out. I was born in 89, but I would have loved to see how gaming took off when the NES was released. These days, the impact games have aren't as big as they used to be, at least for us who already experiences games growing up. But, I miss that feeling of finding something new and unique. You can't really get that these days. Discuss what generation you'd go back to if you could. 🙂
  24. That's call of duty for ya, they are always dealing with glitches or nefting something. I don't know how many times they've nerfed guns that are a little OP. I get that, but most of their games became hacked messes after a while. I remember COD 4, and Modern Warfare 2 became hacked messes after about a year in. But, I'm glad they're working on fixing things, but they will be working on things for the rest of the year and following year.
  25. I can't say I emulate what I do in games in real life. Maybe if it's a game that involves real life actions, like doing chores, going on the computer, and other such things, but I can't think of anything I've done in a video game, that I also did in real life. Aside from maybe driving, riding a bike, riding a horse that one time and a few more things I'm sure. But yeah, that's really all I can think of.
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